Chapter Three

Tommy spent the next seven hours alternating between sleep and writing, all while keeping an eye on the kittens. They spent a lot of time sleeping and ended up in some crazy poses when they collapsed. He doubted they got much rest squishing each other, but what did he know?

He closed the document he’d been working on and put his laptop on his desk, then stared at the kittens. Part of him missed Pushy. The dog had kept him company overnight and offered comfort. He hadn’t realized how worried he’d been until she’d crawled onto the couch with him.

He peeked out of the window. The sun had come out and melted most of the snow. Good. He needed a break from the white blanket all over.

He held Eek and continued looking out of the window. “It’s going to get and stay warm soon. You’ll be able to explore more, but I hate to tell you that you won’t be going outside. I don’t do outside animals. You’ll stay inside, but I’ll make sure you have plenty of window boxes to sit in. I want you to be safe.”

The kitten mewled and wiggled in his grasp.

He heard a clunk and looked up. Matthew parked in the driveway. Tommy had no idea where Matthew had been, and it wasn’t his business. They weren’t attached at the hip, despite his desire to be close.

“He’ll come visit,” Tommy said. “You guys managed to show me I needed to let more of everything into my life. I think you did the same for him, too.” He left the window and carried Eek to the box. Meek sneezed and toppled over. Tommy placed Eek in with the towels, then picked up Meek.

His heart raced. Should Meek be sneezing? There was so much he didn’t know about kittens, despite his internet research. He’d read the book he’d bought from the pet store, but none of it seemed like enough. He’d never remember everything. Crap.

A knock at the door interrupted his thoughts.

“Come in,” Tommy called. He hoped it was Matthew on the porch. “Be right there.” He hurried through the house to the front door.

Matthew stepped into his home. Pushy darted past him toward Tommy’s office. “Push, you don’t live here.”

“She’s made herself comfortable with the kittens. She licks their box and nuzzles them. I think she’s trying to mother them,” Tommy said. “She’s been gentle.”

“She loves to do that to other critters.” Matthew shut the door. “I see the snow melted. It’s almost comfortable outside.”

“It is. I tried to go for a run, but I felt guilty leaving the babies alone.” Tommy smiled, then sighed. “Meek sneezed. Did I do something wrong?”

“No. You’re getting overly worried and watching everything they do. It’s normal. If he continues to sneeze, then we have a problem, but he might have just had a tickle.” Matthew petted the kitten’s head.

Tommy paused. We. It still shocked him to hear Matthew use the word ‘we’—like they were a team or something. “Then it’s a good thing we’re friends. I can ask you when there’s a problem.”

“You can.” Matthew rubbed Tommy’s arm. “Other than the sneeze, how are they? How about you?”

“They’re good. I can’t believe how much they eat and sleep. The more they eat, the more active they are.” Tommy adjusted his grasp on Meek. “They’ve messed a lot, and I think it’s normal, but I don’t know. It looks normal.”

“It probably is, but I’ll help you keep an eye on it.” Matthew tucked one hand into his pocket. “They’ll get more active from here on out. They’re going to grow fast and change before you know it.”

Tommy wanted to say something intelligent in response, but the way Matthew posed, combined with the way he rubbed Tommy’s arm, rendered him mute.

“Tommy?” Matthew tipped his head and grinned. His blue eyes sparkled.

“I bought food.” It wasn’t the most intelligent response.

Matthew frowned, then laughed. “Good. I like food—too much, sometimes—but it doesn’t show. I guess I run it off at the clinic.”

How was he so sophisticated and confident? Tommy tried to be just as cool, but he sounded goofy. Being around Matthew made him feel better, but dopey. “I mean, I got food so we can have supper. It’s my way of thanking you for helping us.”

“Sure. I feel a little responsible, so you don’t have to make anything up to me.”

This time, Tommy frowned. “Wait. I’m confused.”

“I could’ve talked you out of taking three tiny kittens in, and I didn’t because I wanted to see them grow. I had a feeling you’d be good for them.” Matthew blushed from his hairline to his collar. “I saw how Push likes them and how they make you happy. I couldn’t let them go.” He kicked out of his loafers. “Besides, it’s given us a reason to talk. I’ve seen you so many times and never made a move. This gave me the oomph to do it.”

“True.” Tommy gestured to Matthew. “I’ll let you visit with the kids while I get dinner around. I thought I’d throw together salad and grill some chicken. I wanted to make stuffed shells, but worried you’d be allergic to cheese or tomatoes. Salad and chicken seemed like the safer bet.”

“You’re handsome, caring and considerate, too.” Matthew rubbed the small of Tommy’s back. “You keep giving me reasons to like you.”

Tommy wanted to reply, but the words were gone.

