Building Marketing Assets
That Appreciate In Value While Generating a Modest Income for Many Years to Come
By Dennis Langlais
What has convinced many to implement the information I am about to share is the following example.
As our population grows, more and more towns form and some become well established cities. It seems like many of these rural towns start with a gas station. As time passes more and more people pass by and eventually that gas station becomes the center of town. More and more traffic, more and more sales, and the land value persistently rises.
Building a web presence delivers in the same fashion. A business owner invests time and effort into creating a functional website that handles more and more of the daily work, like online purchases, online help, instructions, customer management and so much more.
Best of all is working your way up the rankings in the search engines like Google where you acquire “street corner” visibility, just as a gas station enjoys. It’s pretty hard for anyone to come in and take your pole position, because everyone one wants the quick fix. In the past six years there has been a popular website breed coming to the forefront called a funnel. A funnel is a landing page (one page website) that has very narrow and specific information to encourage visitors to give up their email address. An autoresponder then sends them a series of emails to take them through a very strategic sales process. This is an effective model, however it takes highly skilled copywriters to create this version of a website. I also should point out that this model requires you to use methods of paid advertising like Google Adwords and Facebook Ad campaigns.
What if I was to share with you how taking this approach and investing time and money into building your website to produce income in the short term, and to prepare it so that if and when you decide to sell your company, the website becomes the biggest asset you have? Sound good?
Lets Start Growth Hacking
Growth Hack #1
Understand the simple principles of SEO (search engine optimization), which optimizes your website so that you provide information that your prospective clients would love to get their hands on.
Become a master of answering questions, providing information for their betterment, and giving away all your secrets. Focus on writing all of this in such a way that a computer understands not a human, by using accurate, exact and descriptive language.
Most of us know that D.O.J. means Department of Justice. I encourage you not to assume that your reader or the search engines know what you’re talking about. It’s something that can take some getting used to but many businesses have their own jargon that some may understand and some will not. No readers should have to guess.
The basics of content creation are super simple and anyone who makes time to curate it, can do it. You may find your webpage ranking within just a few days by following these simple techniques:
“I encourage you not to assume that your reader or the search engines know what you’re talking about.” #TheGrowthHackingBook #GrowthHackingMovement #GrowthHackingDay
Title - The tile can be the same as your heading or in “HTML” its called H1 the tag form is <h1> for header. Let’s say you want to rank for “Best Coffee In San Diego,” the heading and title should include those exact words.
Sub Heading - this is an elaboration of your heading and also can double as your page description. The page description first appears on the page within the ‘meta tags’ they are not visible unless you do the following:
This is basically what search engines see. There are rumors that they have technology to visually scan your page but it’s not proven as a priority.
Images: images are becoming a more and more valuable way to market your company. As they are added to a web page you can name the actual image based on your keyword search “Best Coffee In San Diego” that may look something like this, ‘Best_Coffee_In_San_Diego.jpg’. Along with this you can add Image Title & Alt tags. It’s encouraged to use the relevant keywords there as well.
Go take a look for yourself. Search Google for a keyword phrase of interest and click on the images tab. While you are at it, try the Videos tab (more on that later).
Paragraphs: We have included the keywords in our Heading and Sub Heading and they don’t have to be in order, however I encourage it if possible.
Next is your Paragraphs, Bullets, Bolded text. The obvious is to have relative content in a paragraph form with your keyword phrase included. If you can reuse the words in your phrases at least 4 to 5 times throughout your page you are doing well.
These simple considerations will do wonders to start you on the path to getting ranked in search engines. Please take note that some industries are much more aggressive in their ranking strategies. In this case we encourage you to go after what we call the low hanging fruit keyword phrases. Phrases that are not so mainstream but will at least help you catch some of the traffic. Each industry has its main go to searches however there are less important ones that you can work towards ranking for.
Once you have obtained a high rank for any keyword it’s likely that you will strong hold that position give or take a few spots for a long time. I began using this strategy back in 2006 and created many pages that got ranked in the top 10 for words that were popular searches in my industry and today in 2019, even after I sold that company in 2013, and the purchaser has not done any sort of improvement, those pages still rank well. That is what we call a long-term investment or appreciating asset. When determining the value of the company the website presence was a key factor. Rightfully so, as we see many years later those pages are generating income all while maintaining a decent rank.
Since then, I have created a competing company and have implemented many newer ranking strategies and eventually because I am continually using newer strategies, I will surpass that company in search engine rankings.
Videos: I highly encourage you to create videos of content and questions where you can. There is no need to hire a video team; all of this can be done on a smart phone. Every phone can capture very high quality video and directly upload the videos straight to Youtube.
