Numbers in italics indicate illustrations

All page numbers are refer to the print edition of this title.

!Kung, 16, 22–23

abalone, 300
Aborigines, 16, 50–54
Aché of Paraguay, 16
acne, 186–87
activator X, 31, 119–20
addictions, 10, 249–51
adrenal glands, 38, 93–94
adrenaline, 254
Africa, 44–50, 49
agricultural revolution, 15–16, 24–25
Alaska, 35–37, 43
alcohol, 10, 16, 64, 147–48, 249–53
alcoholism, 249–51
allergies, 157–59
almonds, 240
alpha-linolenic acid, 111, 118
alpha lipoic acid, 268
Amazon Jungle Indians, 60–61
American diet, 89–91, 249
amino acids, 69
ancestors, 15–16, 24–25
anchovies, 211, 282
Andes Mountain Indians, 60
animal fat, 7, 23
animal organs, 65–67
antibiotics, 194–95, 196–97
antioxidants, 266–67
anxiety, 184–85
apathy, 128–29
apple cider vinegar, 244
arrhythmias, 169–70
arthritis, 1, 162–66
Ashley-Montagu, F. M., 48, 50
Atkins Diet, 132–33
Australian Aborigines, 20–23,
        50–54, 70
Australopithecines, 18–19

back problems, 162–66
balsamic vinegar, 244
bananas, 47–48
Bantu people, 131
Barnes, Broda, 160–61
bass, 310
beans, 47–48, 147
beer, 249–53
berries, 239
beverages, 249–54
BHT, 242
bioflavonoids, 136–37
biopsies, 174
birth control, 83–84
blemishes, 146
blood-chemistry tests, 319–23
blood fats, 113–15
blood platelets, 117
blood pressure, 168–69, 215
blood sugar, 182–83, 245–46
bluefish, 211, 282
bone broths, 119–20
bone marrow, 38
bovine tracheal cartilage (BTC),
        177–78, 330
bowel movements, 146
brain, 65–67, 205
brains, 94
breads, 236
breastmilk, 102, 157
brown rice, 235
brucellosis, 105
buckwheat, 235
butter, 65–67, 70, 164, 221
butterfish, 282

caffeine, 10, 169–71
calcium, 23, 68, 162–63, 168–69, 215,
calcium metabolism, 101–2
Canada, Northern, 35–37, 43
cancer, 136–37, 171–79
candidiasis, 185–86, 246
canned goods, 64
carbohydrates, 133, 163
carotenes, 217–18
cashews, 240
cataracts, 188
Catholics and Catholicism, 83–84
cats, 99. See also Pottenger’s Cats
cattle, 194–203
Cave Man Diet, 6–7
cellulose, 103
Celtic salt, 147
Chaitow, Leon, 7
change, 128
chapattis, 87
cheese, 64, 65–67, 70, 158, 221
chemical agriculture, 225–27
chemotherapy, 135, 172
chicken, 206–7
chicken soup, 155
chloroplasts, 110–11
cholesterol, 114, 168–69, 319–20
chronic fatigue, 159–61
Churchill, Winston, 274
cigarettes, 77–78, 84
circulatory disorders, 166–71
citrus fruit, 164
clams, 167, 300–301
Clark, John, 85–86, 87–88
coconut oil, 243–44
coconut sugar, 245
cod, 283–84
cod-liver oil, 119–20, 164
coffee, 253–54
colds, 154–56
colitis, 180
complete blood count, 316–18
complexes, 127
cooked greens, 230
cooking methods, 21–22
CoQ10, 268
corn, 47–48
cortisone, 165
crab, 302–3
cravings, 138, 143

