


“This was a great idea. I needed to get out,” Stella said, stretching her long legs under the patio table, one calf just brushing Nick’s.

She glinted in the lantern light: straight teeth and mink-brown eyes and diamond stud earrings. She tilted her head back to get the last drops of her wine, and the skin of her throat looked as delicate as a magnolia petal.

They were the only customers on the patio. The fence between them and the neighboring yard was overgrown with Japanese honeysuckle, just beginning to bloom. Between that and the scent of Stella and a tart Rueda, Nick felt absolutely dizzy with pleasure.

“That’s usually when you should stop,” Stella told him, sliding his glass along the table, away from his hand.

“I can drink much more than other people. In fact, it’s good for me. Gus says so.”

“Gus sounds like a bit of a bad influence, if she really said that.”

“You have no idea.” Nick chuckled.

“I should probably slow down too,” Stella said.

“It’s okay. I’ll look after you.”

“I prefer to look after myself,” she said, meeting Nick’s gaze with a wry smile.

Good God, he was glad he’d had a chance to jerk off in the shower earlier. He retrieved his glass and drained it.

“Really,” said Stella. “It’s nice to get out from under everyone’s thumb a bit. But this bad-boy thing you have going on is sort of…”

Nick smiled slowly.

“Transparent,” Stella said.

Nick blinked.

“I mean, I know your life has changed a lot lately,” Stella said. “Mine has too. You think you know exactly what’s going to happen next, and then you find out you were wrong, and you have to figure it out all over again. And you find yourself on the other side of the ocean, or whatever, with people who don’t really like you that much. But all this, like, Ernest Hemingway stuff—I mean, the black eye and the drinking and the dark hints…”

“What are we talking about?” Nick said.

“I’m giving you unwanted advice,” Stella said, laughing bitterly into her empty glass.

“Damn. I thought you were flirting with me,” Nick said.

“I’m taking a break from men,” Stella said.

“Some of us never go back,” Gus said from the other side of the honeysuckle hedge.

“Jesus!” said Nick. “Where’d you come from?”

“Behind this plant,” said Gus, strolling around it. “Smells great, doesn’t it? You’ll learn to use that kind of thing.”

Now Nick could smell her, kin to him, but he wasn’t sure if he would have noticed it on his own, not with the heady flower scent drowning everything.

“Pretty good,” he said. “You’re like a ninja. A fun-killing ninja.”

Stella, without asking, filled her glass with the rest of the wine and handed it to Gus. “Give it a rest, Nick. I was never going to sleep with you,” she said.

Gus laughed hard at that, pounding her fist on the table.

“I’m going home,” Nick said, wondering if he sounded as sulky as he felt.

“I thought you were going to Greece. With Stella.”

“He said that? That’s kind of creepy.” Stella gave him a raised eyebrow.

“It’s no creepier than Gus going to Durban to stalk her ex,” Nick said.

“Who’s got a packed bag under the table?” Gus said, kicking it with her boot.

“Seriously?” said Stella, turning to Nick.

He shrugged one shoulder. “I just went by my old place to get some stuff.”

“When were you going to invite me on this supposed trip?” Stella demanded. “Christ, you’ve known me how long? And I’ve already had to egg you once.”

Fuck. He had nothing. It did sound stupid when she put it that way. He didn’t think he’d always been this stupid with women. When had he turned stupid?

When Maksim Volkov licked him was when.

He needed advice from someone smart, someone who wasn’t neck-deep in supernatural bullshit. If he wasn’t going to get laid, he needed something to go right, just one thing.

He made himself turn to Stella and apologize. Maybe she wasn’t as into him as he’d thought, but he’d learned at least one thing from the whole Sue Park debacle.

Gus, though, she could fuck herself. Nick grabbed his duffel from under her boot and walked away without saying good-bye.



Lissa sat in her kitchen until two o’clock in the morning. She read grimoires, paged through one of Stella’s celebrity magazines.

More than a week before the full moon, when she could ask Baba for help. She wondered how long she could stay awake.

She hadn’t tried getting out of the house yet, she thought. Maybe it would help if she wasn’t asleep when the hour struck: if she were someplace beautiful, someplace else.

Outside, the air held no trace of the weird nightmare chill. Not yet, anyway. She looped her bag over her shoulder and strolled north. The maples were in full leaf now, haloed brilliant lime in the streetlights. They hardly rustled, the air hung so still.

