4. The Cyzicene stater was worth about 28 Attic drachmae and roughly equivalent to the daric (26 Attic drachmae). A drachma a day was average pay (cf. Thuc. VIL27.2.).
5. Thorax, the Boeotian, was being a bit optimistic. The Thracian Chersonese, which lay along the Hellespont, had been an Athenian possession, occupied in part by Athenian settlers (cleruchs) until the end of the Peloponnesian War when they were all sent back to Athens. So it was in a sense vacant. But it was unlikely that the Ten Thousand would be allowed by Sparta to occupy it. In 400 there was a Spartan officer, Cyniscus, in control there (VII.1.13).