Inspiration for The Shadow List is owed in large part to my friend, the true-life hero and corruption hunter Nuhu Ribadu. I highly recommend Show Me the Money, his insider account of building the Nigerian Economic and Financial Crimes Commission. I’m also grateful to unwitting inspiration from Riva Levinson and her Choosing the Hero, Dayo Olopade for The Bright Continent, Adeola Fayehun for her hilarious news show Keeping It Real, and the antics of Congressman William Jefferson. Thanks to Priscilla Agyapong, Maria Barragan-Santana, Kenneth Christian, Judd Devermont, Antony Goldman, Charles Kenny, and Max Moss for edits and suggestions. Thanks to the amazing Putnam team of Neil Nyren, Ashley Hewlett, and Alexis Sattler. Special appreciation to rock star Josh Getzler and no-nonsense Mary Diamond Stirewalt. Most of all, love and gratitude to my best friend and partner in everything, Donna.