Machiavelli, Niccolò, 781
Madison, James, 128n, 129n, 192, 231, 232n, 299, 300n, 440n, 854
Maine, 36n, 124n, 190, 408, 473, 852, 857
Majorities, 181, 197, 211, 235, 257–58, 276, 364, 443, 450, 453–54;
and administrative instability, 286–88;
and associations, 216–22, 275;
and decentralized administration, 301–2;
despotism of, 288–318, 331, 492–93;
dislike of revolution by, 751–53;
and executive power, 136, 142, 149–50, 152, 155, 290–92;
and interests of public officials, 267;
and judicial power, 120, 125, 174, 284, 290–91, 331;
and legislative power, 133–34, 230, 283–84, 286–88, 290–92;
and national character, 295–98;
poor as, 240;
power over thought, 292–95, 491–92;
in republics, 456;
Malesherbes, Chrétien-Guillaume de Lamoignon de, 853–54
Malte-Brun, Conrad, 24n, 26n, 436n, 441n, 474n
Manchus, 26n
Manners, 663–66, 711–14. See also Mores
Manufacturing. See Industry
Maritime commerce, 438n, 444, 463–65, 467, 469–70, 515, 646, 853
Marriage, 336, 695–97, 699–702, 706, 732
Marshall, John, 35n, 48n, 263n
Mary II, 859
Maryland, 41n, 64, 290n, 402, 408, 844, 852
Massachusetts, 36n, 38, 41, 42n, 43n, 44, 48n, 68–78, 80–91, 94n, 124, 192, 218, 235n, 286n-87n, 325, 349, 397n, 408, 438n, 447n, 465, 839–40, 845–48, 852, 857–58, 860–61
Material well-being, 209, 503, 509, 516–18, 520, 617–22, 625–32, 635–38, 644–45, 732, 750–51, 782, 793, 801, 807n, 867
McCoy, Isaac, 387n
Memphis, Tennessee, 374
Metacom, 377n
Metempsychosis, 636
Mexico, 187, 193, 355, 385n, 387, 463, 471–72, 537
Mexico City, 537
Middle Ages, 3–6, 47, 99, 118, 204, 237, 288, 303, 339, 379, 461, 467, 474, 607, 616, 656, 659, 672, 681, 726–29, 731, 733–34, 736–37, 790, 804n, 810
Middle class, 434, 618, 712, 748–49
Militias. See State militias
Minorities, 62, 217, 219–20, 222, 284–85, 288, 299, 450. See also Majorities
Mississippi, 380n, 386n, 450, 852, 857
Mississippi River, 22–24, 26, 28–29, 58, 372n, 374–75, 376n, 380, 387, 389n, 398, 399n, 400n, 428, 430, 435, 437–39, 444n, 471, 647, 835
Missouri River, 23, 339, 413, 471
Mixed government, 289
Mixed race, 380–81, 391, 395–96, 411–12, 418
Mohicans, 371
Molière (Jean-Baptiste Poquelin), 294
Monarchy, 46–47, 305, 456, 458, 460–61, 464;
absolute, 47, 98, 109, 118, 131–32, 145, 154, 234–36, 256, 292–94, 296–99, 302, 584;
and centralized power, 801–2, 823;
constitutional, 138–43, 146, 236–37;
in France, 4–5, 10, 98, 109, 118–19, 121, 131–32, 138–42, 244n, 269, 284–85, 304, 363, 423, 459, 854–55;
longevity of, 181;
and public expenditures, 238, 242
Monroe, James, 440n
Montaigne, Michel de, 611
Montesquieu, baron de (Charles-Louis de Secondat), 106, 279n, 460
Moors, 413
Moral ascendancy of majorities, 284–85, 293
Morality, 12–13, 43, 49, 80, 89, 115, 156–57, 166, 199, 274, 361, 391, 402, 431–32, 610, 621, 633, 637, 725, 732;
and political corruption, 251–53;
Mores: and democracy, 331, 353–59, 364;
and equality, 655–59, 698–708;
and slavery, 395–97, 405, 433–34
Morris, Gouverneur, 128n
Morris, Robert, 128n
Movable property, 246–47, 749–50, 752, 759, 782, 793, 809
Napoleon Bonaparte, 314, 686n, 773, 783, 798, 854
Narragansetts, 371
National Calendar, 141n
National capital, 320–21, 437, 439, 536, 781, 783
