The Interview
You have a lot of information running through your brain right now; you may be wondering how there could be anything else on the subject.
Well, there’s a lot. During the actual interview, you want to be your best self. We have lightly touched on some of these topics up to this point, but in this chapter, we will really dig into the following: composure, body language, tone of voice, eye contact, asking questions, and some general tips and tricks.
In really stressful times, the phrase “stay calm” or “be calm and composed” is often used. Being composed just means that you are calm, and you are in control of yourself.
When you’re getting ready for the interview, you have to think about how you’re going to come across, and composure is a huge part of that.
This is the last thing you want to have happen:
Ten minutes late, you bust through the double doors. Your hair is frizzing pretty badly, the right side of your shirt is untucked, and you can see that you’re wearing two different socks.
You’re out of breath. The receptionist can tell that you ran from the other side of the parking lot. There’s a bead of sweat running down your spine and your armpits are really, and I mean really, wet.
“Hi,” you manage to say between heavy gulps of air, “I’m here,” you breathe deeply, “for the interview.”
“You’re late,” the receptionist says, looking at you from under her tipped reading glasses.
“Yeah, sorry about that,” you say as you look down and quickly stuff the right side of your shirt in.
“Have a seat,” she motions.
Your hands are shaking, and you sit down in the lobby. Your knees are shaking, too. There’s air conditioning right above your head, but you still can’t stop sweating. Your eyes are darting left and right, and you can’t remember anything you studied for. Your stomach starts to feel really heavy and you realize you’re panicking.
Hopefully you’re laughing a little bit — this is not going to be you. Let’s look at some things you can do to help you stay composed.
Answering questions
Don’t know how to answer that question? No big deal. Ask the interviewer to repeat it. Still don’t know how to answer? You have two options. Tell the interviewer that you just don’t know. They’ll move on, and it isn’t the end of the world.
If you don’t know how to answer the questions because it’s a situation question, and you don’t think you’ve been in that situation before, explain what you would do if you were in that situation.
In case that left you confused, here’s an example: “Interviewer: Explain a situation where you helped an angry customer. You: Well, I’ve never been in a situation like that before, but if I were, I would…” Fill in the blank with what you would do. It answers the question effectively and you just dodged the dreaded “pass.”
Be confident
I know, you’re probably saying, “hey, you said that already!” You’re right, but part of being composed is being sure of yourself.
Show a sense of natural confidence. No one is more confident in your abilities than you are. If you don’t feel confident inside, act like you are anyway. You might be able to trick your brain into feeling more self-assured if you at least act like you are.
Calm your nerves
Go over the advice on calming your anxiety back in Chapter 2, and put it into practice. Chances are the interviewer is a bit nervous, too. Think of the interview as a conversation. Try to get to know the person as you might with the students in your class at the beginning of a new school year.
Body Language
The first impression you give will be a huge factor in determining whether or not you get the job. According to a study by Xerox, only 7 percent of all communication is verbal (qtd. in Stalter). That means that what you say isn’t really that important — what you say with your tone of voice and body language is.
Here’s an example: Your mom asks you to do the dishes after dinner. You look at her for a few seconds without saying anything. You sigh deeply and dramatically and say, “Okay,” the pitch of your voice rising and falling. Your eyes are rolling and your hips have shifted.
Here’s another example: Your mom asks you to do the dishes after dinner. Without moving, you quickly respond and say, “Okay,” with a high, enthusiastic pitch to your voice. You smile and your posture is very upright.
In both instances above, the same words are used. However, you can see that the underlying body language determines how the communication is perceived.
Body language is a really detailed topic — you can read books upon books about the subject. However, let’s just take a look at a few key concepts demonstrated in Harmony Stalter’s book, Employee Body Language Revealed, that you can use when it comes to doing your first interview.
Smile, but not too much
Opening the interview with a smile is a great way to leave a positive first impression. However, don’t smile more than the interviewer. If you smile too much or giggle a lot, you’ll come across as silly or ditzy, which is unprofessional. This can also come across as a cover-up for your nervousness. Try to mirror what the interviewer is doing. When he or she smiles, smile back.
Nod your head
If you agree with something the interviewer is saying, nod your head. This is the universal, nonverbal sign for “I agree,” which will let the interview know that you’re listening to what they’re saying.
Upright posture
Sit upright with your back straight. If you slouch, you won’t look confident. With that being said, don’t be stiff. If you sit still the whole time, it might freak out the interviewer. You’re allowed to shift every once in a while; just don’t let it take away from the interview.
Keeping your palms exposed gives off the sense that you are open and sincere. The best way to naturally have your palms exposed is to keep your hands in your lap, but have them facing up. You can let your right hand rest on your left hand, which feels natural, not forced.
Also, don’t touch your face, hair, or mouth. It looks fidgety, which is a sign of nervousness. You want the interviewer to know that you are prepared and confident.
Your arms are a huge part of body language reception. If you cross your arms, it can be an indication that you are being defensive. You might be showing that you are closed-minded. Avoid doing this during an interview.
If you have your arms behind your back, also known as hidden arms, you are sending a signal that you are hiding information or aren’t being honest. Always keep your arms in sight; keeping your arms comfortably at your side is your best bet.
When it comes to your feet and your hands, the most important thing to keep in mind is to avoid fidgeting. This is a sign of impatience and can make it seem like you want to run away. This might seem pretty accurate (can I run away now?), but avoid it. Focus on keeping your hands still and only shift positions every once in a while.
The handshake
The handshake is one of the most important parts of the interview process. For your first job interview, your employer might not be expecting a great handshake. However, if you deliver a professional, firm handshake, you’re already exceeding expectations and are on your way to getting the job.
To have the perfect handshake, don’t be too firm. It leaves the impression that you’re overly aggressive. You’ll know if it’s too firm — this is the kind that actually hurts your hand.
