The people at Inner Traditions have kept the forerunners of this book in print for over two decades. Without them this new edition would not have been possible. Years ago, Sally Fallon Morell, president of the Weston A. Price Foundation, graciously went through this book’s former incarnation, Traditional Foods Are Your Best Medicine, and made notes in the margins—suggestions, corrections, bits of information, and ideas for me to develop. She recently went through the manuscript of this book and did that all over again. I have incorporated nearly all of her work; any errors and omissions that remain are mine. Her constructive influence on this updated version of Traditional Foods cannot be overstated. I am so fortunate to have Sally in my corner, and I very much appreciate her writing a foreword to the volume you now hold in your hands.

I would also like to thank Nora Gedgaudas, author of Primal Body, Primal Mind, for her outstanding body of work, which has influenced mine. I would also like to thank her for writing a second foreword to this book.

The wonderful people on my staff who work with me every day make it possible for me to do the things I do. Special thanks go to my sister-in-law and brother-in-law, Elaine and Mike Stern, and my nephews Chris Stern and Nick Hughes. Our photographer and good friend Marcus Halevi hears all my ideas, good and bad, hopefully before they go anywhere and do damage. He’s been there for us for just about longer than I can remember, and we love him.

“We” means my wonderful wife, Elly, and I. Her sweetness lights up my life every day. Her strengths balance my weaknesses in so many ways, influencing everything I do. May it always be Ron and El, El and Ron, devoted.