National character, 32–33, 295–98, 315, 444, 466–67
National government, 176–78, 188, 450
National wealth, 246–47, 249–50
Natural inequality, 519
Native Americans. See Indians
Negroes, 15n, 35, 53, 291n, 320n, 365–70, 392–419, 430, 432–34, 438, 727;
emancipation of, 397, 404, 409–10, 416–18;
in European colonies, 659;
free(d), 291n, 320n, 367, 395, 398n, 404–5, 409–10, 415n, 416–17, 675;
importation from Africa, 394, 397, 404, 408, 414–15;
interbreeding with, 395–96, 411–12, 418;
revolts by, 752;
sale of, 400n, 404, 415n, 418;
transportation to Africa, 414–15
Netherlands, 35n, 38, 175, 177n, 426n
arbitrary power of officials, 235–36;
democracy in, 37, 40, 45, 52, 228, 355–56;
education in, 46–47, 63, 349, 369n;
equality in, 52;
legal tradition of, 42–46, 50–51;
liberty in, 37, 40–41, 43–45, 48–49;
local institutions, 68–78, 80–91, 100;
political tradition of, 36–37, 39–41, 44–46, 48–52, 228;
religion in, 37–40, 43–44, 47–49, 332, 339;
servants in, 675;
settlement of, 36–42, 52, 332, 842, 845–49;
witchcraft trials, 848;
New England Confederation, 842
New England Courant, 858
New Hampshire, 36n, 165n, 849, 852, 857
New Haven, Connecticut, 39n, 41, 43
New Orleans, Louisiana, 312n, 320, 399n, 400n
New York, 41n, 57, 69n, 90–91, 93–94, 95n, 134, 150n, 174, 245n, 320n-21n, 327, 338, 341n, 397n, 399n, 404, 408, 428, 435, 438n, 439–40, 447n, 534, 840–41, 849, 851–52, 857, 860–61
New York City, 320n-21n, 399n, 463, 534
Newspapers, 204–14, 216–17, 237, 349–50, 380, 444n, 449, 539, 858;
in England, 602;
and liberty, 825
and commerce, 429–30, 437–38, 449–50, 469;
servants in, 675;
and slavery, 395–98, 401, 404, 406–14, 415n, 416–17;
support of tariffs, 201, 218. See also New England
North America, 6, 14, 21–29, 32–34, 36, 322–23, 327, 354, 365–70, 381n, 391n, 413–15, 442, 468, 471–75, 835–36, 843
North Carolina, 41n, 341n, 408n, 430, 438n, 441n, 447n, 450, 844, 851–52, 856–57
Nullification Ordinance (South Carolina), 218–19, 441n, 450–52, 454
Occupations: industrial, 644–48;
Ohio, 90–91, 188n, 243n, 326, 398–401, 439n, 440, 852, 857, 860–61
Ohio River, 23, 28, 380, 398–401
Osages, 376n
Pacific Ocean, 21–22, 26, 365, 376
Parlement (France), 118–19, 855
Parlement de Paris, 111
Parliament (England), 113–14, 120–21, 123, 577–78, 855–56
Parties, political, 122, 151–52, 186, 198–204, 212, 216–19, 221, 275, 446, 538, 783–84. See also Political associations
Pascal, Blaise, 226, 525, 615, 740
Paternal authority, 685–89, 696, 701–2, 818
Patriotism, 76, 105–7, 127, 154, 172, 177, 180, 184, 189, 269–72, 297, 339, 424, 430, 444, 446, 593, 631, 719–20, 729
Peace, 761, 763–65, 769, 771–74, 776, 779, 867
Penal laws, 42–44, 50, 121–22, 314, 658–59, 708
Pennsylvania, 41n, 90–91, 95–96, 218, 248n, 257, 278n, 291n, 320n-21n, 329–30, 402, 408, 428, 435n, 438n, 473, 849–50, 852, 857
Pequots, 371
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 218, 248n, 257, 320n-21n
Philip II of Macedon, 177n
Philip IV, 853
Philosophical beliefs, sources of, 489–93
Philosophical opinions, 431–32
Platte River, 835
Plymouth, Massachusetts, 38, 41, 848
Police, 108
Political activity, pervasiveness of, 277–82
Political associations, 10, 204, 215–23, 595, 604–9. See also Parties, political
