
A girl can be Thatcher Margaret

What she wants, she can get

She can be Madam Curie

With her scientific fury

She can be a surgeon of brains

Can alleviate people’s pain

She can be an architect

What she desires, she can get

She can be Kiran Bedi, a cop

She can be on top

She can climb mountains, she can climb hills

She can go higher still

She can be a judge

Be she Indian, English, African or Dutch

She can be Ash, a film star

She can go very far

She can be a solicitor

If her circumstances aren’t bitter

Her zeal makes it evident

She can be an Indian President

She can be Enid Blyton, Agatha Christie

Enthral us all with her mysteries

Alas she can be taken advantage of

Of her potential she can be robbed

If opportunities constantly knock at her door

She can be this, that and more

She can be anything at all

Not just a lovely, insecure doll

Boundaries cannot inhibit her

The world cannot limit her