"Lily, sweetheart, how are you feeling?" Keane leaned over me, dabbing at my forehead with a wet cloth.

"Don’t wake her," Rye whispered, adjusting the pillows beneath my head.

"I’m awake," I said.

Rye swatted at Keane. "I told you to be quiet."

"I’ve been awake since the sun came up. Just like yesterday. And the day before." I pushed the long sleeves of my nightgown up to my elbows and then crossed my arms over my chest. It was time to set these two straight about a few things.

"You need your rest," Rye told me, giving Keane a withering glare.

"No, I do not. You’ve barely let me get out of bed since the incident with Mr. Garner."

"You were terrified. We were terrified. You need to rest."

I drew in a deep breath and considered my words carefully. They had made Herculean efforts to care for me over the past few days, but, honestly, once I’d had a good bath, a meal, and a decent night’s sleep, I felt fine. It had been terrifying. But as Keane had said, we worked together and took care of each other. Except now they were treating me like an invalid.

"I appreciate that you are both concerned about me." I peered into their worried faces. "But I am fine. I have been fine. I will be fine. You have got to quit fussing over me." I started to push away the covers, and Rye tugged them back into place and tucked them tight beneath the mattress.

"We only want to make sure you’re safe, Lily," Keane said.

"We let you down and want to make it up to you." Rye seemed crestfallen. "We made one promise to you, and we failed."

"No!" I shouted. "You did nothing of the sort. You saved me. You were brave and heroic. But you have to stop coddling me."

Keane patted my hand. "You need some breakfast. I’ll go and get you some tea and toast."

I kicked my way out of the bed and stood up. "Fuck that! And fuck your tea and toast! What’s happened to you two? I wore a plug in my butt for days because you told me you were going to claim me together. That it would join us all. But one little intruder gets onto the ranch and tries to burn me up, and you start acting like I’m a fragile piece of china. Or a goddamn nun."

"Lily, honey, you’re overwrought. Let me help you back into the bed." Rye took my arm and tried to guide me between the sheets.

I kicked him in the shin. "Stop it. Stop it right now. Both of you."

Angry tears rolled down my cheeks and finally got their attention.

Keane put the damp towel down and sat on the edge of the bed. Rye did, too.

I drew myself up with as much dignity as I could wearing a nightgown. Which was also one of my complaints.

"Now, you two need to listen to me. First"—I yanked the nightgown over my head—"I’ve never worn a nightgown since we’ve been together, but one little scare and you’ve got me covered up like my grandmother." I tossed the gown to the corner. "That thing’s getting burned. Understand?"

They both stared at me.

"Must be the shock of the experience," Rye said. Keane nodded.

"No!" I shouted at them. "I’m not in shock. I’m needy. You’ve barely touched me for three days, and god knows how long this will continue. Now, I’m your wife. You’re my husbands. And I demand that you act like it and claim me. Like you promised."


"But, you were kidnapped. And almost burned to death," I said.

Lily came and knelt in front of us, taking each of us by the hand. "Yes, that’s true. But I’m not going to live the rest of my life in fear. What’s happened to my two brave Bridgewater men?"

She crawled onto my lap and pushed my shoulder back until she was straddling me on the bed. My fingers touched her hips, and her breasts pressed against my chest. Her mouth lowered to mine in a kiss full of passion. "I’ve missed you, Keane." She turned. "You too, Rye. I’ve missed the three of us together."

Oh fuck yes.

I buried my face in her hair, inhaled the scent of it. My cock stirred. "We were just so scared," I whispered. "So scared of losing you." I drew in a ragged breath.

"I was scared, too." She raised herself up and peered deep into my eyes. "But I love you. And I love Rye. I need you to claim me. I need it more than I need another sponge bath or a bowl of broth."

I glanced over at Rye. "We might have overdone it."

He nodded. "I’m starting to see that."

Lily busied herself opening the buttons of my shirt while I toed off my boots. Rye jumped up from the bed and stripped in a matter of seconds. I passed Lily to him and finished removing the rest of my clothes before joining them in the big bed.

"Are you sure you’re ready, Lily?" Rye asked, his brow still furrowed with worry.

"Yes." She wrapped her arms around his neck. Then straddled his thigh and rubbed her cunny up and down the length of it. "What does that tell you about how ready I am?"

He gave her ass a swat. "You’re getting pretty sassy. What happened to blushing Lily?"

"Blushing Lily misses her men." She lowered her mouth and kissed his chest.

"Well, we’re back so you’d better get ready," he growled before kissing her hard and grabbing her breasts. He shifted her so her knees were on either side of him, her rounded backside directly in my line of sight.

