9. Self-Love

Affirmation: “I am awesome! I accept my amazing, awesome self exactly as I am in this moment. I love myself.”

Loving yourself is the fast pass to bliss! Self-love is the magical elixir that creates a blissful soul. This next chapter is dedicated to your lifetime journey of true love with yourself. The relationship that you have with yourself will be the most important one of your life. Treasure it and tend it with great care.

You are awesome! It’s the truth. You are incredible, perfect, just as you are. You are a treasure of true beauty. It’s a fact, and I don’t have to know you personally to know it is true. You are innately perfect. There was nothing wrong with you when you were born. Then you grew; you learned. You changed in some ways. Some mistakes were made. Some great choices were also made. You are a rich tapestry of human being-ness. You are beautiful, just as you are.

How can this be? How can you believe it? Believe it you must: it is your key to a blissful life, one where you accept yourself, your flaws, your quirks, your secrets, your fears, and your talents. Self-acceptance is powerful. It empowers you. And it leads to self-love, the single most impactful thing in your world.

When you love yourself, life aligns. It is an amazing truth. The more you strive to love and accept yourself, the happier your life will be. You are an amazing, sacred, beautiful treasure just as you are. And you matter. You must be the one to assert your importance in your life. It is important that you have fun. It is important that you are rejuvenated.

You are lovable. Believe this, no matter your history and no matter what you are told. Know that you are worthy of love and that the first and most important place to get that love is from within.

Exercise: Accept Your Awesomeness

In this exercise you’re going to practice telling yourself that you’re just right and worthy, just the way you are. You’re going to start shedding the negative images and ideas that society tries to push on all of us and start learning to love yourself.

Repeat these words aloud or in your mind now: “I am exactly right, exactly as I am. I am worthy of love, exactly as I am.”

Exactly as you are. Think about that on a deeper level. Weigh it against much of what the media tells you. It is challenging to feel this truth, that you are exactly right exactly as you are. Rate how hard it is for you to feel this way on a scale of zero to ten, with zero being not hard at all and ten being almost impossible.

Keep repeating the statement, and see if it gets easier to feel its truth within you.

Accepting yourself is essential to having healthy self-esteem. Think of it as something that is crucial to your wellness. It’s just as important as brushing your teeth or eating healthful foods to fuel your body. Accept yourself today.

You are perfect. Treat yourself like the being
of beauty you truly are.