Political corruption, 153–54, 170, 251–53, 267–78
Political debates, 561–62, 574–78
Political ideas, general nature of, 499–500
Political laws, 44–46, 63, 310, 313–14
Political nature of juries, 311–18
Political nature of religion, 332–47
Political parties. See Parties, political
Popular sovereignty, 33, 60–65, 72–73, 77, 95, 197, 207–8, 314–15, 458, 790, 819–20
Population factors, 371, 380n, 387, 399, 405n, 408, 415, 434–42, 472–75, 536
Poverty, 239–41, 244, 245n, 250n, 251, 273, 276, 333, 350, 618–19, 651, 683–84, 748, 806–7
Prairies, 23, 26, 339, 372n, 835
Prejudices, racial, 394–97, 403, 411
Presidents: appointments of, 135–36, 140–41, 146, 152, 154, 159;
as commander-in-chief, 141, 191–92;
election/term of office, 136, 139, 143–55, 174;
as executor of laws, 139;
and foreign affairs, 135–36, 140–42, 147–48, 259, 263;
limited powers of, 138–46, 152, 174, 455;
relationship with Congress, 136–37, 139, 142–43, 146, 155;
relationship with Supreme Court, 159, 170;
veto power of, 137, 155, 174. See also individual presidents
Press, freedom of, 205–14, 216–17, 824–25, 858
Primogeniture, law of, 55, 325
Property. See Industrial property; Landed property; Movable property
Property qualifications, 63–64, 852, 859
Proprietors, colonial, 41
Prostitution, 702
Protestantism, 6, 37, 43n, 332–33, 458–59, 510, 692, 805. See also Puritans
Proud, Robert, 850
Providence, Rhode Island, 39n, 41
Provincial institutions, 108–10
Prussia, 177n
Public documents, 237, 247, 842–50
Public good: and self-interest, 610–13;
Public holidays, 245
Public officials: arbitrary power of, 291–92;
corruption of, 252–53, 267–68;
election of, 824;
local, 69–71, 75, 81–83, 86–87, 92–93;
salaries of, 136–37, 233–34, 242–45, 250n, 284;
Public opinion, 140, 170, 201, 205, 207–8, 212–14, 218, 290, 296, 310, 346, 363, 395, 397n, 456, 491–92, 508–9, 606, 642, 670, 674, 695–96, 700–2, 731–36, 757–58, 767, 866
Public spirit, 74–77, 184, 269–72
Puritans, 37, 39–40, 50, 322, 332, 378, 516, 518, 567, 839, 845–49
Quapaws, 376n
Race: conflict over, 412–14, 416, 419, 430, 752;
mixed, 380–81, 391, 395–96, 411–12, 418;
and religion, 393, 396, 402, 419;
and slavery, 394, 418–19. See also Indians; Negroes
Racine, Jean, 564
Rape, 708
Raphael (Raffaello Sanzio), 534
Real property. See Landed property
Reform Bill (England), 859
Religion, 33, 250n, 274, 361, 431, 474;
clergy and politics, 341–42, 344, 508–9, 637;
and democracy, 12–14, 332–47, 501–9, 558–59, 623–24, 633–37;
and despotism, 106;
direct influence on politics, 332–35;
and equality, 6–7, 12, 332–33, 496, 503–8;
government controls on, 805;
indirect influence on politics, 335–40;
and material well-being, 623–24, 633–37;
in New England, 37–40, 43–44, 47–49, 332, 339;
republican aspects of, 458–59;
state, 637;
and women, 692, 695. See also individual faiths and sects
Representative government, 41n, 45–46, 64–65, 69, 109, 172, 197, 240–41, 284, 591–92
Republics: government of, 456–60;
Restlessness of spirit, 625–28, 751, 763–67, 769–71, 773
Revolution, 77, 140, 198–99, 208, 210, 213, 231, 233, 258, 276, 303, 361, 460, 523, 784, 813, 827–28;
democratic, 3, 6–8, 14–15, 479–80, 487, 524, 588–89, 593, 676–78, 680–81, 703–4, 713, 738–39, 780, 798, 802, 814–15;
