THIS NEW VOICE was sort of squeaky. Definitely not someone who’d spoken before.

“And that is?” Alexander asked formally.

“Choose wisely,” Lenore said snidely.

“We will remain neutral no longer.” Aha, so this was a representative for Alpha Seven. I hadn’t seen one of their ships up here, though. “I am Rohini and, as you know, I speak for all of my planet. We have seen what the Earthers are showing you with our own eyes. We have also seen the viciousness that the Planet’s Rights Faction has perpetrated. They cannot be acting with goodwill toward anyone. We of Alpha Seven side with the Imperial Monarchy.”

There was a lot of background noise. Apparently this decision was big news. Heard several arguments going on, but it was hard to tell who was saying what.

“Then you get to die, too,” Lenore said with a distinct sneer in her voice. This increased the background discussions and arguments.

“That’s not a shocking statement, seeing as you had the Rapacians try to shoot the Alpha Seven humanitarian ships out of the sky. One of those ships was destroyed and crashed on Beta Eight. And none of you came to help the survivors.”

“Oh, we will not die,” Alpha Seven’s spokespenguin said calmly. “And Commander Martini, they didn’t come to help us because they fear us. Rightly so. What you fail to understand, Commander of the PRF, is that we have stayed apart and stayed neutral for a reason. But we realize that if Beta Eight is conquered, Z’porrah fleet or no, our planet will be next. And that we will not allow.”

“How will you, a planet with no weapons, achieve that?” Lenore asked.

“Simply put, we are on a planet right now that has many weapons. One of which is aimed right for the Alpha Five command ship.”

Lenore laughed. “What weapon is that?”

“I mentioned the giant telescope?” Serene asked sweetly. “It’s amazing how simple it is to alter the light refraction to make the most powerful telescope in two solar systems into the most powerful laser gun in two solar systems. It helped that Beta Eight has far more defenses than you’re aware of.”

“Mind explaining that?” Jeff asked me quietly, as he put his arm around me. Hadn’t realized he and Christopher were back. He’d found and put his clothes back on. Bummer.

“No idea,” I said softly. “We left Serene in charge of one of the Rapacian ships. She said she was going to go down to the planet first. Apparently she did.”

“We have created an alliance with both Beta Eight and Alpha Seven,” Serene said. “Both of those planets are under Earth’s protection.”

“Fire away, then,” Lenore said. “You’ll kill hundreds of people. Including the deposed Queen of Beta Twelve and the Planetary Representatives from Betas Thirteen, Fourteen, and Fifteen.”

In other words, the Reptilians, Canus Majorians, and Feliniads. Meaning, most likely, Jareen and Neeraj, Wrolph, Wahoa, and Willem, and Felicia and Arup. Or, as I called them, my friends.

“And,” Lenore added, “the religious leader of the Earthers, along with Commander Martini’s daughter. But, feel free to fire at will.”

“Only cowards threaten children,” someone in what I assumed was another ship said.

“Or bullies.” Recognized the voice—this was 2.0. He sounded as angry as the rest of us.

“Only cowards and bullies threaten those who lead their people’s souls,” another added, sounding horrified.

“Cowards, bullies . . . and terrorists,” I added, as Jeff’s arm tightened around me. “We have a lot of experience with these kinds of people on Earth. And Lenore appears to be all three.”

The image on our screens went away. Noted that some of the ships that had been on the perimeter had moved into the center.

“The Earthers speak the truth. I am Usha. I have been a traitor to my race, the ones you call the Ancients, working as a spy for the Z’porrah for many years. The Z’porrah will show no mercy when they arrive. They consider this entire solar system to be tainted, even worse than they consider Earth’s solar system to be tainted. Because my people mingled their blood with many of the planets here.”

“Beta Twelve in particular,” I pointed out.

“Yes, but others, too. Though they cannot change their shapes, Alpha Seven has Ancient blood in it. Every planet here has Ancient influence, if not blood. And that makes every living being here something the Z’porrah wish to destroy. They wanted to destroy Earth to make destroying this solar system easier.”

“Why do you speak out now?” someone asked. “Are you being coerced?”

