Chapter Twenty-one


Celeste lay on her side in the V-berth, her head propped on her hand. Beatriz looked so peaceful asleep, her lively brown eyes closed and her red hair splayed across the pillow. She wanted to make coffee, but her beautiful songwriter had to be exhausted. After the performance, and negotiating a new contract, and…making love for hours. That was the right word for it, too. What a different experience, to explore and play and let go with someone she trusted. Celeste sighed with pleasure.

“Morning?” Beatriz croaked, opening one eye a crack. At the sight of Celeste, she smiled luxuriantly. “The best morning ever.”

“I was thinking it would be better with coffee, but I didn’t want to wake you.” Celeste brushed a swath of hair off Beatriz’s face and got a purr in response. “You have another show tonight and so little rest to sustain you.”

“I don’t care. I want to stay here all day with you.” Both eyes blinked open. “I mean, if you want to.”

Celeste chuckled. “You are allowed to ask for what you want, you know. Turns out it’s really fun.” She warmed to the memory. “But I am going to feed you and send you back to the hotel for a few hours’ sound sleep. Doctor’s orders, Beatriz.”

“Better move quick then, because I feel more kissing coming on,” she replied. “And don’t say my name like that if you expect me to leave your bed.”

“Oh. Is it okay to call you Beatriz? Should I stop?”

“Never stop. Just know it gives me all kinds of kissy feelings to hear you say it.”

Safely dressed and separated by the dinette table, Celeste told her, “I’m going to visit Maji while you rest. Tomorrow I have to fly back to Barcelona.”

“See if you can get her to go with you. If you don’t mind sharing my apartment.”

“As long as I get to keep your bed,” Celeste joked. “Thank you. Now that you are safe, I think she might need a friend even more. And perhaps she will let us in a little bit.”


* * *


“Show me the balcony again,” Erlea requested. These video chats with Celeste made her feel not so far from home after all, seeing her own things and the woman who had claimed her heart among them. But today she had an ulterior motive.

“What is this?” Celeste said as she reached the balcony and found Jordi and Maria waiting just over the railing with air tickets and VIP concert seats for two. “Ooh, Erlea—she’s the hottest thing right now. All her shows are selling out. Thank you, Beatriz.”

Celeste accepted the tickets, let Jordi and Maria say their hellos, and took the view back inside. “These are right before Maji flies out. How did you know?”

“I’m a rock star.” Erlea shrugged. “I got myself an assistant to do research, book flights, order me healthy food…She’s very nice, really. And I think she’s sweet on Alejandro.”

Celeste laughed her wonderful laugh. “Well, it’s a very thoughtful surprise. Maji’s doing so much better these past few weeks. Her rib is healed and her shoulder is spotless. She’s gotten out to the beach and all the Modernismo sites, and she had a long talk with her friend Bubbles. I expect she’ll enjoy a chance to make her good-byes before she heads home.”

“It’s not much, but how do you repay someone who saved your life?” Erlea soaked in the sight of Celeste on the little screen, tucking her hair behind her ear. “Also, I miss you. Can you take the time away? I didn’t know when you had clients scheduled.”

“For you, I will rearrange a few appointments. I miss you, too. Any word on Claudia’s plan for your tour?”

“Actually, we’re not scheduling one just yet. The show here is so popular, we’re extending, with fewer shows per week. And I’ll be home on the off days. We’re going to record an album in Barcelona.”

“That’s wonderful.” Celeste’s expression shifted from joy to concern. “You’ll need your place again. I should have started looking for an apartment.”

“Could you wait a little bit?” Erlea asked. “I mean, I know you need your independence, but Athena is very attached to you already. I think she loves you.”

Celeste laughed. “Are you sure we’re talking about the cat?”

“Yes and no. I want to say I love you, but not just so you’ll say it back,” Erlea admitted. “I don’t want either of us to do something just because we think the other expects it. I really mean it, but I want it to stay special, not so casual it loses all its oomph.”

Celeste chuckled. “I feel the seeds of a new song. Okay then, ciao for now. And also, I love you so much it scares me a little. I didn’t know I could feel so much joy and so much peace at the same time.”

“I know just what you mean. All my new songs are terrible, sappy things that I have to totally rewrite.” Erlea smiled. “And none of them are about cats. Or shoes.”


* * *


Maji watched Celeste throughout the acoustic encore, the cat song. The tears on her face were happy ones. She and Erlea were clearly in love, their relationship so new yet on very solid footing. “That song’s not about Athena, is it?”

Celeste wiped her cheeks and smiled. “Of course it is. And about wild things like you, too.”

“Alejandro’s made a couple nice changes in the show,” Maji commented. “Course, I like it much better from up here than down on stage.”

“I can’t wait to get down there, myself,” Celeste said, then blushed.

Maji chuckled. “I’ve been meaning to talk to you about your Beatriz addiction.” At Celeste’s affronted look, she laughed outright. “Come on, let’s go use our backstage passes.”

In the wings, Celeste seemed surprised when Maji headed for the back corridor. “You will meet up with us as planned, won’t you? One last visit for the four of us on the balcony.”

“Half an hour, I promise. I won’t make Imane track me down—and I know she would.” She paused. “Besides, I need to make sure and thank each of you.”

“For what?” Celeste asked.

“For being there when I needed you. For getting me to the other side in one piece.”

Maji waltzed into the do shop without knocking and started to back out when she found Roger and Alvaro making out.

“Hold up,” Roger said, breaking away from the burly drummer.

Maji gave him a hug and handed him the gift card.

“What’s this, then?” Roger asked.

“Dinner for two at Cuina Mallorquina,” Maji said. “You won the bet.”

“And you saved herself’s life, and all our jobs to boot,” Roger said. “Why don’t you take that luscious dealer who has the hots for you?”

“Reimi has somebody else now. A much better fit for her than I could ever be.”

“Sorry, love,” Roger said. “But maybe it’s for the best.”

“Definitely. I played her table tonight. Staked a hundred euros on one hand, got double aces, split, and doubled down.”

“And you won, I hope?”

“I always beat the house,” Maji said. “Thanks for everything, mate.”

Roger looked so sad it was almost comical. “Don’t go without some token. What about all those outfits you wore as Erlea’s double? Now that Nico’s gone, nobody here would begrudge you.”

“No. Not my style. No offense to Erlea, but I’d rather be me.”

“Seriously? Money, fame, the lovely doctor on your arm. Most people would trade with her in a blink,” Roger said. “You must really like being you. Cheers.”

“It’s the hardest role I’ve ever played,” Maji admitted. “But I’m starting to get the hang of it again.”