
You’ve reached the end of the book. May at least a few of these ingenious tricks stick with you. May you sally forth with a renewed sense of confidence—or at least with less wasted money, time, and sweat.

Here are the delightful people who made this book possible.

At Flatiron Books: Jasmine Faustino, who made the experience wonderful, and publisher Bob Miller, who had the superb taste to decide to turn “Pogue’s Basics” from a book into a series.

At the Levine Greenberg Rostan Literary Agency: my friend, and the world’s best book agent, Jim Levine.

At TED: Chris Anderson and Bruno Giussani, who invited me to speak at the 2013 conference. My topic may sound familiar: “10 Tech Basics You Think Everybody Knows (But They Don’t).”

Jan Carpenter and John Wynne stepped in to help me with the photography when the size of the task began to look hopeless. Julie Van Keuren, bless her, laid out this book—and cheerfully kept laying it out as I tinkered with its contents.

During this book’s creation, I enjoyed the support and infinite patience of Jan Carpenter, Cindy Love, my team at Yahoo Tech, and my brilliant Brady Bunch of a brood: Kell, Tia, Jeff, Max, and Farley.

Above all, I owe a debt to my beautiful bride Nicki. Her love and encouragement carried this project all the way from, “You know what I should write someday?”—to the finished book in your hands.