She walked aimlessly, too tired to hurry, even if hurrying could have taken her further from the nightmare hour. North and a little way east, through two parks, passing a man sleeping beneath a bench, another man on a pair of flattened cardboard cartons.

A few houses showed lights at upper windows or the flicker of a television. A raccoon trundled across the street ahead of her; two cats stood, backs up, eyeing each other in a tableau of hostility.

She was only a couple of blocks from the church. She saw the onion spire above a cloud of maple leaves.

Even at night, empty, the church felt hung about with a special quiet. Lissa found the door locked, of course. She ascended the fire escape, which led up to a side door into the choir loft. Also locked—but she could curl up in the deep embrasure of a window and rest her head against cardinal-red and finch-yellow panes.

Father Manoilov would be furious if he knew, but it wasn’t as if he could do much to her, not now. She was already barred from the sanctuary. And she wasn’t breaking his edict; she was on the church, not in it.

She even prayed, one of the prayers she used to say with Baba.

It didn’t help.

An hour later, queasy with weeping, she uncurled her body and crept down the fire escape again.

The walk home took longer than ever, and she had to stop once and lean on a trash can while she decided whether or not she was going to be sick.

She wasn’t. She kept walking.

She was. She vomited bile into someone’s flower bed, while a cat watched from a nearby stair.

Shaking, she wiped her mouth on the back of her wrist and trudged on.



Maksim dreamed of Afghanistan again.

It was not the full-color horror of the dreams he’d had over the last few weeks. The sleep brought on by the eggs had seemed to make those brighter, more vivid, than anything he truly recalled. He knew he did not have complete memories of much of what he did in his battle fury, but his dreaming mind was all too willing to fill in the missing bits with stench and hot blood and bone-cracking sounds.

Instead, this dream was unpeopled, spare, and fragmentary. In it, he wore his Afghanka, and he walked the perimeter of a camp alone. Sunrise glinted from the windshields of the infantry trucks. Behind him, the main battle tank loomed, still in the shadow of the hills.

Dust coated the grass at his feet. His boots were worn; steel showed through the leather at the toes.

He smelled the distant river, fast and fresh, and the grease of his gun. He heard wind and his own footsteps.

He felt quite peaceful, even though he knew in the dream that he would be fighting again before noon.

As he began to wake, he remembered what he would do a few months later. He wondered if peace was ever real, ever a thing unto itself, or whether it was only the temporary absence of violence.

The dream fell away then, and Maksim rolled out of his bed, finding that the sunrise, in reality, was still an hour away.

He drank yesterday’s cold tea, black. He tore a chunk from a loaf of bread and ate it on the balcony, watching a rat creep down the gutter on the opposite side of the street.

He thought he would buy meat at the market today; he would visit the gym, see how DeShaun was doing with the competitors; he would buy wine and bitter greens, and he would cook. Nick would like his steak rare, and if he ate well, he might feel his other appetites less.

Only then did Maksim wonder when he’d last seen Nick.



Stella was sitting on the porch, just outside the shadow of the lilacs.

“Did you forget your key?” Lissa asked, hurrying up the walk.

“Nah,” Stella said, waving her hand languidly. “Gus doesn’t like it inside, is all.”

Then Lissa saw that what she’d taken for a dismissive gesture was Stella patting Gus on the shoulder. Gus Hillyard, who was a pale smudge lying sprawled in the dark of the lilac leaves.

“What is it? Is it Maksim?”

Stella giggled. “Nothing’s wrong. Sit.” She slapped the porch beside Lissa’s feet, overloud. “Have a drink. Unless I drank it.”

“No, I did,” Gus said drowsily.

“Seriously?” Lissa said. “This is what you decided to do with your night?”

“You were mad at me; Rafe was working. I don’t know anyone else,” Stella said. “Are you still mad?”

“No. I called you to apologize.”

“Oh. I don’t know where I put my phone,” Stella said, and she began digging through her bag.

“Forget it,” said Lissa. “You can listen to it later. I just wanted you to know.”

“That’s lovely,” Stella said, and she hugged her around the legs.

“You’re not going to be sick or something, are you?” Lissa asked, looking down, twining her hand in the loose strands of Stella’s hair.

