99. Your Amazing Life

Affirmation: “I dance through life, living my bliss, steeped in joy.”

You are the creator of your life. Choose the good stuff. Bliss. Abundance. Love. Fun. Harmony. Joy. Sharing. Kindness. Beauty. Radiance. Color. Grace. Aliveness. You are in control. And yet you are but a spirit, floating like a feather on gentle breezes through dimensions and realities and experiencing diverse wonder with each gust.

You can take the reins and feel amazing in any moment. You are your own guru. You are your own hero. You are the creator, the author, the writer, and even the editor of your own story. Choose one that makes you feel amazing every day.

You get to choose how to be nurtured by life. You get to relax into seductive elegance. You get to dance with freedom and joy and create your own personal paradise. You get to live in light and splash in abundant options. You get to embody the spirit and essence of your own unique bliss.

Exercise: See What Is Amazing

Sometimes it takes commitment to see your awesomeness every single day.

Turn on some music. Make it upbeat, make it uplifting, make it joyful. Turn it up loud.

Dance right now. Dance with passion and vigor. Dance away your density. Dance and dazzle yourself with the delight in the center of your soul. Dare to come alive with this dance right now.

Think about the amazing experiences you have had in your life so far. They might be the obvious kind, like having a close encounter with a beautiful deer in your backyard, or you may just think of a moment when you held hands with your child while crossing the street and she said something quirky. These types of experiences remind us of the joy of being alive. They remind us of the gift of living. Because the truth is that you live an extraordinary life. Even if it appears ordinary on the outside, if you look closer, joy and diverse experiences are all around you.

Notice how extraordinary your life truly is.
It’s filled with love. Open your heart to it.
