97. Emotional Safety and Security
Affirmation: “I am emotionally fluid and safe.”
Emotional safety and security are ingredients that can greatly enhance your bliss. When you feel emotionally safe and secure, you have a solid internal, emotional foundation. You truly love yourself and know that you can trust yourself. You know that you will care for yourself in a way that is for your highest good.
Being able to trust yourself to make great decisions and even to talk about yourself kindly and with self-love are amazing assets. This self-trust is the cornerstone of feeling emotionally safe. It starts within you. It’s your foundation. And if you did not start your life feeling emotionally safe and secure, you can cultivate the feeling now. The first step is to love and honor yourself.
Internal, emotional safety comes from accepting the fact that you are sacred. If you believe and integrate this truth about yourself, it will change the way you think, speak, and act. It will drastically change your life for the better and help create more and more bliss.
Learn to live in a way that honors your sacredness. Only make decisions that affirm how sacred you are. Only say things about yourself that affirm your love for yourself. Watch your thoughts! Think positive, loving things about yourself and make a commitment to be conscious about treating yourself with love and sacredness. You are sacred.
Exercise: Your Positive Foundation
This activity is intended to get you to look at the positive qualities of people you admire and then at your own positive qualities. This will help you realize that you are also worthy of admiration. You can answer these questions in your journal:
• What positive core values did your immediate family pass on to you?
• Of everyone you have ever known, whom do you admire most? What makes this person worthy of your admiration?
• Name the four pillars that are your character. These are the parts of your personality and value system that you deem most important and central to who you are.
• What do you consider the most important parts of your own personal foundation (that which holds you up and makes you strong)?
• Affirm all the positive qualities you mentioned above. Write affirmations to strengthen your foundation. Say them aloud after writing them and whenever so moved. Here are some examples:
• I am levelheaded.
• I have a large support system.
• I am a loyal friend.
• I am a positive thinker.
• I am inventive and innovative.
Say the following affirmation aloud three times: “My inner and outer foundations are strong, stable, and supportive. I empower my sacred foundation for all time. The core of my being is my strength and steadiness.”
There is an exemplary pillar of inner strength within you. Acknowledge it to embolden it to grow.