My gratitude is deep and wide and full of people.
First to my mom, Gail McCormick. You do SO much for me, and it’s all appreciated. Where would all of us be without you? And Dad, too, thanks for the countless little and big things. Grandma Ruby, thank you, thank you for more things than I can write here. Tuesdays at Grandma’s have been such a treat! And my sister, Jenny—sisterpower forever! I couldn’t imagine a better sister—and you know I have a good imagination. To my Coloma family (Mom, Dad, and Honey)—thanks for the prayers and generous love. I’m grateful for such wonderful inlaws!
My rich friendships save the day over and over again:
Jenna Benton—our morning prayers as you head to work have been a brillant idea and a great gift. I’m excited about our creative collaborations!
Kimberly Carlson—ours is a rich friendship infused with words and so much more.
Amanda—Aloha and tears. Where would I be without you? I’m coming to visit soon!
Katie—oh, our journey since third grade. Here’s to new roads!
Evan Benton—thanks for being my first male reader and for the input on the initial chapters. Your encouragement was great!
Ellis Benton—you took a lot of heat for reading my first YA novel. Thanks for being brave! I hope you like this one too.
Payten Harman—my niecy! I love you so. (Next book will have a Payten, okay?)
Travis Thrasher—my writing brother who understands it all. Thanks for the friendship all these years.
Quills of Faith (Maxine Cambra, I cherish you)—we’ve been together for thirteen years. Thanks for the cheerleading, and keep writing everyone.
Julie Marsh and Cathy Elliott—lovely writing buddies who bring great encouragement to my life!
To the amazing people at Thomas Nelson, thank you! I am always grateful for the love and support you give me. What a group! Allen Arnold, Ami McConnell, Becky Monds, Jennifer Deshler, Katie Bond, Andrea Lucado, the many people behind the scenes. And of course, my fabulous editor, Natalie Hanemann! Your guidance and ideas were key to this book coming together, as with every book we’ve done!
Jamie Chavez—it was great fun working together. Thanks for the hard work and skill it took to make me look so much better.
Janet Kobobel Grant—my agent friend. Thanks for giving me what I need—a shoulder or a loving kick. You’ve taken such great care of me these many years.
Thank you to my wonderful family. My son, Cody Martinusen, and daughter, Madelyn Martinusen, I just love you more than you know. I’m so proud of the people you’ve become. And special thanks to my youngest son, Weston Martinusen. Your belief has meant so much to me, and you inspire me in return. I know you’ll write many great stories. My husband, Nieldon, thank you for such a wonderful love that heals, strengthens, and amazes me
My gratitude for all good things goes to God, my Savior and Redeemer, who brings true love to the moments of life.
Lastly, to my readers. May you discover the wonders of love both in human and divine form.