Thanks so much for following the very hectic lives of Willow, Audrey, and Copper. These particular characters were fun to write and hard to get out of my mind. And a very special thanks to Cynthia DiTiberio for her watchful eye and skillful editing during this series.
With every book I try to take away a personal lesson for myself. In Belles of Timber Creek the rain held significance to me. Into everyone’s life, “rain” falls. While writing the series, I hit a very rough, rainy spot in my life with personal health issues and the loss of a brother, sister, and dear sister-in-law. But Willow’s, Audrey’s, and Copper’s stories reminded me to keep my eyes up and not forward. A person can be very nearsighted when he concentrates on his efforts and not God’s plans for his life. So I hope you took something lasting away with you in this series, something to hold on to when the rainy days come, because they will. But God reigns, not rains. I love that thought.
Lori Copeland