“I wouldn’t let that happen,” Gus said and chuckled, low and hoarse. “She’s only a little foxed. I, on the other hand…”

“You still walked me home. Mostly,” said Stella, and she yawned. “I have to go to bed.”

“Me, too,” said Gus and she did not move.

Lissa gave Stella a hand up. “Are we okay? Really?”

Stella hugged her again and kissed her on the cheek. “One of these days, you’re going to tell me all about whatever is going on in your head,” she said. “And I’m going to steal your blue camisole top and make you watch romance films again.”

“Deal,” Lissa said. “Gus? Want a cab?”

“What? Christ, no,” Gus said, struggling up. “I prefer to go on foot.”

“The sidewalk is that way.”

“Ignore my patronizing sister,” Stella said. “Thanks for looking out for me.”

“You’re welcome,” said Gus, and she took Stella’s hand and kissed the back of it before stepping heavily off the porch and down the walk.

“And she didn’t like me giving Maksim eggs,” Lissa said.

“Maybe it is the same,” Stella said, watching Gus weave around the corner. “They only want to be able to get by, right? But it seems like life should be more than just getting by. Especially when your life is that long.”

Lissa wasn’t really listening. “Bed,” she said, tugging Stella’s hand. Her mouth watered at the thought of toothpaste, clean sheets, cotton nightshirt. The night was nearly over and the worst hour past. She would sleep in, long after the sun was up. She would drink tea and listen to the news on the radio, and maybe, later, she would see Rafe.



Maksim saw Gus coming up through Bellwoods Park; she was off the path, kicking heavy boot prints into the soft grass. He changed direction to meet her.

“Why did it get worse for you?” she said without preamble. “Why did you go off the rails?”

Koldun’ia Iadviga died,” he said.

“No. Before that. The thing you never talk about.”

He took a breath into tight lungs. “I still do not truly know why.”

“That’s not good enough,” said Gus, gripping him by the shoulders. “I need to know.”

“I need to look for Nick.”

She shoved at him and nearly fell. “I need to know! Why didn’t you see it coming?”


“If I’d been there, I could have stopped you.”

“If you had been there, one of us would be—”

She cut him off with a wild haymaker. He didn’t let the blow land; he just caught her arm and squeezed until he felt her skin start to pulp against the bones.

She didn’t make a sound. She looked at him with her eyes wide and wet and still young-looking, somehow.

“I must look for Nick,” he told her again, letting his fingers ease open. “He has not been back to my apartment.”

“I saw him,” Gus said, holding her arm against her chest, stroking the skin where it would bruise. “He was at a wine bar.”

“Then where is he now?”

“I don’t know,” Gus snapped. “Not with Stella. That’s what matters.”

“Oh,” Maksim said.

Gus hit him again, faster and with better aim this time.

Only once, though, and then she backed down and let her shoulders slouch. “I’ll show you where the wine bar is,” she said while Maksim ran his fingertip over the tooth-cut on the inside of his lip. “After that, I’m going to crash at your flat, because I’m too damned drunk to be up past dawn.”

Maksim held his tongue on the things he could have said. He had said them before, anyway, in other languages and in other countries, and he did not think they would sound different enough in this.



Scientists would want to examine him if they could see him now. The military would run tests on him. Vials of his blood would be marked with biohazard symbols. They’d keep him in a cell underground in the Arctic. For centuries.

Nick nearly laughed aloud. Jonathan would get such a kick out of this. Jonathan would have all kinds of great ideas of how Nick could use his powers.

Jonathan, he realized, would be asleep right now. Jonathan was just a person and would not get up until long after dawn.

Rather than ring his bell, Nick dumped his bag in the alley and decided to climb the wall.

He and Jonathan had done some wall climbing together the year before at a gym on the lakeshore. Without ropes, this was a bit more frightening, but Nick’s hands were so much stronger now. Even without chalk, he could use his fingertips to grip the edges of the cheap yellow bricks of Jonathan’s building. He could kick off his shoes and wedge his toes in the tiny holds. One toe hurt—he thought he’d broken it fighting with Gus earlier—but he knew by now that it would heal up quickly and well.

He took a break on the balcony below Jonathan’s, stretching his arms and legs. Only a minute and he was fresh again, ready to keep climbing.

He wrapped his fingers about Jonathan’s railing and swung himself neatly up, a campus he never would have been able to manage before, even at his training peak. This was more like it; forget cleaning floors and building shelves. He could become a hit man or a spy.

