


ʿAbd al-Razzāq, on the authority of Maʿmar, on the authority of Thābit al-Bunānī, on the authority of Anas ibn Mālik, who said:

When the Messenger of God had conquered Khaybar, al-Ḥajjāj ibn ʿIlāṭ said, “O Messenger of God, in Mecca I still have property and family. I want to go to them, but am I at liberty to claim I defeated you or say something similar?” God’s Messenger granted al-Ḥajjāj permission to say whatever he wished, so when he arrived in Mecca, he went to his wife and said, “Gather together all that you have, for I want to purchase some of the spoils seized from Muḥammad and his companions. They’ve been pillaged, and their wealth has been seized.” As the news spread around Mecca, the Muslims retreated to their homes in despair, and the Pagans openly celebrated with delight. Word reached al-ʿAbbās ibn ʿAbd al-Muṭṭalib, and he sat down as though unable to ever stand again.


Maʿmar said: ʿUthmān al-Jazarī reported to me on the authority of Miqsam, who said:

Al-ʿAbbās took in his arms a son of his named Qutham who looked just like the Messenger of God. Lying down, he placed him on his chest saying:

Beloved Qutham,

Likeness of him with a noble face,

Prophet of the Lord of abounding grace

In spite of their hatred for him.


Thābit continued: Anas said:

Al-ʿAbbās then sent his slave boy to al-Ḥajjāj with a message: “What ill news have you brought? What do you have to say? For indeed, what God has promised is greater than whatever news you bring.” Al-Ḥajjāj replied, “Convey my greetings of peace to Abū l-Faḍl and tell him that he should seclude himself in one of the chambers of his house so that I may come see him, for he will find reason to rejoice from the news I bring.” Al-ʿAbbās’s slave boy returned to him, and when he reached the door of the house, he declared, “Good tidings, Abū l-Faḍl!” Al-ʿAbbās then sprang up so joyfully that he kissed the boy right between the eyes, and when he had told al-ʿAbbās all that al-Ḥajjāj had said, al-ʿAbbās freed the slave then and there.

Later, al-Ḥajjāj came to al-ʿAbbās and informed him that the Messenger of God had conquered Khaybar and plundered the possessions of its inhabitants; thus did the arrows of God divide their wealth:267 “The Messenger of God singled out Ṣafiyyah bint Ḥuyayy and took her for himself. He gave her a choice: either she could be freed from bondage and become his wife, or she could rejoin her people. She chose to be freed and become his wife. However, I came here for what belongs to me. I wanted to gather it all together and leave with it, so I sought the Messenger of God’s permission, which he granted me, to say whatever I had to say. Keep my secret for three nights, then spread the word as you see fit.” The wife of al-Ḥajjāj gathered what jewels and belongings she had with her and handed them over to him, after which al-Ḥajjāj hastened to depart.

After the third night, al-ʿAbbās came to the wife of al-Ḥajjāj and asked, “What has your husband done?”

She told him that he had left on such-and-such day, saying, “God will not bring you shame, Abū l-Faḍl. We were greatly aggrieved over what happened to you.”

“No,” al-ʿAbbās replied, “God will not bring me shame. Praise God, only what we had hoped for came to pass. God the Blessed and Exalted conquered Khaybar for his Messenger, and God’s arrows apportioned the shares of their possessions. The Messenger of God singled out Ṣafiyyah, the daughter of Ḥuyayy, and he took her for himself. If you have need of your husband, go join him.”

“I reckon that you speak the truth,” she replied.

“Indeed, I swear by God that I do speak the truth,” al-ʿAbbās responded, “for the matter is just as I told you.”

Al-ʿAbbās then left and came upon the assemblies of the Quraysh, who commented as he passed by them, “Naught but good will come to you, Abū l-Faḍl!” “Naught but good has come to me, praise be to God!” he replied. “Al-Ḥajjāj ibn ʿIlāṭ informed me that God has given his Messenger victory at Khaybar, that God’s arrows have apportioned its wealth, and that the Messenger of God singled out Ṣafiyyah for himself. Al-Ḥajjāj asked me to keep his secret for three nights, for he had only come to reclaim his wealth and property here. After that, he went on his way!”

So God the Almighty and Exalted removed the Muslims’ despair and cast it back upon the Pagans. Those Muslims who had entered their homes distraught now came out to see al-ʿAbbās so he could tell them the news. The Muslims were overjoyed, and God the Almighty and Exalted cast whatever despair, rage, or sorrow they had suffered back onto the Pagans.