“No. Those who captured the Earthers treated my sister with disrespect. The Earthers, on the other hand, treated her with respect.”

“That’s it?” Lenore asked. “That’s why you’ve switched sides?”

“No. I’ve seen what the weapon can do. I’ve seen what those from Alpha Seven can do. I respect might. Alpha Seven is far mightier than you realize.”

A few more ships moved from the outer circle to the inner one.

“They’re barely space competent,” Lenore said. “Alpha Four had to give them spaceships.”

“Just like they did for you,” I pointed out.

“Space travel is not the be-all, end-all for advancement,” Alpha Seven’s spokespenguin said. “As with Beta Eight, our world has vast water resources. Our world is large, and our waters are deep.”

Took the leap. “How many sentient races do you have who live underwater, Rohini, if I may ask?”

“Many.” Heard laughter in Rohini’s tone. “What we have focused on is allowing our water brothers and sisters the ability to breathe outside of the seas. We can do both, and we wished for them to be able to do both as well. We have succeeded. Trust me when I say that the Horrors on Beta Eight look like fledgling’s toys compared to our allies within our own oceans. Allies who are, as we speak, heading here to support us.”

“In what spaceship?” Lenore sneered.

“In no spaceship,” Rohini said calmly. “The same apparatus that allows them to live in the air and on land if they wish also allows them to fly through space without danger. They will be here quite soon—they left our planet when our ship was destroyed.”

More background talking. A few more ships moved into the center. Pulled Jeff aside. Chuckie and Christopher came with us. “We need to get over to the command ship and get Jamie, Paul, and everyone else that bitch Lenore has captive. Then we can blow her up or let Alpha Seven’s Space Sea Monsters eat her ship or whatever. But while she has hostages, every single ship other than hers can join Alexander’s side and we’ll still lose.”

“Can you do whatever you did to get to us?” Christopher asked.

“I used a Z’porrah power cube. And if I knew where I was going, then yes, I could. However, I have to visually see where I want to go in my mind, and I have no idea. I can see the outside of Lenore’s ship, where we don’t want to go. But inside? We haven’t seen it.”

Chuckie spun and went to stand where I’d been. “I’d like proof that Lenore has the hostages she’s claiming she possesses. Right now, all of that could be subterfuge. Alpha Five has certainly set that precedent.”

More voices talking, many agreeing with Chuckie.

“Really? That’s what you want? Fine.” The windshield turned into a screen again and there was Lenore, big as boring life. She still looked average in all ways—height, weight, coloring. Only her smirk was above average. She was quite good at smirking, it turned out.

Behind her were some of those I’d expected to see—Neeraj, Wrolph, Felicia, and Queen Renata. Jareen, Wahoa, Willem, and Arup weren’t there. Needed to find out if they were elsewhere, or if they’d wisely remained on their own ships. Jamie and Gower weren’t in evidence, either, but I hadn’t expected them to be. Lenore would have them off in a room somewhere under heavy guard.

Had a feeling Lenore was holding onto Gower because she thought ACE was still inside him. Had no idea how this might help us, but figured I needed to be aware of the possibility, just in case.

However, my friends from the Planetary Council weren’t alone. There were a couple of human-looking people, a man and a woman, who also appeared to be hostages. Presumably they represented the pro-Imperial factions on Alphas Five and Six. There were Rapacians there, but they were all pointing weapons toward the hostages, so they were on the side of the Planet’s Rights Faction, not that this came as some sort of a shock.

That there were no Alpha Seven Penguin People didn’t surprise me all that much. And I saw no Alpha Four A-Cs, meaning no one with Lenore was drop-dead gorgeous by human standards.

Stepped up next to Chuckie. “Where are my daughter and our religious leader?”

“Safe,” Lenore snapped.

“Prove it,” Chuckie snarled. “Or else you’ll be showing those who are following you what a liar you are.” More background talking. Hoped the Imperial side was smart enough to realize that peer pressure was going to work for us. Chuckie waited about thirty seconds. “So, you don’t have them. Meaning you’re a liar. And if you’re lying about this, what else are you lying about?” The background noise continued.

“I have them,” she said. She turned to one of the Rapacians. “Get the special prisoners.”