Jonathan’s balcony door was not locked. Why would it be?

Nick slid it softly open and stepped inside.

The apartment smelled of last night’s dinner—oil and vinegar, peppery sauce—and of people who’d sweated together in love and gone to sleep without washing up.

Nick stood in the doorway of their bedroom and watched.

Hannah lay with her back to Jonathan, face nested in her own tangled hair. One hand rested at her mouth, as if she’d almost forgotten not to suck her thumb.

Jonathan’s hand curled over Hannah’s stomach. They were going to have children, Nick remembered. Surely not yet?

As sweet as it all was, he was bored and a bit hungry. He cleared his throat.

Jonathan sat up fast. Hannah tried to, but Jonathan pressed her behind him.

“It’s just me,” Nick said. “Didn’t mean to scare you.”

“Shit, man,” Jonathan said, rusty-voiced, after a moment. “Just about gave me a heart attack.”

Hannah was squirming beneath Jonathan’s arm, dragging the sheet up.

“Oh,” said Nick. “You aren’t dressed. Well, I’ll wait in the living room.”

He heard them whispering together as he turned his back: urgent, sharp, argumentative. Maybe there was something wrong between them. Maybe they’d break up.

Jonathan came out alone, in boxers and a U of T shirt. “My head’s okay now,” he said. “Thanks for asking.”

“Oh,” said Nick. “Shit.”

“Yeah. It was you, then.”


Jonathan sat down on the sofa, staring at Nick with an expression that reminded him of being reprimanded by his father. Nick dug his bare toes into the pile of the carpet.

“Hannah has to get up early,” Jonathan said. “Maybe you should keep this short, whatever it is.”

“I just wanted to see you,” Nick blurted.

“In the middle of the night? After disappearing for a few weeks? We were worried, you know. Hannah wanted to report you missing.”

“But you didn’t?”

“I haven’t forgotten that time you randomly took off for Edmonton. I thought maybe you’d suddenly decided to go tree planting or teach ESL in Japan or something.”

“I had,” Nick admitted. “Forgotten the road trip, I mean. That was a good time, camping and everything. That music festival. Wow, the hash brownies. What was that girl’s name? With the VW van?”

“No fucking idea,” Jonathan snapped.

Nick shook off the memory. “I actually came to tell you something.”

“If it isn’t an apology—”

“No shouting,” said Nick, stepping closer and laying his hand over Jonathan’s mouth. “You said Hannah needed her sleep.”

Jonathan’s eyes widened. His breath, through his nose, whistled faster. His smell changed.

“You’re afraid,” Nick said, wondering. “Of me. Is it because I hit you?”

Jonathan nodded.

“That was a shitty thing to do,” Nick said. “I’ll try not to do it again.”

Nick removed his hand and laid one finger to Jonathan’s lips to remind him to be quiet. Then he crossed to the bedroom door and shoved a chair under the doorknob.

“There. Now it’s just us,” he whispered, returning and standing over Jonathan. “I came to tell … I don’t even know. Maybe you won’t like it.”

“Look,” Jonathan said, even more softly now. “Give it a shot. Tell me. It can’t be any worse than the stuff I’ve imagined, can it?” He didn’t sound sure.

“I’ve changed,” Nick said. “I’m different. I’m not like you anymore.” He couldn’t quite bring himself to say not human. “When I met Maksim…”

Jonathan actually laughed. “Are you trying to tell me you’re gay?”

Nick slapped him across the mouth. “Stop interrupting!”

“Fuck!” Jonathan said, feeling his lip where the blow had landed, checking his fingertips for blood.

“Would you just let me speak?” Nick said.

“There’s nothing wrong with being gay.”

“Of course there isn’t,” Nick said. “But that isn’t what I am.”

“Have you been in the psych ward?” Jonathan said. “Is that where you met this guy?”

“Stop it,” Nick said, reaching out. “Stop fucking assuming things. You don’t know. You don’t know everything.”

Jonathan’s breath wheezed through his nose again. Nick found he had clamped his hand rather tightly, and he loosened it a little, but not enough to let Jonathan talk.

“When did you start thinking you were better than me?” Nick said. “I thought it was her, for a while, but she’s too nice for that, isn’t she? You came up with it all on your own.”

From the bedroom, Nick heard footsteps and a thump.

The doorknob twisted on its short arc. Hannah: “Jonathan? What’s going on out there? Jonathan?”

