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Tyson, Frank, War or Peace, Garry Sparke & Associates, Melbourne, 1980.
Underwood, Derek, Deadly Down Under, Arthur Barker, London, 1980.
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Wasim Akram, Wasim: The Autobiography of Wasim Akram, Piatkus, London, 1998.
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Newspapers and Magazines
Advertiser, Age, Australian, Australian Cricket, Australian Cricket Tour Guide, Australian Playboy, Bulletin, Courier-Mail, Cricinfo Magazine, Cricketer (Australia), Cricketer (UK), Cricket West, Daily News (Perth), Geraldton Guardian, Guardian, Herald (Melbourne), Inside Edge, Inside Sport, National Nine Tour Guide, National Times, Network News (Town & Country), News (Adelaide), Observer, Sun (Melbourne), Sunday Times (Perth), Sun-Herald, Sydney Morning Herald, Times, Watsonian (George Watson’s College), West Australian, Wisden Asia Cricket, Wisden Cricketer (UK), Wisden Cricketer (South Africa), Wisden Cricket Monthly, World of Cricket Monthly.