Steve Dustcircle is the author of several books: Harley Quinn 101, Unchristianed Nation, Politics for the Disinterested, Transport, Napkins, Leaving Worship, and has edited Citing Atheists, The Frightful Fifty, The Quotable Dissenting Heretic, Mangasarian Volume One, and No, I Won't Buy Your eBook, all of which were self-published.


Steve Dustcircle spent thirteen years in and out of the ministry, having left Christianity for secular humanism. Knowing what it's like to face challenges, pride, bigotry and guilt in the church, he is now unbound to tell his story, and help others leave the chains of religion. Originally from Chicago, he now resides in Columbus, OH with his frugal-blogger wife Cynthia, and they have a cat and turtle together.


Steve and his wife run aLife Beyond Books, a publishing house and editing service for authors who write about living life a little differently than the status quo.


The website is alifebeyondbooks.com.

Steve's author website is stevedustcircle.us.