in democratic nations, 828;
military, 764–67, 769, 771, 867;
by slaves, 752;
violent, 798, 801. See also American Revolution; French Revolution
Revolution of 1830 (France), 140, 854
Rhode Island, 36n, 39n, 41, 45n, 150n, 299, 852
Richards, Benjamin, 248n
Rocky Mountains, 22–24, 373, 430, 436n, 437, 835
Rome, 28n, 146, 263, 279n, 324, 349, 363, 381, 393–94, 417, 461, 470, 496, 505, 528, 537, 539, 545–46, 548–49, 564, 571–72, 624, 659, 672, 685, 729–30, 766, 778, 816–17
Russia, 441n, 471, 475–76, 778
Sabbath, observance of, 839–41
Saint Francis River, 23
Saint Pierre River, 23
Saint-Simonianism, 519
Salaries, of public officials, 136–37, 233–34, 242–45, 250n, 284
Santo Domingo, 36
Saulnier, Sébastien L., 104n
Selectmen, 70–71, 80n, 81n, 86, 235, 236n
Self-interest, 610–16, 630, 679
election/term of office, 135, 173, 230, 259n;
election of president, 150;
ratification of treaties/appointments, 135–36, 140n, 159, 259
Senate (Rome), 146
Shakespeare, William, 538, 864
Shipping, 438n, 444, 463–65, 467, 469–70, 515, 646, 853
Slavery, 12–13, 261, 363, 490, 631, 781, 830;
abolition of, 394–97, 402, 404–10, 412, 416;
in antiquity, 496;
and congressional apportionment, 133n;
cruelty of, 659;
effect on character, 432–34, 438;
and emancipation, 397, 404, 409–10, 416–18;
in European colonies, 659;
importation from Africa, 394, 397, 404, 408, 414–15;
of Indians, 322;
of Negroes, 15n, 35, 53, 366–69, 394–419, 430, 432–34, 659, 675, 730n;
revolts, 752;
and transportation to Africa, 414–15
Smith, William, 849
Smuggling, 853
Social revolution, 3, 6–8, 14–15
Social state: democratic nature of, 52–59;
political consequences of, 60–61
Socrates, 636
agriculture in, 397, 399, 400n, 402n, 407, 429–30, 441, 450, 647;
aristocracy in, 53, 63–64, 403, 434;
and commerce, 429–30, 437–38, 469;
democracy in, 229;
education in, 349;
Indian tribes in, 380;
slavery in, 396–98, 400n, 401–4, 406–14, 415n, 416–19, 430, 432–34, 438, 675;
support of free trade, 201, 208
South America, 6, 24–25, 32, 183, 259, 261, 322, 353–54, 387, 391n, 467–68, 835
South Carolina, 41n, 218–19, 341n, 408, 430, 438n, 441, 447n, 450–52, 844, 851–52, 857, 861
Southwest. See West
Sovereignty: federal versus state, 187–89, 218, 420–27, 445–47, 449–53, 455;
popular, 33, 60–65, 72–73, 77, 95, 197, 207–8, 314–15, 458, 790, 819–20
Spain, 34, 131–32, 259, 295, 353, 391, 406, 413, 463, 467–68, 471, 537
Spinoza, Baruch, 339
State banks, 449
State constitutions, 64n, 78, 84n, 94, 123–24, 132, 171–75, 283, 286, 310, 856–57, 859
State courts, 95, 157–58, 160–62, 169, 174–75, 187, 386, 859–61
State Department, U.S., 244n
State government, 66, 73–75, 78, 82, 93–97, 99–101, 161, 177, 251, 386–89, 454, 457–58, 784n, 823;
compared with federal government, 171–75, 183–84, 283n, 299n, 420–27, 445–47, 449–53, 455;
constitutional role, 128–31, 134–35, 164;
State laws, 94–96, 131, 164, 167–68, 173–74, 187–88, 286, 389n, 417, 790, 860–61
State legislatures, 94–96, 99–100, 135, 165n, 172–74, 183, 187, 230, 259n, 283–84, 310, 386, 856
State militias, 45, 96, 191–92, 249n, 452, 852
State religions, 637
Steamboats, 444
Story, Joseph, 41n, 127n, 129n, 130n, 131n, 133n, 135n, 136n, 156n, 160n, 161n, 162n, 165n, 312n, 389n, 860