“He’s fine,” Nick said over his shoulder. “Be quiet.”

“You’re scaring me,” Hannah said.

“You’re scaring yourself,” he said. “I just came to talk.”

“Nick,” she said, “I know you don’t want to hurt anyone. I’m not sure you’re feeling like yourself right now.”

“Of course I don’t want to hurt anyone,” Nick said. “Unless someone wants to hurt me.”

Jonathan twisted under him, jerked at his arm.

“Don’t do that. You aren’t strong enough anymore,” Nick said. “That’s part of what I’m trying to tell you.”

“Nick, you need to let Jonathan talk to me,” Hannah said. “If he needs help, I’m going to have to call someone.”

“Threats?” Nick said. “You don’t have to do that.”

He let go of Jonathan and shouldered open the bedroom door.

It came off the hinges and knocked Hannah off her feet. “Oops,” Nick said. “Didn’t mean to break it. Give me that.” He snatched the phone from her hand, turned it off, and threw it at the window; plastic pieces scattered, though the window glass remained whole.

Hannah backed away, hands out.

“Just stay in here. Shit, you’re not going to do that, are you? Come with me.” Nick took her wrist, dragged her into the living room, threw her down on the sofa beside Jonathan. “I’m trying to be nice here.”

They didn’t speak. Nick looked at their faces, identically wide-eyed and blank.

He clutched his own hair in frustration, squeezed his eyes shut. “Fuck!” he said. “You’re making this so much harder.”

When he opened his eyes, Jonathan had his hand on another goddamn phone.

Nick lunged, seized his arm, twisted.

Jonathan came off the sofa, yelling, and dropped the phone. When Nick released him, he knelt on the floor, cradling his arm against his chest.

“You should have listened!” Nick said. “I just wanted to talk.”

Jonathan looked funny: sallow-faced, eyes too dark. Nick wondered if he was going to vomit.

Hannah looked nearly as bad. But her eyes weren’t focused on Nick.

Nick glanced over his shoulder.



The sandals at the base of the wall were familiar. Maksim laid his face against the brick for a moment, and the scent there was clear.

He untied his running shoes and removed his socks. This close and he wanted to slow down, wanted to turn back, almost. Wanted to walk back to his apartment and make coffee for Gus and tell her that Nick was gone. If Nick had any intelligence, he would be, after tonight.

Maksim did not smell any blood, though. Not yet. He might still have a chance to keep Nick from shedding it.

He cracked his knuckles and set his palms to the wall.

Climbing proved awkward, with several of his fingers still stiff and the healing scabs down his side still cracking. He had never liked heights, either.

He could hear nothing from within the building. Nick’s scent stopped abruptly. A thread of fabric caught in a cracked brick smelled of him, and then nothing.

Maksim craned his head around. Above and to the left, the base of a balcony: Nick must have taken that route. Maksim hugged his weight close to the wall, pressed up on his toes, and swung up and out.

The iron rail creaked when it took his weight. Even underweight, he was bigger than Nick. He clambered up hastily, tearing his shirt.

Through the open door, a young woman watched him, open-mouthed—and before her Nick, poised and thrumming with violence.

Maksim bulled in and took him.

Nick had time to turn and inhale. Maksim caught him by the throat and squeezed.

Nick kicked and swore and hammered at Maksim’s forearm. Maksim held on.

“You’re hurting him,” the woman said. Maksim looked to her. She was backed into the corner of the sofa, hands raised protectively before her.

“Look to your own,” Maksim said. The other man was hunched on the floor, and he wasn’t breathing quite right.

The woman darted forward, falling to her knees beside the other man.

She stammered something. Maksim did not listen.

He waited until Nick was purple-faced and gagging for breath and then let him fall.

“I will take him with me,” he said to the man and the woman. “You will not see him again.”

“But…” the woman said.

“What the fuck,” the man said.

“I am sorry,” Maksim said. “I should not have let him escape me. I hope you are not badly hurt.”

He bundled Nick up, arms behind his back. Nick wheezed and drooled.

Maksim asked, “Where is the door?”

The woman pointed. “When you take him back, are visitors allowed?”

Maksim blinked. “I would not recommend it.”

A few minutes later, hauling Nick down the fire stairs, he asked, “What did she mean, your friend? Where does she think I am taking you?”