On the other hand, don’t be too shy. If you give a timid handshake that is limp, you’ll send the signal that you’re insecure.
Also, make sure your hands are dry. If you’re nervous, you might get sweaty hands, which is unavoidable. However, avoid the wet handshake by rubbing your palms on your pants before you walk inside. Once you get the handshake out of the way, don’t worry about your sweaty hands.
The best handshake is one that’s firm, because “it conveys a sense of equality” (Stalter).
Practice your handshake with a friend or a parent. Get feedback on your grip — make sure you’re being firm, because this is the best way to show right off the bat that you’re confident.
Tone of voice
The pitch of your voice changes all the time depending on the context of what you’re doing.
Think about going to a restaurant, for example. Have you ever noticed that your server greets you with a pretty high-pitched voice? — “Hey guys, how’s it going?”
If your server is apologizing for something, you may notice that the pitch in his or her voice is a bit deeper — “I’m so sorry about that.”
In general, a high-pitched voice is a sign of excitement, while a lower-pitched voice can be perceived as indicating anger. Now, in the example above, the server is trying to be empathetic. He or she is trying to show that they are angry for the customer, not at the customer.
Try not to be monotone, which means that you talk with the same tone of voice the entire time (think about how robots talk). This is a sign that you’re bored.
Similar to fidgeting, talking fast can indicate that you’re nervous. If you just talk normally, you’ll send the signal that you’re confident, which is what we want.
Eye contact
When you ask someone to give you their best advice when it comes to nailing an interview, one of the first things they’ll probably tell you is to have great eye contact. The eyes are called “the window to the soul” for a reason. Where you look will send visual cues to the interviewer. Let’s take a look at what each direction means.
Looking up
When you look up, it’s a signal of recollection. You’re thinking about a memory.
Looking down and to the left
This is a signal of contemplation. You’re thinking about something pretty deeply.
Looking down and to the right
You’re thinking about something emotional.
Looking straight down
This is the signal for shame or sympathy. If you’re talking about empathy or sympathy during the interview, looking straight down will enhance your words.
Looking sideways
Try to avoid looking sideways. This is the signal for uncertainty, which will send the signal to the interviewer that you aren’t 100 percent confident. If you notice that you’re looking to the left or the right, stop doing it and look straight ahead.
In general, it is recommended that you hold eye contact for about 15 seconds at a time. Anything more makes you seem like you’re trying to be intimidating and anything less makes you seem like you’re not confident or that you’re lying.
Looking into the eyes
If you look straight into the interviewers eyes, you are showing a sign of respect and attention. Eye contact also helps the other person feel more comfortable with you and is a sign of sincerity. You don’t have to stare straight into their eyes the entire time, because this can feel unnatural, and it might actually freak out the interviewer. Be natural, but be aware that holding direct eye contact is the best way to appear confident and respectful.
To read more about eye contact, continue reading Employee Body Language Revealed by Harmony Stalter.
Don’t overthink it
Knowing the basics of body language should help you, not hurt you. Don’t go into the interview with all of these cues at the forefront of your mind. You want to be genuine, not fake.
The main idea here is to have a sense of what signals you’re sending. If you notice that you’re twirling your hair a lot, stop yourself, and put your hands comfortably on your lap. If you notice that you’re talking really fast, slow down.
Finally, be aware that nonverbal communication is more believable than what you say. If your body language says that you’re really nervous, but your words say that you’re confident, the listener is more likely to listen to your body language.
Ask Questions
Don’t forget the interview process can be a two-way street. When the formal interview is over, the interviewer might ask if you have any questions. This is a great time to show that you’re really interested.
However, don’t ask any questions that show that you’re unprepared. You want the employer to know that you’ve done your homework. For example, don’t ask what the hours of the store are — if you are interested in that, look at the website or even at the door to the building. You want to ask more specific questions that show your interest.
Here are some examples of some questions you can ask:
Even if you don’t feel like asking a question, force yourself to ask at least one. The best question you can ask is when you will hear back — this gives you a timeline for when you should follow up. Your employer will be impressed, and you will be ending your interview with a good impression.
General Tips and Tricks
By now, you should be almost ready to master that interview. Here are some tips and tricks that you can use to make sure you get the job.
Don’t chew gum
Sure, we all want fresh breath, but opt for brushing your teeth or having a mint. Chewing gum can leave a bad impression. According to a poll done by CareerBuilders, employers found that one of the most common mistakes that interviewees made was chewing gum, which was in the same list as answering a cellphone and appearing arrogant.
It’s a simple thing to avoid, and it’s one less thing to worry about when it comes to making a good impression.
Be early
The general rule of thumb that has been passed along through generations is: If you’re early, you’re on time. If you’re on time, you’re late. If you’re late, don’t bother showing up.
Show up to your interview five to 15 minutes early; if you have to wait, be patient. However, showing up early will show your employer that you’re capable of being on time.
Use your best handwriting
If the application is a written one, focus on using your best handwriting. This is the first impression of all, and if you can leave a good one, you’re on the road to success.
Find the space between humility and arrogance
Employers are turned off by arrogance, but being too humble can also turn them off. If you’re too shy about your accomplishments, they won’t get a sense of how great of a catch you are. Respectfully talk about what you’re capable of without bragging.
Being arrogant: “Yeah, my dad owns a company, so I know how to do just about everything around here. He’s taken me to some pretty fancy places, so let’s just say I’ve been around the block.”
Being confident: “I have a lot of experience working with people; I like to pay special attention to their body language and their tone of voice to completely understand how they feel about a particular service.”
In the first example, the candidate is being arrogant by leaning on his dad to boost his ego as well as his “fancy” experiences. In the second example, the candidate is being confident by leaning on his own abilities.