“I’ll check on the kittens.” Matthew took Meek from Tommy, then disappeared into the office.

Tommy exhaled and willed his brain to cooperate. He really should ask Matthew if he was gay.

Matthew appeared a moment later. “The kittens will be just fine for now if you use the baby gate you’ve got up to keep them in that general area. You can get kitty playpens, too, but they crawl out of those rather easily. Once they realize they can climb, they’re hard to contain. Just keep checking on them and you’ll be fine. You’ll have to leave them eventually. Trust me, they’ll be okay if they have a safe place to play—which they have—and access to food, water and the box.”

“I’m worried they’ll get hurt.”

“I know. It’s normal as a new pet parent to have that reaction. You’re overreacting and protecting them,” Matthew said. “You’ve got a pretty good setup where they can huddle together, they’ve got a heat source, food and the rest.”

Tommy nodded. “I know.” It made sense but didn’t reassure him much. They’d get bigger and each personality would start showing soon. “The curtain climbing will start soon, won’t it?”

“It could.” Matthew picked a strand of kitten hair off Tommy’s shirt. “Pushy is curled up with them. I guess she’s taking custody.”

“Spring must’ve brought out her nurturing side.” Did he sound dorky? Shit.

“Mine, too.” Matthew grinned. “I like it.” He slid his palm over Tommy’s chest. “I’ve been looking forward to dinner all day. Do you know how hard it is to grocery shop when you’re hungry?”

Ah, he just wants nourishment. “I’ll bet.” His heart hammered. “Let me make the chicken.”

“I’ll help. Pushy’s got things covered in there.” Matthew stared up at him. “I didn’t know what this year would bring, but it sure feels like we were meant to connect like this.”

He kept saying the right things, but Tommy wanted to be sure Matthew was gay. “I agree.” Still, he wanted to make a move. Better to be shot down now than later. He threaded his arms around Matthew. “Why don’t you help me make dinner? We can talk, eat…and stuff.” The question lingered on his tongue, but he kept the words to himself.

“I like the way you think.” Matthew tucked into Tommy. “I never know what to say.”

“Me, too. I’m not good at dating.” He might as well be honest. “I trip over myself.”

“You’re doing well so far.” Matthew inched closer. “We’ll figure it out together.”

“You’re gay?” He groaned. “Sorry. I shouldn’t be so blunt.”

“It’s okay and yes, I’m homosexual.” Matthew brushed his nose along Tommy’s. “I wouldn’t have said the things I did if I wasn’t. I’m not that cruel.”

Tommy nodded. He tipped his head and met Matthew for a kiss. He’d dreamed about this moment for ages. He feathered his mouth over Matthew’s, learning him. When Matthew groaned, Tommy pushed the kiss deeper, feasting on him. He liked Matthew’s lips. The softness of his mouth contrasted with the rough scratch of his day’s growth of beard against Tommy’s cheeks. Sparks shot through Tommy. He’d never experienced a kiss this electric.

Matthew broke the connection but remained close. “Wow.”

He agreed, despite not being able to talk. It seemed like it was becoming a trend. The kiss fried his synapses.

“Feed me?” Matthew asked. “I’m enjoying my time here.”

Tommy found his voice. “Yes.” He wanted to keep Matthew around and explore the kiss again. Something special had begun to grow between them, and he couldn’t wait to cultivate the blossoming romance.


Matthew sat at the bar while Tommy cooked the chicken breasts. He’d already cut the tomatoes, cucumber and cabbage while Tommy tore the lettuce. “Want me to chop a pepper?”

“Sure.” Tommy turned the chicken breasts. “Where did you go to college?”

“Ohio State. They had the best veterinary medicine program and the best percentage of grads hired after program completion.” He cleaned the red pepper of the seeds. “Where’d you go?”

“Kent. They had a great lit program. I thought I wanted to teach, but I loved writing too much.” Tommy added salt and pepper to the chicken. “It was at Kent that I realized I was gay. I had a girlfriend, but we didn’t do much. She had a thing for my best friend, and I wanted to gawk at the hockey players. I realized I was gay when I got hard thinking about cock and not over her. She was sweet and adorable, but just not right for me.”

“I hear you. It’s hard not to know.”

“She took it well. Better than I thought she might.” Tommy shrugged. “I got her a date with Dylan and she was happy. They ended up getting married.”

“Still together?” He knew a few couples like them. Then again, he’d wanted at one time to be part of that kind of couple. Life had intervened and he’d realized he’d never be part of one. Well, not yet. Maybe someday. Maybe with Tommy.

