A house divided cannot stand. To be divided, then, is to be devastated.
The fact of the matter is that our country seldom counts all who
Matter. This is why red seeps from our flag. We will say again that
Language matters. From the beginning, the colonized are kennings:
African American, Asian American, Native American (apparently
There is no White American). American & adjective, American &
Qualifier. The term split up (l) and dismantled, stripped & striped.
Erasure demands a lifetime of rehearsal. Do you really understand what it is to be this dispensable body.
We recognize the sobs now for the flags they were. The jerk of our heads, as if waking from a dream—or a
Nightmare. You decide. This is not the nation we built, at most not the nation we’ve known. Know. Oh, no.
This is the nation we’ve sewn. It is our right to weep for the wound we’ve always been. A silent
Shock out of the blue: A hand hung to another or a head pillowed by a shoulder is by far worth more
Than anything we’ve won or wanted. When told we can’t make a difference, we’ll still make a sound.