for free(d) Negroes, 291n, 396;
and freedom of association, 221;
and freedom of press, 207;
and popular sovereignty, 62–64;
universal, 64, 207, 221, 224–27, 229–30, 240–41, 275–76, 314–15;
voting requirements, 852, 859. See also Elections
Sugar cane, 400n, 407, 429–30, 647
Suicides, 628
Sulla, Lucius Cornelius, 766
Supreme Court, U.S., 129, 131, 162n, 312n;
relationship with Congress, 159, 170;
relationship with president, 159, 170
Susquehanna River, 428
Switzerland, 175, 177n, 190, 436n, 780–81
Tacitus, Cornelius, 379
Tariff Convention of 1831, 218–19
Tariffs, 201, 218–19, 441, 449–53, 853
Taxes, 44, 46–47, 71, 74, 85, 100, 131, 167, 254, 427, 806, 852;
determining amounts of, 246–51;
Temperance societies, 278n, 599
Tennessee, 92n, 341n, 374, 380n, 851–52, 857, 861
Terence, 393n
Thebais, 624
Thought: and democracy, 348–52, 486, 498, 523–24;
effect of democracy on language, 547–53;
and equality, 487, 490–92, 497–98, 500;
literature, 516–21, 538–46, 554–68;
majority’s power over, 292–95;
meditation for science, 523–25;
philosophical opinions, 431–32;
religion’s power over, 337–38, 486–87;
Tobacco, 402n, 407, 429–30, 442n
Toll roads, 250n
Towns: administration of, 80–94, 97;
community spirit in, 74–77, 184;
government of, 69–71, 76, 78, 100–1, 301–2, 359;
independence of, 67–68, 72–74;
size of, 69
Treasury Department, U.S., 244n
Treaties, 130, 135, 140, 169, 259n, 471–72;
with Indians, 375–76, 388, 389n, 390–91
Tungus, 26n
Tyranny. See Despotism
Tyre, 629
Uniform laws, 789–91, 795–96, 819
Union party, 451n
Universal suffrage, 64, 207, 221, 224–27, 229–30, 240–41, 275–76, 314–15
Vermont, 36n, 473, 851–52, 857
Vincennes, Indiana, 207, 372n, 384n
Virginia, 35, 124, 161n, 341n, 377n, 397, 402, 408, 413, 428, 430, 438n, 439, 439n-40n, 441n, 447n, 450, 452n, 842–44, 850–52, 856–57
Volney, Constantin-François, 372n, 378n, 384n
Voltaire (François-Marie Arouet), 485
Voting. See Elections; Suffrage
Wabash River, 384n
Wampanoags, 377n
War, 130, 182, 191–93, 221, 255, 320, 421–22, 454, 464, 728–29, 761, 769, 800–1, 857–58, 867;
in democracies, 763–66, 771–84. See also Revolution
War of 1812, 192, 290n, 320, 369n, 425n, 449–50
Warden, David Bailie, 22n, 850
Washington, D.C., 320, 437, 439, 536, 835
Washington, George, 128, 192n, 259–63, 385–86, 440n
in aristocracies, 203–4, 252–53, 256, 403, 645, 651, 862;
in democracies, 238–41, 243–44, 252–53, 273, 276, 644–46, 716, 722–23, 740, 748;
European attitude toward, 34–35, 273;
Indian attitude toward, 27;
and intellectual pursuits, 516–19;
Well-being. See Material well-being
agriculture in, 647;
democracy in, 57–58, 229, 356;
education in, 349;
exploration of, 835;
future of, 24;
Indians in, 372–76, 382, 387–88;
settlement of, 323–27, 349–50, 354, 373, 388, 398–99, 435–37, 472–73, 647, 863–65;
West Indies, 24–25, 411n, 413, 835–36
Williams, Edwin, 69n, 245n, 463n
Witchcraft trials, 848
Women: of color, 366, 370, 396, 418, 727;
and marriage, 695–97, 699–702, 706;
mores concerning, 698–708, 848;
political activities of, 279, 706;
religious nature of, 336;
upbringing of, 692–94, 697, 700–1
Work, respectability of, 642–43, 733
Zeisberger, David, 837