He’d thought Nick capable of answering by now, but Nick only gasped and choked and leaned on his arm.

By the time they reached the ground floor, though, Nick had recovered enough to point to the place he’d left his bag. Maksim hefted it easily in his free hand.

“Will you follow, or must I force you?”

“I’ll follow,” Nick rasped.

He was lying, of course. Maksim had to force him.


Maksim had nearly ended Gus, once. He no longer remembered what city, what country, but he had found her in a barn. There had been a cock crowing, and Gus had been wearing a blue smock like a butcher would wear, and it had been bloodied like a butcher’s too.

Maksim remembered waiting for her to wake up—from one of her rages? From a blow to the head? From a few days’ worth of drink?—while he sat upon a milking stool, empty hands upturned on his knees. She looked childlike, still, in sleep, with the stained fabric bunched around her, hiding the wiriness of her limbs.

As he watched, the lines of her face tightened, and her eyes squinted. He met her gaze and smiled a little. “Augusta,” he said. “You have been busy.”

She did not smile back. “People busy themselves with me. You cannot blame me for answering.”

“Oh, but I can,” he said. “I ordered you to lie quiet.”

“That was days ago, Maks,” she said, stretching, her hands finding the rents in her smock and covering them over. She wrapped the garment closer around her, shivering a little under Maksim’s gaze.

“You did not come away clean this time,” he said, shaking his head at the mess of scratches on her bared legs, the torn soles of her feet.

“I had to run away,” Gus admitted. “But some of them could not run after.”

“Is this what you wished for yourself?” Maksim said. “When you fretted inside the walls of your father’s house?”

Gus shrugged one shoulder. It looked as if it hurt her.

“It need not be forever,” Maksim said. He turned fully toward her and withdrew the silver-chased dueling pistol from the pocket of his coat. “You need only ask,” he said.

Gus sat up straight, wincing. “Of course not.”

“Are you quite sure? This is no life for a girl.”

“I am no girl,” she said, baring her teeth to him. “And I like this life very well.”

He laughed and put the pistol away, and no more was said about it.

He wondered now if he would have done differently in a different age; if the very reason he’d let her live was that he did see her as a girl, still, despite all the harm she could do. And by the time he learned to see her as she really was, he also learned to love her and forgive her all her tempers and lawlessness.

She, in her turn, learned the virtues of discretion and learned to point her temper where it might do good as well as harm and was better at all of it than Maksim was, although time would no doubt wear her down.

Nick, now: part of the problem was that he did not want to learn. And the other part was that neither Maksim nor Gus had learned to love him yet.



Maksim kept Nick in a hammerlock all the way back to his apartment. Nick bore it, seething silently, though Maksim could feel the deep tremor in the joint of his shoulder. He hauled Nick right up the stairs and through the door and into the shower, where he let go and cranked on the cold tap.

Nick hissed through his teeth and shied away from the chill.

“It will keep the bruising down,” Maksim told him. “And perhaps your temper, for now.”

“I had it under control.”

“No. I had you under control,” Maksim said. “Hush, now, and clean up.”

Nick scowled, but under the icy water his mutiny was leaving him. He nodded and shivered; he stripped off his sodden T-shirt, wrapped his arms about his lean chest, and tilted his throat to the spray.

Maksim left the shower curtain half-drawn and stood in the bathroom doorway.

Gus, on the sofa, rolled over and set her bare feet to the floor. She padded close and leaned on the door frame opposite Maksim and whispered, “I will kill him for you, if it must be done.”

Maksim looked at her: bloodshot eyes, hair flat on one side, a tiny scar at the corner of her lip that he thought he might have given her once upon a time.

“You don’t need another reason to hate yourself,” she said.

“No,” Maksim said. “Neither do you.”

The shower turned off; from within the bathroom, Nick coughed painfully.

Gus shrugged and stretched and knuckled at her temple. “Offer stands if you change your mind,” she said, and she got up to make coffee.

Maksim watched her—the still-youthful grace under the clumsiness of her hangover as she ran water and measured grounds and rinsed out a couple of used mugs. She didn’t look at him. She was giving him time to see she meant it.

Like a cat offering her master the corpse of a songbird, he thought; but that was not right, because animals were innocent, and the kin were not.

The coffee finished brewing. It did not smell as rich as it would have before the spell tamed his nature again, but still it was good. And still he did not know what he should do.

