Affirmation: “I am nurtured into blissful radiance by nature, Natura, and my elemental friends.”
In the sometimes confusing, sometimes exhilarating, sometimes blissful, sometimes challenging world that you live in, you have an amazing source of comfort and support right outside your door. That support comes directly from nature. Nature is right there in every tree, blade of grass, stone, pigeon, park, forest, and beach.
Nature is pulsing with life in every moment. It is part of the interconnected web of everything. For people, nature has a unique ability to foster feelings of interconnection. As you witness beauty in nature, whether it’s a single feather or a huge willow tree, you feel connected to other parts of life.
Nature also brings you the experience of being outdoors—the refreshing experience of being outside and breathing fresh air. The lyrical experience of hearing wind blow through the leaves of a tree or listening to songbirds chirp an exuberant tune raises your spirit. Being outside activates your senses. Your senses can take in the bliss of the salty smell of the beach, the warmth of the sun on your skin, and the refreshing water on your toes.
The exciting thing about nature is the aliveness you get to connect to. Being outside reminds you that you are part of nature. You are connected to everything, and though you may dwell in human-built homes, once upon a time your ancestors were wild, running through forests with their hearts beating fast and hearing the call of the wild.
When you feel the wildness of your own spirit, you can connect with the fairies and elementals. These beings have every flavor of personality that you could imagine, from the wild, free, and drumbeat-loving fire elementals to the gentle and ethereal spirits of the wind, dancing with freedom.
Go outside and feel the spirits of nature today. Unfocus your eyes and let yourself take in tiny sparkles all around you. They are nature sparkles, and they’re alive!
Exercise: Nurtured by Natura
Natura is a goddess. She was revered during the Middle Ages and by the ancient Greeks. She was considered a representation and personification of Mother Nature. The Latin word natura, which means “birth,” is the root word of our commonly used “nature.” She was also studied by the mystic and philosopher Rudolph Steiner.
Think of Natura as the feminine spirit of nature. Earlier we met Gaia; she is the being whose body is the Earth and is a separate goddess in Greek mythology. Connecting to Natura, the feminine spirit of nature, can be a comforting and enhancing experience. Give it a try and notice how your overall connection to nature deepens.
Go outside and find a spot to sit that’s comfortable and beautiful. If you have a favorite spot in nature, go there. Relax for a few minutes and quiet your mind. Meditate and feel present, simply being, while taking in the sights, sounds, smells, and feelings of nature.
Say aloud, “I invite the spirits of nature around me to display themselves to me. I come to you in love, and I ask for only the highest good.”
Relax, unfocus your eyes, and open your senses. Feel the spirits of nature around you dancing and playing. Let yourself see them, hear them, smell them, feel them, sense them. Let yourself become aware of the teeming life force surrounding you. It is seen and unseen, physical and nonphysical.
Say hello to the spirits of nature. Sing, dance, and play with them. Thank them.
Then, go back to your spot and sit in the quiet communion with nature and the spirits around you. Feel recognized and validated as you rest and feel the nurturance and support of nature. Give recognition and validation back to the spirits too. They really appreciate it in a world that has partially forgotten them.
Open your heart even more and say aloud, “I now connect with Natura, the feminine spirit of all nature. I welcome the presence of this loving, benevolent, radiant goddess with an open heart for the highest good of all life.” Begin to feel Natura all around you and sitting before you. Let yourself sense her presence. This is Mother Nature.
Physically open your arms in a big hug to Natura and invite her to hug you. Feel her gently move forward and enfold you in her arms. Experience this loving communion with Natura. Hug each other for as long as you’d like, and accept her nurturing energy with an open, grateful heart.
Tell her anything that you would like, and listen with all of your senses for her messages. Enjoy communing with Natura and the elementals for as long as you’d like. When you’re ready, simply thank them all and state, “I now disconnect from the elementals and Natura, as needed for my highest good in love and light.”
Then go about your day and maybe enjoy a fun nature walk to enhance your bliss even further.
Mother Nature offers her nurturing essence to us all freely
with no expectation of reciprocation.