Chapter Eleven
“It was Pandora. She’s been looking for us. She wants to meet,” Kianso said.
“Did she say why?”
“No. But she’ll meet us here. She already went by the condo. And she’s on her way.”
Sasha latched on to his finger with her talons and squeezed. “I hope nothing has changed. You know…that Halloween isn’t the day, or something.” A tightness spread throughout her chest as uncertainty leaked through the cracks in her optimism. No. There was no use getting upset yet.
Still she held firmly in place. His strong presence gave her hope.
He leaned in, brushing his lips over the feathery crown of her head. “It will be fine. Don’t worry.”
She gave him a hesitant chirp as she bobbed her head. He was right.
In a few weeks, this curse would be no more. And then she could get to know him without being forced into a relationship due to a spell. She’d like that, a lot.
Kianso offered her another grape. He’d been a sweetheart about feeding her. She shook her head. “No thank you.”
He plopped it onto his tongue and in a blink the orb vanished into his mouth. Oooh, she wished she were in human form so she could throw her arms around his neck and kiss the nectar from his delectable lips.
Her beak dropped open watching him. He stroked a knuckle along her throat. “What time is it?” she asked.
“Two thirty.”
She dipped her head down. “Only two and a half hours to go.”
He lifted her higher, so they were at eye level. “It will pass quickly, you’ll see.”
“Not quick enough,” she replied. “Can we spend the evening at home tonight?”
“Sure. Do you have anything special in mind?” he asked with a wink.
“Naughty things. Very naughty things.”
A laugh of approval rumbled in his chest, sending warmth all through her body. She may be in an avian form, but her reactions were one hundred percent human female.
Not to mention her jaguar shifter longed to purr and stretch beneath his capable hands.
Pandora approached at a near run, with her legs striking against the long skirt that she wore, causing the fabric to hitch up with every step she took. Charisma trailed a few steps behind her. As the two halted, Pandora unfolded a book from beneath her arm.
Sasha swallowed. The lump in her throat grew from a tiny seed to a heavy rock.
“Something’s wrong. What’s the matter?” she asked Pandora in a rush.
“Don’t be alarmed, my dear. We’re committed to helping you with whatever you need,” Charisma began.
“You’re scaring me,” Sasha said.
“Just spit it out,” Kianso urged.
Pandora opened the book, but Sasha thought it was more to stall than that she actually needed the tome.
“Marigold discovered an addendum to the spell. Apparently, in addition to being with your true love under Samhain’s full moon, the person who decreed the curse must also be present and repeal the spell.”
Sasha inhaled sharply. “Oh no. How will I convince her to come here? Lilly will never agree to that.”
“You can’t be certain, dear,” Charisma said.
“I don’t see how she would help me. She’s the reason I’m in this mess,” Sasha whispered, her voice trembling.
Pandora gently closed the book. “We have some time. I’m sure you’ll think of something.”
* * *
They were at the condo well before five o’clock. Sasha paced on the glass coffee table, the tips of her talons making clicking sounds as she traveled back and forth. As the switching hour arrived, she froze in anticipation.
Finally, a tiny hum began in her core and circled outward into her shoulders and limbs. Then she jumped into the air and landed on two feet, whole in her human form.
With her emotions in turmoil, she stretched both arms over her head, entwining them languidly before letting her hands fall and settle behind her head and then shoulders, exposing her heart to him. “I want…” She paused, capturing his gaze with hers. Could he tell what she needed…wanted? Her gaze slanted to the side. “Perhaps we should go to the bedroom.”
He took three enormous steps forward and drew her up against him, pressing his hardness against her soft mound. She lifted her leg and wound it around his hips to his back. He helped her, lifting her leg higher still while at the same time sliding his palm beneath her bottom. A shimmer of electricity ran through her. She wrapped her arms around his neck and guided him closer until their lips locked in a fierce, hungry kiss.
“Yes. The bedroom,” he said into her mouth as he lifted her into his strong arms.