“No, they had two kids and moved to Nebraska. He got lonely and she loved the open space. They split after ten years together,” Tommy said. “I heard she moved to Mansfield to be near her mother. He remarried a girl named Brittany. She was at least a decade younger than him.” He turned the burner off. “It pissed Celene off beyond belief. The last I knew, Brittany isn’t allowed near the kids, per Celene’s demands. She got a court order for it, too.”

He understood why Celene might be cautious. He’d lived in her kids’ shoes when he was a child. “My mother was always sick, and it drove my dad crazy. He stepped out on her so many times.” He’d always kept this story to himself, but with Tommy, he wanted to share the information. Even his exes didn’t know about his past, but he wanted to tell Tommy everything.

“I’m sorry.” Tommy placed the chicken on the cutting board. “How’d you handle it?”

“I kept to myself and took care of my dog. It was easier to be out of the way than out where my dad could abuse me, too.” He shivered. Thinking about his childhood wasn’t his favorite thing.

Tommy winced.

“It made me more empathetic for my mother and her situation. She didn’t want to have lupus. She didn’t want those migraines,” Matthew said. “He had no business stepping out on my mother. He’d bring his girlfriends to the house and expect me to be nice. I’d be cordial, but once I turned sixteen, I avoided them, too. They didn’t care that they were hurting my mother. I still don’t understand how they could behave so blithely.”

“Did they know you’re gay back then? Do they know now?” Tommy chopped the meant into small pieces. “Or aren’t you out to them?”

“I’m out, but not advertising.” Matthew sighed and put down the knife. He’d done a terrible job of cutting the pepper. “My dad and his flavor of the month never took the time to find out. I doubt they cared. My mother knew before I did. When I told her, she hugged me and said she was glad I could be authentic. She died when I was twenty-two. She told me not to keep such a low profile, but I hate being the center of attention unless I’m working.”

“You like that, don’t you?” Tommy put the salad together. “Done.” He grinned. “I can make a vinaigrette if you want.”

“Why not?” Matthew asked. He refused to avoid Tommy’s question. “My being guarded is a habit. If I keep my private life private, then no one can get involved and I won’t get hurt.”

“I respect that.” Tommy added the ingredients into a bowl and whisked the mixture together. “Done.”

“Where’d you learn to cook? Or have you always had the talent?” Matthew admired anyone who could cook. He burned things.

“I took classes. I thought it’d bring Chad and me together. I went to the class while he avoided it and now I know I made the right choice.” Tommy smirked. “Honestly, I got the better end of it. I can cook. I have no idea what he’s doing—or whom.”

“True enough. It’s not good that he bailed, but you’re right. You came out on top.” He liked Tommy’s sincerity and kindness. He’d be the type of partner who’d treat his boyfriend right. “You’re smart and you’re so good with the kittens. You’d make a wonderful veterinarian because you’ve got that soft touch. You’re compassionate.”

“If I understood science, that might help.” Tommy slid two salad bowls across the bar. “Here you go. Eat up. I’ve got wine and water. Which would you like?”

“I’d love wine, but I’m working tomorrow, so water, please?”

“Sure thing.” Tommy poured two glasses of water, then settled beside him. “I’m glad you came over.” He held up one finger. “Wait. Be right back.” He left the bar and the room.

Matthew waited for Tommy to return before filling his bowl. When Tommy came back, Matthew tipped his head. “What’s wrong?”

“I wanted to check on the kids. They’re sleeping on Pushy.” Tommy sat beside him. “When we’re done, I want to go back in there.”

“Sure.” Matthew heaped some salad into his bowl. “This smells wonderful.” He needed something to go right. He’d managed to find the wrong guys so many times and wanted his Prince Charming. Tommy? He hoped so.

“When do you have to go in tomorrow? Early? Late?” Tommy asked. He started eating his salad.

“I go in late. Not until nine. I’m on the late shift.” He sighed. He needed time off. “I go in on Friday at eleven in the morning, but I’m not working this weekend.” He elbowed Tommy. “Are you looking for company? I’ve got tonight and most of tomorrow morning off with not too much to do.”

“Maybe.” Tommy grinned and his ears turned red. “I didn’t know if you’d want to keep hanging out.”

“After that kiss? Hell, yes.” He’d been blunt, but so what? “Yes, I want to hang out. I saw the weather and it should be warm enough to take Pushy for a walk. We can get something to barbeque and just exist for a while.”

“I’d like that.” Tommy brushed his leg against Matthew’s as he ate. “I’d like another one of those kisses.”

“Just one?”

“A bunch?” Tommy asked.

“A whole bunch.” Matthew laughed. He hadn’t been this relaxed in forever. “I hear spring is the time for new beginnings.”

“Think this is our chance? For a new beginning?” Tommy asked, repeating Matthew’s words. He put his fork down. “Why didn’t we try to meet up and get to know each other before now?”

