Chapter Ten
Sasha sat on the bed feeling a bit sorry for herself. Here she was with the hottest guy she’d been with in her life, and she was stuck in the body of a bird. She inhaled and tried to put a positive spin on things.
The shower came on in the bathroom. The patter of the water beating against glass filtered through the half-open door, along with a swirl of damp air. It would have been wonderful to join him. She envisioned running her hands over his slick, hard chest and soaping him up.
Huh. What would it be like to have a real relationship with him? She realized she was toying with the possibility. Which was totally crazy given her situation. But if she were herself again? No, she barely knew the man. Still, there was something about him that touched her. Maybe it was the way he cared for her while she was a bird. Maybe if they had a real date she’d know for certain.
The bathroom door pushed fully open and Kianso strolled out with a towel wrapped around his hips. “Sorry. I forgot my clothes.”
As he entered the walk-in closet, Sasha clutched the bedspread with her talons to remain in place. Oooh, she wanted to trail behind him and get another glimpse of those hard planes and perhaps even a peek at his backside when that towel slipped away. That very human part of her didn’t see any harm in wishing.
She gave a long tremulous sigh.
How could he want anything to do with her?
Disappointment sliced through her as he exited the closet fully dressed, handsome as ever, wearing a button-up gray shirt and navy slacks. He carried a pair of dark brown suede penny loafers. The mattress dipped as he sat and slipped on the shoes. She stepped closer, getting a whiff of his freshly showered scent. He smelled good.
She hoped she’d be able to grab a shower this evening.
“Ready?” He paused, looking over his shoulder at her. “Can I get you anything before we go?”
“No. I’m fine.”
He held out a hand for her to step upon. She did, and he placed her on his shoulder. “I’m starting to like having you with me.” His voice was a gentle rumble.
He smelled even better up close. Masculine. Kissable. She rubbed the top of her head along his jaw.
Her days had gotten remarkably better with him near.
* * *
It was mid-morning by the time they arrived at the fairgrounds. The temperature gave a hint of fall. Kianso stopped by the farmer’s market near the gate. He purchased some grapes that he thought Sasha might enjoy and a soda for himself.
The turnout was pretty decent. He had to wait in line to get his ticket. Evidently, the proceeds went to a worthy cause: Bridge, crisis counseling for misguidedteens of dual species. He guessed identity issues could get super confusing. What if you were part vampire and part werewolf? Or a mixture of fae and gargoyle?
Or shaman and shifter?
That’s what their children would be if he and Sasha had kids. The muscles along his back tensed. It was a sobering thought. But his feelings took him to a place where he easily envisioned a life with her as his wife.
If she’d have him. He turned his head and peeked down at his shoulder where she sat. Even if they had to live together in this limbo state she was in, she was worth it. She had the kind of spunk he admired. Here she was, making the best of a bad situation and trying to take control of finding a solution. She was something else. Beautiful, and kind, and in need of protection whether she liked it or not.
He was willing to work through their difficulties and plan a future together. He imagined the things couples did, their goals of marriage and vacations and sharing life and a family.
He looked forward to being a father, he realized. And until now, he hadn’t given much thought to that. He nodded at the people he passed. Nocturne Falls would make a great place to raise a family. Yes, someday it would be nice having children with Sasha. That was one hell of a thought.
But he sensed a real relationship wouldn’t happen until she was her real self again. Not because he had a problem with her unstable state of being, but because he didn’t think she would allow it.
He set his jaw, determined to convince her otherwise. Yes, Nocturne Falls would make a fine hometown.
As he moved between the rows of pristine classic automobiles, he began thinking of the people as neighbors rather than strangers.
“How’s it going?” Nick said as he approached Kianso at the 1954 Jaguar coupe display.
Kianso looked up. “Oh, hi. We’re doing great. This is a fantastic show.”
“Yes. It is,” Nick said. He took in Sasha perched on his shoulder. “Pandora told me about your dilemma, Sasha. I’m so sorry.”
“Thank you. But the end may be in sight,” Sasha intoned, her parrot voice happy with anticipation.
“Glad to hear it.” His phone vibrated in his pocket. He pulled it free and glanced down. “Willa. She wants me at the baked goods table.” He nudged the phone at Kianso. “Good luck. See you later.”
Nick zigzagged through the people milling around the cars. Kianso continued on to a red 1964 Corvette convertible several yards away. Sasha whistled. “Now that’s my kind of wheels,” she said. She flew from his shoulder and landed on the steering wheel, peering out the windshield.
He imagined her in human form, sitting in the driver’s seat. The car was sexy, but she would outshine it by a mile. She would look fantastic with her white-blond hair whipping in the wind. And he liked the picture of him sitting next to her and leaning over the gearshift to steal a kiss.
“You have a dreamy look on your face,” she said. “What are you thinking?”
“Of how beautiful you’d look driving this Vette.”
“Too bad you don’t know the owner. Maybe he’d let us take it for a spin.”
It was a crazy thing to say. No stranger loans out his antique Vette. Then again, when you’re under a witch’s spell, isn’t everything a little crazy? “Yeah. That would be fun.” He played along. Actually, he would consent to any fantasy that would make her happy.
She flapped her wings and rose into the air. For a heartbeat, he felt like she was leaving him. A sinking sensation sat heavy in his stomach. Then, she banked and came back, taking her usual place on his shoulder. He couldn’t help it, his lips widened into a grin.
“Don’t leave me like that,” he told her.
She laughed. The first he’d heard from her. The sound warmed his heart and caused his throat to tighten.
“You said we were soul mates, right? You’re not going to get rid of me that easy.”
The food tables formed a horseshoe at the end of the row of cars, successfully trapping the spectators. “Mmm, funnel cakes. Want to share one?”
He ordered and paid for the funnel cake and then found a large, shady oak away from the crowd where he parked his ass with his back pressed against the tree trunk. Sasha rested on his lap as he fed her pieces of grapes and funnel cake. No one seemed concerned about a man and his bird.
Then his cell phone rang.