89. Count Your Blessings

Affirmation: “I am creative, blissful, and blessed!”

Every day you’re blessed with hundreds of beautiful and amazing moments. Today it’s your job to notice them. Really think about the gifts your life brings every day. Think of all the people you care about, the amazing experiences you’ve had, all the beauty and enjoyment you’ve experienced and seen. Flip back through your memory and rewitness some of the peak experiences in your life. Count your blessings. Having a positive view of your life will make your life more positive. Your perception is your reality, and how you choose to view your life is what makes it the way it is. You are the architect of your world and reality, and you can build it as you choose with your consciously chosen thoughts, words, and actions.

Exercise: Blessed Bliss Balloons

It is time to do a fun, silly, and fresh craft. You’re going to be counting your blessings in a new way to help you view your life more positively. Balloons are seen as objects of childhood joy and fun, reminders of purity of the heart, and are our chosen shape.

Gather up some colored pieces of construction paper. Choose your very favorite colors. Cut out large, oval-shaped balloons from your papers. Take some pieces of yarn and use scotch tape to affix them at the bottom of the ovals as the strings for your balloons.

Next, decorate each balloon with one or more statements of the blessings in your life. For example, one balloon might be about your friends, and you could write “my amazing friends” on the balloon along with all their names. You could also add “new friends soon to come.”

Once you have decorated all your balloons with words and phrases counting your blessings, arrange them into a bunch. It will be flat but still look like a cluster of balloons.

Use tape or staples and attach the balloons together so that you have one big bunch of two-dimensional balloons.

Put your balloons somewhere you’ll see them every day, maybe in your bedroom. They will give you a chance to joyfully and beautifully count your blessings every single day.

Acknowledging your blessings makes them proliferate. #joyfulliving101
