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My dick was hard, but there wasn’t anything that I could do about it. Morning wood was no joke, and I only had three choices in the matter. I could piss, jack off, or slide it inside the tight little body of the woman that was currently wrapped up in my arms.
Getting into bed had been uncomfortable as hell last night. After Junie had given me permission to sleep in my boxer briefs, I had climbed into bed like it’d been the most natural thing in the world. I had even been polite enough to roll onto my side, away from where Junie had been sitting, to give her some privacy. After a couple of minutes, Junie had crawled into bed with me, her petite frame barely making an impact. The only sound in the room had been the soft hum from the ceiling fans that were still rotating on either side of the room.
Determined not to make an ass of myself, I had remained on my side until I’d fallen asleep. However, sometime in the middle of the night, my king-size bed had turned into a twin. Junie had spooned her way to my side, and my body had automatically big spooned her little spoon.
Now, I wasn’t a stranger to having a woman sleeping in my bed, but it’d been a while. College, in fact. That was the last time that I’d given any consideration to a serious relationship. While I had no problem ‘dating’ the same girl, the last girl that I had labeled my girlfriend had been in high school.
Once I’d gone pro, the sleepovers had been no more. Not naïve to what fame did to some women, whenever I hooked up with someone, I got in, then got out. No double dipping, nothing wild enough to warrant blackmail, and nothing serious. By the time real fame had come along, Roark had already introduced me to Junie, so that’d been it for me. That wasn’t to say that I hadn’t slept with anyone during these past few years, because I’d had. It’d just been nothing serious.
Closing my eyes, not only was Junie’s ass pressed firmly up against my dick, but my hand was cradling one of her luscious tits, and I was loathed to move it, even though it made me feel like a pervert. If she were awake, there was no way that she’d let me fondle her tits, so this was borderline sexual assault in my book. If the woman would just love me back, everything would be fucking perfect.
Taking a deep breath, I twisted slowly, so as to not wake her up, but Junie wasn’t having it. Her ass wiggled against my dick again, and her hand reached up to cover mine, keeping my palm firmly on her tit.
It was fucking agony.
Squeezing my eyes tight, I tried again, but the girl still wasn’t having it. “No,” she mumbled, and jealousy hit me hard at the thought that she was probably having flashbacks of when Paul used to warm her bed. The possibility stung like a bitch.
Leaning forward, my warm breath was at her ear. “Junie, baby? Wake up.”
“No,” she mumbled again, and I almost chuckled. While she was all snuggled up and comfortable, I was dying in a way that only a man would understand.
“Junie?” I tried again.
“Just five more minutes, Ripley,” she mumbled, and relief flooded my body enough to make me want to praise Jesus.
She knew it was me.
“Oh, God!” she shrieked before jackknifing upright, then scooting her way to the edge of the bed. Her eyes were round with horror. “Oh, God, I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean-”
“It’s okay,” I assured her as I sat up, making sure that the blanket hid my erection. “It’s okay, I promise.”
Not convinced, she held her half of the blanket in a death grip against her chest. “No, it’s not,” she insisted. “I...” Her chin jerked towards me. “I had your...hand on my...” She closed her eyes, her face turning into a pretty blush of embarrassment. “Oh, God...”
“Junie, look at me.”
“Nope,” she replied, popping the ‘p’.
I did chuckle then. “Baby, look at me,” I repeated.
“I’d rather not,” she muttered stubbornly, her eyes still tightly closed.
“Look at me, or else I’m going over there to get you,” I threatened, and that did the job.
One eye popped open, then the second one. “Yeah?” she grumbled.
“How about we make a deal?”
“What kind of deal?” She sounded like a petulant child, and I was trying my hardest not to laugh.
“I won’t mention how you held my hand on your tit, and you won’t mention how I had my dick pressed up against your ass,” I offered.
I didn’t think that her eyes could get any bigger, but they did. “Oh, God,” she choked out. “I can’t believe you said that.”
I smiled, trying my best to ease her discomfort. “Junie, it’s okay,” I told her. “Honestly.”
“There is nothing okay about any of this,” she muttered, running her hands down her face.
“Well, be that as it may, we’re in this together, which brings us to our next issue.”
“We have a next issue?” she asked horrified.
Christ, she really was fucking adorable. There was no way that I was going to make it out of this weekend intact if she didn’t fall in love with me and promise to marry me. I wanted four kids, and I wanted Junie to give them to me. I wanted all my future interviews ending with a thanks to my wife and kids. I wanted Junie cheering me on, making me the best version of myself possible.
“As far as everyone else knows, we’ve been dating for six months,” I reminded her. “You’re going to have to act like you’re used to me touching you.”
“Oh.” My ego tried not to take it personally, but she sounded like I’d just propositioned her with a colonoscopy.
“If you don’t want me touching you, that’s fine,” I quickly amended. “But it might look a little strange.”
“No, no...it’s fine,” she muttered. “I just...I hadn’t thought about that.”
“Junie, the last thing that I would ever want to do is make a woman feel uncomfortable where her body is concerned,” I told her. “That’s a rather unacceptable thing for a man to do. If you don’t want me touching you, I won’t.” I tried to search my brain for something plausible. “We could...I’ll say that I’ve been sick with a cold or something.”
Her shoulders sagged. “I’m sorry, Ripley,” she whispered. “You’re just trying to be a good guy, and I’m messing it all up.”
Not wanting to upset her any further, I decided to change the subject. “Look, how about we just not worry about it right now? Why don’t we just get ready for the day, and try not to stress out about the rest of it?”
“Uh...sure,” she whispered, sounding unsure.
“Do you want to shower first?” I asked.
She shook her head. “No, you...you can shower first.”
Making sure that I was covered, I sat up with my back to her. Luckily, the bathroom was attached on my side of the bed, so all Junie would see was my back as I made my way to the shower. My dick was still hard, and I didn’t need to add that elephant to this already ridiculous situation.
Once I was safely inside the bathroom, I turned the water on, then let it warm up as I brushed my teeth. Twenty minutes later, I was clean enough to start the day, but in my haste to make sure that I didn’t embarrass Junie with my raging erection, I’d forgotten to grab some clothes. I was going to have to walk out there in a towel, grateful for the little things and that my dick wasn’t hard anymore. Taking a deep breath, I opened the door to face the music.
Junie had her back to me, on her phone, when she heard me coming out. “Sheridan texted that they’re all gathering for breakfast,” she mentioned conversationally.
“Yeah, I figured we-” She stopped talking when she turned around and saw me practically naked.
“Yeah?” I knew that I was acting cocky, but I liked that I could turn her speechless. It provided hope.
“Holy shit,” she whispered under her breath, and there was a real threat to my dick popping back up again.
“Like what you see?” I teased, and her face turned as red as could be.
She lowered her eyes, then quickly began gathering the pile of clothes that was next to her on the bed. “I’m just going...over there. To shower,” she stuttered.
I wisely stopped the teasing as I watched her race around the bed, then fly past me into the bathroom. The lock sounded loud and significant, but I still smiled. While I didn’t enjoy embarrassing the girl, the fact that she was gave me hope.
Junie Becker wasn’t immune to me.
What more could a guy ask for?