dairy products, 65–67, 158, 163
    processing of, 216–20
    raw, 220–24
    role of milk in evolution, 214–15
dandelion, 271
Daniel, Kaayla, 120
Dart, Raymond, 18
Darwin, Charles, 2
Davies, David, 75–77, 81–83
Delaney Clause, 198–99
DHA, 117–18, 205
diabetes, 182–83
diagnoses, 127
    basic food groups, 147–49
    connection with disease, 15–18
    during pregnancy, 152–53
    proportions, 149–51
    signs of nutritional imbalance,
    medical community on, 61–62
diet, for specific conditions
    acute illness in infants, 157
    allergies, 157–59
    anxiety, 184–85
    arthritis, 162–66
    back problems, 162–66
    cancer, 171–79
    candidiasis, 185–86
    chronic fatigue, 159–61
    circulatory disorders, 166–71
    colds, 154–56
    flu, 154–56
    gastrointestinal diseases, 180–82
    headaches, 183
    heart problems, 166–71
    mental illness, 184–85
    mononucleosis, 156–57
    skin problems, 186–87
    thyroid problems, 159–61
diethylstilbestrol (DES), 198–201
dihomo-gamma linolenic acid
        (DGLA), 109
discipline, 329–30
disease, 127, 188–89
    connection with diet, 15–18
    medical community on, 61–62
docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), 109, 205
dolphin fish, 284–85
Down’s syndrome, 188
dried fruit, 237
drug therapy, 125
dulse, 230–31
dysentery, 44

ear infections, 158
Eaton, S. Boyd, 7, 16
Ecuador, 80–85
eczema, 186
eggplants, 231–32
eggs, 71, 206–7
egg yolks, 137
eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), 66–67,
        108–11, 112, 117–18
Einstein, Albert, 100
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 16
Ellis, Havelock, 128
emotional disturbances, 184–85
emotional health, 9–11
Enig, Mary, 217
enzymes, 69–70
EPA, 66–67, 108–11, 112, 117–18
epilepsy, 188
erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR),
Eskimos, 16, 27, 35–37, 40, 102, 117
Esselbacher, Kurt, 217
essential fatty acids, 109
estradiol, 200
estrogens, 200
Europe, Price’s findings in, 29–35
exams, medical, 126–27
exercise, 146, 152–53, 171, 325–32
    beverages, 249–54
    herbs and seasonings, 247–49
    oils, 241–44
    sweeteners, 245–47

farmers, 115–16
farming, 225–28
fasting, 138–39, 180
fasting glucose, 321–22
fats, 23. See also oils
fat-soluble nutrients, 65–67, 266
fatty acids, 23
fermented beverages, 64, 147–48
fiber, 23
fish, 19, 33, 34–35, 64, 70
    freshwater, 309–11
    heart disease and, 111–13
    saltwater, 282–300
    water pollution and, 208–11
    See also seafood
fish broth, 142
fish eggs, 59
fishermen, 115–16
fish oils, 113–15, 117–18
flexibility, 129, 150–51
Florida, 43
flounder, 294–95
flour, 16, 236, 255–56
flu, 154–56
Foerster, Ottfried, 133
Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 226
Foord, Alvin G., 94
fowl, 206–7
free-range chickens, 206–7
freshwater fish, 309–11
fruit, 64
fruit juices, 64
fruits, 137, 164, 237–39
fungicides, 227

Gaels, 33–35
gallstones, 168
gastrointestinal diseases, 180–82
genital herpes, 240
Georgian Russia, 77–80
gerontology. See longevity
Gerson, Max, 133–37, 161, 172
Gerson Diet, 133–37
glands, 269–70
glaucoma, 188
glucose-tolerance test, 322
glycohemoglobin, 322–23
goals, importance of, 128–29
grains, 16, 47–48
grape seed extract, 271
grass, 66
grass-fed animal foods, 147
grass-fed beef, 204
grass-fed butter, 164
greatness, 331–32
Great Spirit, 128–29
green-leaf juice, 137
greens, 98, 147, 230
guinea pigs, 98

habituation, 149–51
haddock, 211, 284
Hadza of Tanzania, 16
hake, 211
halibut, 285–86
Haught, S. J., 135
Hawaii, 41–44
hawthorn, 270
headaches, 183
health and healing, 9–11
    diet reviews, 129–44
    essence of, 8–9
    importance of goals, 128–29
    importance of medical history and
        exam, 126–27
    power of nature, 1–2
    rebuilding good health, 3–4
    selecting a physician, 123–26
    See also primal diet
hearing, 158
Heart Disease, 16
heart problems, 166–71
Hemmings, W. A., 69–70
hemorrhoids, 180–82
herbal supplements, 270–71
herbicides, 227
herbs, 247–49
herpes, 240
herring, 65–67, 211, 286–87
hexane, 242
high-fructose corn syrup, 245
Hippocrates, 4, 140
Homo erectus, 18–19, 237–38
homogenization, 216–17
Homo sapiens, 19, 237–38
honey, 245–47
Hooton, Ernst, 26
hormones, 197–201
hunter-gatherers, 18–19
Hunza, 74–75, 77–79, 85–89
hypoglycemia, 182–83, 237,
hypothyroidism, 159–61

