94. Giving Is Living

Affirmation: “I let giving fill me with joy.”

When our lives are full and abundant and we are grateful, a natural extension of that gratitude is giving. We give because we have so much. Giving brings us joy and bliss. We do it because we are internally, emotionally abundant. And sharing just feels good! Bliss and joy result because giving from the heart feels good. Try it today!

You can choose to give as a daily part of life. You can choose to share because you are grateful. You can be in the flow, feel complete, and give of yourself in an easy, gentle way and feel brighter and happier. You can choose joy through giving in gratitude.

Giving is a beautiful thing. It drives your life forward, as you are an example of living grace. It brings your life color and vividness. It incites feelings of bliss and endless caring. When you believe in a benevolent, abundant world, why would you do anything but give and shine in joy?

Have you ever heard the phrase “live to give”? If you feel that your reason for living is small or meaningless, you can live for greatness by living to give. It’s the ultimate in positivity, abundance, and gratitude. It’s a fresh innovation in a world of lack and fear. You can bust the system that tells you that you’ll never have enough and must acquire more stuff. You can do this by affirming your endless abundance and giving and sharing in a celebration of gratitude. By doing this, you enter a new era! You step into the power of the moment where you’re present, abundant, and grateful for the endless bounty in your life. Your heart can relax and open in this way. You can have confidence in the goodness of the world in which you live. And you can discover bliss each day by giving of yourself.

Giving makes you glow. It answers the call of the heart. You can donate your money or your time to a local soup kitchen or animal shelter. You can give some of your excess possessions to a local fundraising sale. But giving isn’t always about money or things. Sometimes giving is offering a contact to a colleague who could use a hand up. Giving can be listening when a family member has had a rough day. And sometimes giving is picking wildflowers for someone you care about.

Exercise: How Can You Give?

Set up a page in your journal on which you list each day how you gave a gift to life. This might include things like calling a friend with kind words, doing a favor for an elderly neighbor, inviting a new friend on an activity they might enjoy, lovingly assisting someone with a task they find difficult, bringing a special treat to someone who could use a pick-me-up, mailing a “just because” card to a special friend.

Write how it felt to give each of the things you listed. Did you feel blissful, happy, or more abundant through giving? Find ways to give every day, and enhance your bliss by affirming the abundance of goodness in your life with the gratitude displayed through giving.

Every kind word or action has an equal reaction.
What you put out comes back to you.
Why not make it caring and joyful?