Nick, subdued and pale-faced, dried off and put on clean clothes. He ate a piece of bread and a plum, in small bites, swallowing carefully.

“Are you ready to listen now?” Maksim asked him.

Nick nodded.

“I am going to send you away,” Maksim said. “With Gus, if she will take you.”

Gus, sitting on the kitchen counter, dangling her boots, shrugged and nodded. Looked keenly at Maksim.

He met her eyes and blinked.

“I think,” Nick said, and he paused to clear his throat. “I think I know where I should go.”


“Jonathan said it. I knew he’d know … only I fucked it up … Whatever. Look. There’s a job—you might’ve heard about it—where you plant trees. Up north. You live in a camp in the woods. It’s hard, and the pay’s not great, but you work outdoors.”

With the words, his voice came a bit easier. Gus lost a bit of her wary poise and leaned forward, interested.

The job would only last the summer, Maksim understood. Nick would be back in town and restless by fall.

But maybe it was enough time for him to come to terms with his nature. And if not …

Maksim nodded and gestured for Nick to continue.


image  FULL MOON

The full moon fell the day after midsummer.

“I thought it was significant somehow,” Stella said, tapping the calendar with a manicured nail. “It always seems to be a big thing in stories.”

“It’s different every year,” Lissa said.

“Oh, right; I keep forgetting how the moon shifts about. Doesn’t that drive you a bit mad?”

“When I was a kid, maybe. Now I just make sure to look at the calendar.”

“Oh, snap! Some of us haven’t had a lifetime of witching,” Stella said. “I’ve got the patio tonight. Come and tell me how it goes, if you don’t mind.”

Lissa kissed her on the cheek and waved her off.

Restless, she prowled the house for almost an hour, running her fingertips over shelves that hadn’t been dusted since Baba’s death, reminding herself that she still had not canceled Baba’s credit card and that she owed Anna Malinina a batch of painkilling eggs.

She’d take care of those later. First, her questions.

When the moon showed a broad yellow face over the east end of the city, Lissa was watching from the porch with the doll cradled in the crook of her arm, a torn hunk of French bread ready, and the saltshaker.

By the white rider of dawn, by the red rider of day, by the black rider of night, I call to you: Iadviga Rozhnata, your scion desires your counsel.

“On what matter may I counsel you tonight?” Baba asked, her voice harsh and still her own and very far away.

Lissa felt her eyes flood over. “I performed the new-moon ritual,” she said. “The thing that’s happened, ever since … I hate it. I haven’t had a full night’s sleep in two weeks. Stella worries. I worry. I worry you’re angry at me, and I worry I haven’t done the right thing.”

Baba remained silent.

Lissa supposed none of what she’d said was a question, after all.

“How do I make it stop?” she asked.

“Oh, vnuchka,” Baba said. “You do not. You bear it, because it is the price of breaking Law.”

“How long?” Lissa asked. Her voice gave out again. She wondered if it would ever come back all the way.

“Until the price is paid,” Baba said. “Not forever. Long enough.”

Lissa drew in a shuddering breath. She had two more questions to ask, and only one could be answered.

She bit her tongue on it, holding on to the sense of Baba in her mind. Until she had her last answer, she would not be alone.

She kept sitting, cradling the doll, watching the moon brighten to white and rise up into a halo of thready cloud.

Baba waited with her, endlessly patient.

Finally, “Maksim says hello,” Lissa said. “He thanks you. He says he did not know what he asked of you.”

Something in the quality of Baba’s silence gave Lissa her decision.

“And Stella,” she said. “Stella never got a chance to know you, and she wishes she had.” Lissa could not say Baba and Stella would have loved each other, although she wished it were true. She forged on, “She knows what I do now. She’s curious and smart, and I think she’s capable. Should I teach her?”

“You have already begun,” Baba said.

And that was all she said. She didn’t go, right away, though. Lissa felt her there, lingering in the chilly open space that was not a space.

She kept talking, telling Baba about the changes she was going to make to the house, about Stella’s job, and even a bit about Rafe.

Sometime around her description of how they’d set up Lissa’s old bedroom for Stella, Lissa noticed that Baba was gone, leaving a warmth behind, or maybe it was only the contrast to the sense of chill she brought.

Lissa wrapped up the doll and put it away.

She tied up her hair in a loose knot, glossed her lips, and went to the pub.