illness, 3–4, 32, 127
immune groups, common features of,
indigenous foods, 228–29
indigenous people, sanctity of food to,
individuation, 275
industrial processing, 242
infants, acute illness in, 157
injuries, 329–31
insects, 131
intellectual function, 117–18
intestinal gas, 146
intestines, 65–67
iodine, 68, 230–31
iron, 68
irridated ergosterol, 217–18

Japan, 115–16
Journal of American Dental Association, 29
juice, 136–37, 164–65, 232–33
Jung, Carl, 273–75
Jupiter, 56, 118

Kade San, 16
Kakiashvili, David, 78
Kalahari Desert, 22
kasha, 235
kelp, 59
ketones, 132–33
kidney stones, 168
Kikuyu, 46
kombucha, 250
Konner, Melvin, 7, 16
Kushi, Michio, 139–44

laboratory tests, 316–24
lamb, 205–6
Lasuria, Khaf, 77–78
Launois, John, 77–78
Lawlor, Robert, 20, 21–22
Leaf, Alexander, 77–78, 85, 86–87
Leakey, Richard, 22–23
life expectancy, impact of American
        diet, 89–91
life extension, 74
linolenic acid, 118
liquor, 249–53
liver, 61–62, 65–67, 94, 204–5
liver juice, 136
living soil, 227–28
lobster, 303–5
Loetschental Valley, 29–33, 65, 215,
long-chain fatty acids (LCFAs), 244
longevity, 271–72
    impact of diet on, 80–89
    verifying age and health status, 73–75
    Vilcabamba, 75–78
    See also primal diet
Lopez, Barry Hoistun, 21
low carb diets, 132–33
lung cancer, 141
lupus, 133–34
Lutalyse, 195

Machu Picchu, 59
mackerel, 211, 287–88
mackerel diet, 117
macrobiotic diet, 139–44
macular edema, 188
magnesium, 68
magnesium stearate, 264–65
malaria, 44
Maori, 56, 118
maple syrup, 245
Maragou, 46
marrow, 65–67
Masai, 33, 45–46, 215
McCarrison, Robert, 85, 87, 88,
        98–99, 161
meat, 21
    conventional production of,
    cooked versus raw, 95–97
    naturally raised, 203–7
    sharing of, 22–23
medical history, 126–27
medical profession, on diet and disease,
medium-chain fatty acids (MCFAs),
Melanesia, 41–44
meningitis, 134
mental illness, 43–44, 184–85
mercury, 210
migraines, 183
milk, 16, 64, 70, 158
    raw versus pasteurized, 97
    role in evolution, 214–15
milk thistle, 270
millet, 47–48
minerals, 67–68, 261–62, 266–67. See
        also specific minerals
mononucleosis, 156–57, 178
moose, 38–39
Morell, Sally Fallon, 120, 152
Moss, Ralph, 173
mucous, 146
multiple sclerosis, 188
mummies, 58
muscular dystrophy, 188
mussels, 305–6

Nadal, Rafael, 332
nasal congestion, 146
National Geographic, 77
National Public Radio, 228
Native Americans, 21, 37–41
natural living, 273–76
nature, healing and, 1–2
naturopathic medicine, 4–7
Neurs, 46–47
New England Journal of Medicine, 7,
        16–17, 111–12, 113
nightshades, 229, 231–32
Nilotic Tribes, 45–46
nori, 230–31
North America, 35–41
Norwalk juicer, 136
Nourishing Broth, 120
Nourishing Traditions, 152
nutrients, protective, 71–72
nutritional imbalance, symptoms of,
Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, 2,
        26, 119–20

