Words from the Author

If for any reason you believe that having money is the solution to all of your problems, then the characters of “The Real Housewives of Adverse City” should show you otherwise. There are some things money can hide, can make disappear, or bring temporary happiness. Yet, there are some things that we live with each day and even if we have money, and plenty of it, it will never bring us true peace of mind and satisfaction.

We all have problems and situations in life that can cause us grief, anger, and pain. Sometimes those of us who are in financial straits believe that money will bring an end to all of our worldly problems. Again, sometimes money can solve problems, but what about those things we wrestle with on the inside? What about the problems and secrets that no one knows about but you? There are some things I still deal with in my life that nobody knows about but me. All the money in the world can’t erase them or make them go away. Nothing can remove them from my mind or thoughts unless God does it.

The good news is that nothing that we have done is too tainted, too horrible, or too bad that we cannot be forgiven, and it has nothing to do with the size of our bank accounts. No matter whether you have lot of money or if you don’t have a dime, remember the true answer to happiness and peace of mind is found within. Seek God first in all you do. Ask Him to direct your paths. Ask Him for forgiveness for the mistakes you have made and move forward with your life.