Affirmation: “I choose spiritual romance. I am sacred!”
Reawaken the sacred in your love life and find the joy in romance. Spiritual romance is for you if you are looking for a new paradigm in relationships and you want to create more self-love in your life. Self-love is the key to healthy romance.
In this case spiritual doesn’t mean religious. It means conscious, mindful. Maybe you like yoga and helping preserve the environment, and you are also self-aware. You probably like to explore different forms of spirituality, like Chinese medicine and Taoism, Ayurveda and Hindu culture, or Unity Churches.
To practice spiritual romance, four things must be in place. First, you must cultivate self-love. Do this by treating yourself like a treasured lover or a cherished family member, with ultimate love and kindness. Self-love is the key to a satisfying love life. Strengthen yourself to attract the best dates and relationships and have the most fun. Choose you! It is always all about you—even when it is about your love life. Everything improves when you deal self-love into the game. Your life, including your love life, grows more meaningful when you love yourself.
By loving yourself, you take the need out of relationships. Instead, you are happy and fulfilled on your own, and a great date or relationship is just the icing on the cake. With a healthy level of self-love, you guarantee your own overall happiness, dates or no dates. That same self-love transforms you into a compelling and alluring prospective partner. In the beginning of dating and relationships, an air of self-reliance and a bit of mystery make you super interesting. Your presence enhances your partner’s fulfilling life and vice versa, and then you have a healthy relationship.
Second, you must consider yourself sacred. You can create a happy, healthy life by remembering that you are sacred. Sacred means precious, special, a treasure of true beauty—that’s you! To do this, only make choices that honor your sacredness one hundred percent. Talk to yourself with respect and honor. Act and live the fact that you are sacred.
If you consider yourself sacred, you know you can trust yourself. You know that you are going to make great decisions that honor you. In that way, you can feel emotionally safe. You can create that for yourself. In the exercise later in the chapter, I’ll help you feel how sacred you are. One of the pillars of a strong, successful life as a single person or as part of a couple is being able to have faith and trust in yourself. When you consider yourself sacred and choose actions that support that truth, you reinforce the inner belief that you truly can trust yourself. You create truth and inner strength within you. That translates into confidence and emotional safety, which then become comfort with yourself and your world.
Third, you must consider your romantic partner to be sacred. If you can’t see your partner as sacred, then they aren’t the right person for you. You can create a pleasant, loving relationship by remembering your partner is sacred and not settling for someone who doesn’t see your sacredness. Sacredness is the key!
Finally, romantic partners must see themselves and you as sacred. Be observant and notice how your partner talks about her or himself. Does he or she engage in lots of negative self-talk? If so, your partner may not see him- or herself as sacred.
How does your partner treat you? Does she or he really listen, and is she or he fully present? Does he or she treat you with complete respect? Those are starting points to determine if she or he sees you and herself or himself as sacred. Listen to your intuition. You will be able to sense the vibe pretty easily.
If your partner does not clearly see you as sacred, move on. Spiritual romance will never be possible, but you deserve it. Choose a fun night out with friends instead or go to an art opening or yoga workshop. Cherish your sacredness and hold out for that in any potential relationships.
Exercise: “I Am Sacred” Meditation and Poster
Take a few minutes and sit or lie down in a peaceful spot. Quiet your mind and focus on your breathing. Let your consciousness unwind, and bring your attention to your brow center. Feel it begin to gently pulse.
Introduce a mantra. Repeat these words in your mind: “I am sacred.” Each time your attention wanders, repeat the mantra again in your mind. Let yourself simultaneously relax and focus on the truth that you are sacred.
After a few minutes, return your focus to your brow center and notice pulsing there again. Next, ask your brain to absorb the knowledge that you are sacred. As you do this, allow yourself to feel a part of your head that will pulse extra and absorb this knowledge. Is it in the front? The back? Is it tingly or warm?
Now, ask your body to absorb the truth that you are sacred. Notice if a part of your body responds particularly to this. Does a part of you feel extra sensation? More heat or coolness?
Place your hands on the center of your chest and tell your heart how sacred it is. Feel it respond. Notice any sensations. Connect with your sacredness to deeply integrate it.
After you wrap up your mediation, get out some craft supplies and make a poster that says, “I am sacred.” This will further affirm your sacredness. Decorate it beautifully. Hang it in your bedroom next to your bed, where you will see it every night and morning, or be more discreet by making a postcard and placing it on the computer or mirror. It will reprogram your cells each time you see it. You will read it without thinking. Even if you don’t believe it at first, the message will penetrate your consciousness. See how your life changes for the better over time and how much happier you feel.
Spiritual romance is based on mutual respect and kindness. #joyfulliving101