Affirmation: “I am joyfully one with all existence.”
Union. What does it mean to you? Connection? Universality? What if part of what it means is that we are all united, even with those we don’t know or maybe even don’t like very much? How might that translate into your life? What if you are in union with your obnoxious coworker or your shifty ex? What if we are even in union with those who harm others? Are we all a reflection of each other?
What if we are all the same being? Ponder that. Consider it. Can you imagine it? Does it resonate?
You feel interconnection in various ways. It might be subtle or in your face, but you know you are not a complete island alone in existence. You are connected to something else, whether it’s your computer, a friend, or a pet.
When you are open to feeling universal union, you can feel more bliss. This is because you internalize that you’re not in opposition to a dualistic world; you are a part of it, and you belong here. You are meant to be here on earth amid all the chaos on the planet. Union lets you feel that on a deeper level. It helps you understand that on a vast soul level you chose to come here and have the experiences you have had. That can be hard to swallow sometimes. You are part of a dance of destiny and free will here on earth for a time, and then you will return to a much more expanded reality. You may have an idea of what follows this life, or you may not be sure. It is one of life’s great mysteries, but we get a glimpse into the larger reality beyond duality when we feel union and when we have experiences of interconnection, love, and bliss.
Reach for an awareness of this unity. You’ve been a little bit asleep in your human body. Now you are awakening to endlessness, and it is amazingly glorious. With union, you can better know that you are a part of that radiance. You are a beautiful, radiant, infinite spirit. We are one.
Exercise: Feel Union
In this activity you will be exploring interaction with people you care about. This will allow you to be open to feeling the union between you and all life. As a result you will likely feel more happy and whole and less alone in the world.
Sit with your hands over the center of your chest. Think of someone you love dearly. Feel that love. Picture their face. Say to them aloud or internally, “I am you, and you are me. We are one.”
How does that feel? Do you feel the love for them and yourself? Now picture a pet you’ve had or met and liked. Envision the pet’s face in your mind. How do you feel toward it? Loving? Wistful? Fond? Now, say to the pet aloud or in your mind, “I am you, and you are me. We are one.”
Notice how that feels. Close your eyes and sense into your body. Where do you feel it pulse? Look around you for a living plant. Is there one in the room? If not, out the window do you see a tree? Look at it. Keep its image in your mind and say to it, “I am you, and you are me. We are one.” What comes back from it? Close your eyes and sense what you feel. Colors? Sounds? Feelings? Tingling? Thank the beings with which you have just experienced connection. Outstretch your arms and say aloud, “I am in harmonious union with all existence for my highest good.”
Bring your arms down. How does it feel? Let your body pulse in all directions with union. Absorb goodness and feel interconnection.
When you are ready, stand up; vigorously rub your arms, legs, and torso; and say, “I am _________ (your first name here). I enjoy my healthy unity with life for my highest good.”
We are all the same being. Union is the true reality of existence. #joyfulliving101