Similar to your webpage content use the same principles I shared with content, by having a Header, Title and Paragraphs that use the keywords, then link that video to the pages you have created which have the same keywords. The link is a must! I also encourage you to embed these videos on your pages too.
Questions: If you type a question in the search bar on Google you will notice as of recent, they now have the ability to scan webpages and pull out great answers. This is awesome right? If you master the art of creating questions and answers this is a great new way to rank in Google and build creditability. They are called “snippets” in these snippets Google will include a link to your page so that the users can go to your page for more information. As I mentioned earlier the more you are descriptive and make the most complete answers, understanding not to assume anything is understood and be clear, you can soon enough find yourself landing some prime real estate in the Google ranks. This is one I am taking very seriously because I believe the credibility part will serve you well.
Definitions: Although I do not have any proof that creating definitions of keywords or phrases in your industry will make you more money, I cannot see how it will hurt you. I know personally I am constantly trying to define and understand words, why not have them all conveniently available for your visitors, just like a gas station conveniently has gum, soda and coffee right there while you are paying. It makes complete sense right?
Last Hack That Just May Transform Your Business and Return Profits You Never Expected
I really think you are going to like this one, so be ready. What if right now you and I could find new business for you, utilizing assets you already have, that are not being used? Would that make all of this reading worth it?
Let’s begin...
  1. Make a list of 5 search terms you would love to rank for in Google.
  2. Take the first one... I will use “Podcasting” since I have a podcast and it needs to generate more income. Read carefully because this is a gold mine: As you type the words into the search query notice the words that start to populate for you.
Some of you maybe looked at this as a complete pain before, but what Google is showing you is what ‘others,’ possibly your prospective clients, ‘ARE TYPING’ Google is not guessing, they are giving you actual search queries. These are the popular searches related to the words you type in the search bar.
What I see for podcasting is a list: podcasting 101, podcasting microphone, podcasting equipment, podcasting software. The question we have to ask our selves is WHY NOT create service, products or information about any or all of these search terms to gain traffic even if some of them are not so favorable to your offering, they will serve you well in gaining traffic. We see all the time companies create a product that complements what they offer. Pepsi bought Fritos chips because well, when you drink soft drinks, you just may want some chips. If I am a famous podcaster, why not have my own signature microphone. I do not have to actually create my own but I may be able to work with a company to create a signature series version and make extra cash.
In one of my old companies, I ran a BMX stunt show that performed shows across the US. We had a variety of expensive ramp setups and the bigger more expensive ones sat in storage 280 days a year. By doing this same exercise I noticed the keyword phrase “half pipe ramp rental.” I went on to make a page with nothing to lose and to my surprise we would get calls from corporations and Hollywood companies to rent the ramps at extremely high prices, more than we sell our BMX show it’s self for.
In two years this became 20% of our sales and did not require any riders, or other coordination. We had to just drive to the location and set the ramps up and many times they were just background props. Ask yourself: What assets do you have that can be making you profits? You invested in them for your business, maybe they can be utilized to generate income in other ways for you and increase your profits.
Today I rely on SEO for all my businesses. I am not excited about using social media. I tried for years and it’s just not my thing. I do like ranking in Google using SEO, its simple and anyone who can type can use it.
This led me to create a software platform where anyone who wants to focus on Google-izing their web presence can create websites with ease. By adding the suggested content, the software creates the webpages for you, there are no design skills needed.
Website Building Software That Helps Your Business Get ‘Google-ized’’s proprietary software generates 100s of landing pages utilizing the top keywords, that customers search with in your industry.
Establishing your business in the ranks of Google is an investment that will yield results indefinitely, where paying for rankings is only good as long as you keep paying.
I invested time in ranking one of my companies back in 2008. My rankings played a big part in the valuation when it came time to sell it. It’s been over 10 years, and no changes to the content since the sale and it still ranks competitively. That’s an appreciating asset. I like to relate this accomplishment to establishing a gas station in a new town, you own the street corner and that corner, as the town grows around you gains value and it’s much harder to be knocked off the block.
Ranking Mastery is a website builder that helps YOU Google-ize your website, with no design skills needed. Just create your content and send us your photos and we edit and size them for you.
Simple to Use and Here’s How it Works
  1. Choose the keyword phrases you want to be found on Google.
  2. Add them to our proprietary SEO Association Tool.
  3. Associate keywords in logical phrases.
  4. Add your content relevant to these areas, we suggest: About, Mission, Expect & Why.
  5. Add to your libraries, any testimonials, videos, social media, questions, podcasts and team members.
  6. Choose what sections you want to appear on your page.
  7. Choose the webpages font theme.
  8. Let our tools do the work and you will have hundreds or thousands of landing pages that will begin to be indexed in Google.
The Best SEO Website Software
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