“Because we’re both shy. I’ve seen your videos online. You get confident when you’re trying to sell your books, but I know you. You’re shy,” Matthew said. “That’s okay.”

“I am.” He ate in silence until he finished his salad. “I’m going to check on the kids again.”

“Sure.” Matthew finished. When he heard Tommy gasp, he abandoned his bowl and ran into the office. “What’s wrong?”

“I’m amazed how Pushy’s got the kittens tucked to her belly,” Tommy said. “She’s really leaning into the mothering role.”

“Spring sure has decided we needed changes.” Matthew grasped Tommy’s hand, then lightly pinned him to the wall. He feasted on Tommy’s mouth, loving the way Tommy opened to him. So responsive. He slid his hands under Tommy’s shirt and explored the planes of his chest. He’d seen Tommy shirtless more than a few times, but the feel of Tommy was better than any view.

Tommy groaned into the kiss. He grinded on Matthew, pushing the bulge in his pants against the one in Matthew’s trousers.

“Want you,” Matthew said between kisses. He dragged Tommy to the couch and a groan bubbled within him.

Tommy broke the kiss and shoved Matthew’s shirt up over his chest. He raked his nails over Matthew’s skin.

“Yes.” Matthew collapsed onto the couch. He opened his shirt carefully, so as not to send buttons flying. He’d hate if one of the kittens were injured by the plastic discs. Heat swarmed within him. He panted as Tommy opened his trousers. He thought Tommy might be a bottom or a switch.

Tommy knelt between Matthew’s knees. He unzipped Matthew and withdrew his dick from behind his trousers and boxer briefs.

Matthew planted his shoulders in the sofa and pushed both his pants and underwear out of the way. Tommy’s eyes sparkled as he licked his lips. He caressed Matthew’s balls.

“Yes.” Christ. It’d been a long time. Longer than he ever should’ve let it go on. He refused to let himself get too close to anyone. He palmed the back of Tommy’s head as he nuzzled Matthew’s shaft. Matthew focused on Tommy. He couldn’t deny his attraction to the sweet man.

Tommy continued to caress Matthew’s sac, seeming to weigh Matthew’s balls in his hand. He flicked his tongue across the blunt head of Matthew’s erection.

“Oh God.” Matthew held on to Tommy’s head, guiding him. The synapses in his brain misfired. He groaned. “Feels so good.”

Tommy hummed as he bobbed his head. He took Matthew to the back of his throat and curled his tongue around Matthew’s shaft.

Tingles shot around his body. The tension and frustration evaporated. He could use a few more hours of sleep, but being with Tommy rejuvenated him. He scooted down in his seat, giving Tommy more access to him.

Tommy toyed with Matthew’s pubic hairs, adding another dimension to the act. Matthew’s foot bobbed and the muscles in his calves twitched. Butterflies swarmed in his belly. He tugged harder on Tommy’s hair, increasing his pace.

“Yes,” Matthew managed. “Oh God. More.” He embraced the growing excitement in his body. His restraint shattered. He needed to come. Like, now. He panted. “Tommy.”

Tommy sucked hard on him and held still. The move destroyed Matthew’s resistance and he jerked forward, shoving his cock deep into Tommy’s mouth as he came.

Instead of pulling back, Tommy held fast. He swallowed everything given to him

Matthew let go of Tommy’s hair and watched him. Holy hell, he was wrung out. He panted harder. “Tommy.”

Tommy sat back on his heels and grinned. “Like that?”

“I did.” He reached for Tommy. “Come here.”

Tommy helped put Matthew’s dick and balls back in his pants, then climbed beside him on the sofa.

“Why did we never try this before?” Matthew asked. “We’re good together.”

“I’m shy?” Tommy turned enough to face him. “Stay tonight.”

“I’m not sure I can move.” He didn’t want to go, either.

“I like you, Matthew. I don’t just blow everyone who helps me with my kittens.” Tommy’s hands trembled. “Can we keep seeing each other? Without the kittens as the glue? I’m not getting rid of them, but I hope you’ll want to see me for just me.”

Matthew held on to Tommy’s hand. He stared into Tommy’s eyes. He could get lost in those hazel depths. “I want to see you, yeah. One day we’ll get normal schedules and can go out if we want.”

Tommy shrugged. “I kind of like it being just us and our private oasis. This is better—less people, no interruptions, we can deal with the kittens, Pushy is right here and we can lounge in our pajamas if we want.”

He and Tommy might have taken the long way around to getting together, but just as spring had broken through, their relationship had as well.

“Matthew?” Tommy squeezed Matthew’s hand.

Matthew kissed him hard. “You had me at ‘us’.”