Author’s Note

Books are a team effort and my thanks go once again to Helen Huckle for reading through early drafts; to Gillian Mawrey for her sharp editorial eye; to Richard Mawrey QC for his inside knowledge of the Victorian penal system and ghostly goings-on; to Lucy Deakin, who kindly allowed me to share the exploding-dress incident, which I only exaggerated the teeniest bit. Although I am very rude about one particular librarian in this book, my local library was invaluable when it came to researching facts and fiction about the southwest coast of England. Libraries – like bookshops – are to be treasured.

I have received unstinting support from authors and hard-working bloggers, not least Karen Aldous, Anita Chapman, Catherine Ferguson, Rachel Gilbey, Sophie Hedley, Wayne Herbert, Linda Hill, Samantha Tonge, Hannah Ward, Neats Wilson and Yasmin Wilson. Thank you all!

Finally, huge thanks go to Liz Small, Ron Grosset and the team at Waverley Books for bringing ‘The Bookshop by The Sea’ series so beautifully to life.

Jan Ellis
