[ ] |
work instructions within brackets as many times as directed |
( ) |
work instructions within parentheses in the place directed |
** |
repeat instructions following the asterisks as directed |
* |
repeat instructions following the single asterisk as directed |
" |
inch(es) |
approx approximately
beg begin/begins/beginning
CC contrasting color
ch chain stitch
cm centimeter(s)
cn cable needle
dec decrease/decreases/decreasing
dpn(s) double-point needle(s)
g gram(s)
inc increase/increases/increasing
k knit
k2tog knit 2 stitches together
kwise knitwise
LH left hand
m meter(s)
M1 make one stitch
MC main color
mm millimeter(s)
oz ounce(s)
p purl
pat(s) pattern(s)
p2tog purl 2 stitches together
psso pass slipped stitch over
pwise purlwise
rem remain/remains/remaining
rep repeat(s)
rev St st reverse stockinette stitch
RH right hand
rnd(s) rounds
RS right side
skp slip, knit, pass slipped stitch over—1 stitch decreased
sk2p slip 1, knit 2 together, pass slipped stitch over the knit 2 together—2 stitches decreased
sl slip
sl 1kwise slip 1 knitwise
sl 1pwise slip 1 purlwise
sl st slip stitch(es)
ssk slip, slip, knit these 2 stitches together—a decrease
st(s) stitch(es)
St st stockinette stitch
tbl through back loop(s)
tog together
WS wrong side
wyib with yarn in back
wyif with yarn in front
yd(s) yard(s)
yfwd yarn forward
yo (yo's) yarn over(s)
Categories of yarn, gauge ranges and recommended needle sizes
Beginner projects for first-time knitters using basic stitches. Minimal shaping.
Easy projects using basic stitches, repetitive stitch patterns, simple color changes and simple shaping and finishing.
Intermediate projects with a variety of stitches, mid-level shaping and finishing.
Experienced projects using advanced techniques and stitches, detailed shaping and refined finishing.
All measurements are rounded off slightly.