nuts, 147, 240
nystatin, 185–86

oats, 34
obesity, 182–83
octopus, 211, 306
Ohsawa, George, 139–44
oils, 147
    manufacturing methods, 241–43
    types of, 243–45
oil spills, 209–10
old age. See longevity
olive oil, 115, 244
omega-3 fatty acids, 66
oral larvicides, 200
Oregon Regional Primate Center, 118
organic farming, 225–28
organ meats, 204–5
organophosphates, 200, 209
organs, 64, 70, 269–70
osteoporosis, 68, 163
Oster, Kurt, 217
Outer Hebrides, 43
ovarian cysts, 142
oysters, 167, 306–7

Page, Melvin, 246
“Paleolithic Nutrition,” 16–17
palpitations, 169–70
pastas, 236
pasteurization, 219–20
pasteurized milk, 97
patterns, 127
PCBs, 210–11
peace, 143–44
peanuts, 240
pecans, 240
pectins, 103
peppers, 231–32
Peruvians, 56–60, 57
Phillipson, B., 113
physical health, 9–11
physicians, selecting, 123–26
pimples, 146
pollock, 211
Polynesia, 41–44
pompano, 211, 288
postnasal drip, 146
potassium, 237
potatoes, 231–32
Pottenger, Francis M., Jr., 39–40, 70,
        205, 223
    parallels with Price’s work, 99–100
    work of, 92–98
Pottenger’s Cats, 92–98, 103
pregnancy, 152–53
preservatives, 315
pressing, 242–43
Price, Florence, 29
Price, Weston, 2, 26–29, 28
    findings in Africa, 44–50, 49
    findings in Australia, 50–54
    findings in Europe, 29–35
    findings in North America, 35–41
    findings in South America, 56–60, 57
    findings in the Tropics, 41–44
    research on vitamins, 119–20
    See also traditional societies
primal diet
    basic food groups, 147–49
    during pregnancy, 152–53
    proportions, 149–51
    signs of nutritional imbalance,
Pritikin, Nathaniel, 130–32
Pritikin Diet, 130–32
progesterone, 200
prostaglandins, 23, 66, 109
protein diets, 132–33
Prudden, John, 177–79
psoriasis, 186
pumpkin seeds, 240

quinine, 75

radiation, 172
rashes, 146
rats, 98–99, 118
raw foods, 69–70
    benefits of, 101–2
    cooked meat versus raw, 95–97
    diets, 137–38
    digestive system and, 102–3
    personal taste and, 106–7
    raw milk versus pasteurized, 97
    safety of, 104–6
    work of Pottenger, 92–98
raw milk, 33, 101–2, 219–24
raw-vegetable juice, 232–33
red snapper, 211
red wine, 183
religion, 10, 83–84
rheumatoid arthritis, 164–65
roe, 314
Romig, Josef, 39, 102
root canals, 27
rotation diets, 170–71
running, 326–28
rye, 34