"Fuck me." I touched the delicate skin of her ass, kneading it in my palms.

Lily glanced over her shoulder at me. "I think that’s what I’ve been saying for the last few minutes."

I gave her bottom a swat, making a red handprint in her creamy flesh. "I think you need a few swats to remind you to keep that pert mouth of yours for kissing and cock sucking. Not bossing us around."

"Or swearing," Rye added. "Not to mention how you defied my instructions to stay with Olivia inside the house until one of us came to get you."

"Fine," she said. "Just get on with it. I’m dying here."

Rye had his fingers deep in her cunny. "She’s not kidding about that."

I raised my palm and brought it down hard on the center of her ass with a satisfying smack.


"You told me to get on with it." And I did, swatting all over the surface of her back end until it was crimson.

As I smacked, Rye continued to stroke her pussy. Lily’s cries of ecstasy mixed with her moans of pain from the impacts.

I stepped away and found the lubricant that we used with the plugs. When I returned, Rye lifted his hips and drove into Lily’s pussy with a satisfied cry. "Oh fuck. How did we go without this for so many days? We’re idiots!" He pushed deeper.

I paused for a moment and watched the two people I loved most in the world as they enjoyed themselves. My family.

And damn it. I wanted my part.

I grabbed Lily’s hips and held on while Rye fucked her from underneath. I reached around and touched the hard nub of her clit, and she moaned. "Yes," she cried out.

I leaned across her back and whispered in her ear. "Are you ready, Lily? I’m going to claim your ass now."


Keane’s whisper sent a shiver of delight and longing through me.

"Yes," I groaned. "Please."

So good. It all felt so good. Better than good. Perfect. Heavenly. Finally, I was getting what I’d craved for days. My men. Virile take-charge Bridgewater men who knew how to show their woman she belonged to them.

Rye gripped my waist and held me in place as he drove into me again and again. He stretched up and kissed me, his tongue taking charge of mine and plundering my mouth. I clung to his shoulders while my knees ground into the mattress.

Keane continued to lean down with his hard chest brushing my back and sending shivers of desire through me. I was pressed between my two men. My husbands.

Keane whispered in my ear again as he moved his hand between our bodies, working the lubricant along the crack between my cheeks. "You feel so good, Lily. I’m about ready to put my cock in you, here." He pushed a finger into my bottom hole, and I gasped. He brought it out and then pushed it in again.

"Oh, oh," I whimpered.

He kissed my shoulder then stood up.

I tensed. This was really happening.

Rye took hold of my face between his palms. "Relax, sweetheart. Look at me and take a deep breath. Focus on me. I love you, sweet Lily. So much."

His gaze was intense. Like the very first time I saw him in the park. A lifetime ago. "I love you, too, Rye."

Keane rested his cock on my bottom hole then slowly pushed it in. I inhaled sharply.

"You’re doing great, Lily," Rye assured me. "Just like with the plugs. Take another deep breath and let Keane in. Let him claim your ass."

I inhaled and willed my pucker to relax. Keane pushed in farther.

"Oh fuck, Lily. This feels so good. I don’t think I’ll last long."

The fullness was incredible. As I became accustomed to Keane’s cock in my ass, Rye started moving again, his cock pushing deep into my core. I cried out as Keane went all the way in.

"Yes," Keane groaned. "Lily, I love you so much."

He pistoned in and out, while Rye moved up and down. I glanced along the length of my body and watched as Rye impaled my pussy. The smell of sex floated in the air, and I inhaled it in heaving gulps as my heart raced and my pulse pounded. Seeing my body joined with Rye’s filled me with a sense of belonging. Being owned.

Keane’s powerful thighs pushed against mine.

"See, Lily?" Rye said. "We’re all joined. The three of us are as one because of you. You’re our everything."

"Shut up and fuck her," Keane called out.

They both moved in earnest, and I was carried away on a wave of euphoria. I shouted incoherently, the walls of my pussy clutching around Rye’s cock. He came hard inside me; his cock pulsed as he cried out. My arms went limp, and Rye supported me while Keane held my hips. I shattered into a million pieces.

"Oh hell," Keane groaned. "I can’t hold out any longer." His hot seed shot into my bottom hole, and he fell forward, bracing himself on the mattress as his chest rested against my back. "Oh, Lily," he whispered. "That was wonderful. You’re wonderful."

After a moment, Keane withdrew, and so did Rye. Then they settled me on the bed between them and pulled the covers up over us.

"Our blushing bride," Rye said.

"Always," I replied.