sacred food, 14, 20–23
safety, of raw foods, 104–6
Sakurazawa, Yukukazu, 140
salad greens, 230
salads, 137, 147, 164–65
salmon, 65–67, 166–67, 211, 288–90
salt, 147, 247–49
Salvador, Miguel, 78
Santiana, Jorge, 78–79
sardines, 211, 290–91
Sattilaro, Anthony, 142
saturated fat, 243–44
scallops, 307–8
Scarsdale Medical Diet, 132–33
Schachter, Michael, 6, 156
Schell, Orville, 196, 199–200
Schienken, David, 6
Schmid, Ron, 6–7
Schweitzer, Albert, 134
Scientific American, 196
Scientific Monthly, 50
scrod, 211
scurvy, 37–38, 151
seafood, 34, 65–67
    benefits of fish oil, 117–18
    effects of nutrients in, 108–11, 110
    fish consumption and heart disease,
    fish oils and high blood fats, 113–15
    freshwater fish, 309–11
    guidelines for purchasing, 212–13
    roe, 314
    saltwater fish, 282–300
    shellfish, 300–309
    smoked fish, 312–14
    sushi, 311–12
    water pollution and, 208–11
seal meat, 151
sea salt, 147
seasonings, 147, 247–49
sea trout, 291
sea vegetables, 140, 152–53
seaweed, 70, 230–31
seeds, 147, 240
self-assessment, 124
Seminole Indians, 40
sesame seeds, 240
Seton, Ernest Thompson, 273
shad, 291–92
shark, 292
shellfish, 19, 64, 70, 167, 208–11,
Shelton, Herbert, 137–38
shingles, 178
shoyu, 249
shrimp, 308–9
skin, 146
skin problems, 186–87
smelt, 293
smoked fish, 312–14
snapper, 293–94
sodium, 248
soil, living, 227–28
sole, 294–95
soups, 140
South America, 56–61, 57
soy formula, 200
soy sauce, 249
spices, 147
spiritual health, 9–11
sports, 328–32
sprouted grains, 236
sprouts, 137
squid, 211, 309
standard American diet (SAD), 89–91, 249
steelhead, 295–96
Stefansson, Vilhjalmur, 151, 277–80
stocks, 315
striped bass, 296–97
Studies in Deficiency Diseases, 85
sucanat, 245
sucrose, 245
Sudan Tribes, 46–47
sugar, 16, 42, 64, 146, 148, 158, 163,
        245–46, 255–56
sunflower seeds, 240
sunlight, 65
    potency, purity, and additives,
    sources and forms of, 258–63
surgery, 125
sushi, 311–12
sweetbreads, 94
sweeteners, 245–47
sweet potatoes, 47–48
sweets, 143, 146
Switzerland, 43
swordfish, 211, 297
Szent-Gyorgyi, Albert, 136–37

tamari, 249
Tasaday, 16
Tauhuanocan culture, 59
teeth, 26–29, 28. See also tooth decay,
        traditional societies
tepid baths, 157
Thursday Island, 54–55
thyroid glands, 38–39, 159–61,
        168–69, 323–24
tilefish, 211, 297
tomatoes, 231–32
tooth decay, 30
    fat-soluble nutrients and, 65–66
    grains and, 233–34
    sugar and, 246–47
    See also traditional societies
Torres Strait islanders, 54–55
traditional societies
    Australian Aborigines, 50–54
    common features of, 63–65
    Eskimos, 35–37
    Europe, 29–33
    Gaels, 33–35
    Loetschental Valley, 29–33
    Melanesians, 41–44
    Native Americans, 37–41
    Nilotic Tribes, 45–46
    Polynesians, 41–44
    Torres Strait islanders, 54–55
triglycerides, 113–14, 130, 320–21
tripe, 94
trout, 310–11
tuberculosis, 27, 30–31, 133–34
tumors, 174
tuna, 211, 298–99

Uganda, 47
ulcers, 254
unified biological theory, 100
United States, 89–91
Untold Story of Milk, The, 216
urinalysis, 318

vegan diets, 43–44, 137–38
vegetable juice, 232–33
vegetable oils, 16, 64, 115, 187
vegetables, 71–72, 140, 147, 229–33
vegetarians, 71–72
very-low-density lipoproteins (VLDL),
Vilcabamba, 73–74, 75–78, 79, 80–85
vinegars, 147
visual function, 117–18
vitamin A, 7, 66, 118, 149, 258–59
vitamin B, 260
vitamin C, 38, 136–37, 260, 268
vitamin D, 7, 31, 59, 65–67, 118, 149,
vitamin D2, 217–18
vitamin D3, 218, 232
vitamin E, 16, 257, 259, 268
vitamin F, 108
vitamin K2, 7, 66, 118, 119–20, 149,
        162, 168, 218
vitamins, sources and forms, 258–60
Viti Levu, 42

walking, 171, 326–27
walnuts, 240
Warmbrand, Max, 176
water pollution, 208–11
weight problems, 182–83
Weston A. Price Foundation, 203
White, Paul Dudley, 16
whitebait, 299–300
white flour, 42, 64, 148
whole grains, 34, 133, 140, 147, 233–37
wild salmon, 166–67
wine, 147–48, 249–53
world peace, 143–44
Wright, Frank Lloyd, 227

xanthine oxidase (XO), 217

yang, 239
yellow snapper, 211
yin, 239
yogurt, 137, 221

zinc, 68