A huge thanks, as ever, to Bloodhound Books, especially Betsy Reavley, Tara Lyons, Heather Fitt, Morgen Bailey and Ian Skewis.
A special thank you to Freya and Remi Guezo for lending me their names – and an extra thank you to Freya for coming up with the name Lucien Pleasant.
There would be no point at all in writing if I didn’t have such wonderful readers – thank you to those who read and to those who review and blog – all much appreciated.
Writing would be a lonely business without writing buddies – as always, grateful thanks to the author Jenny O’Brien who rushes to rescue me from technological disasters and reads an early version of my books to give me honest feedback. My US author friend, Leslie Bratspis, for her ongoing support and editing assistance, and to many others including the authors: Vikki Patis, Rona Halsall, Jim Ody, Pam Lecky, Catherine Kullmann, Kerena Swan, Pat Gitt and Mary Karpin. These and many others make being an author much more fun.
Those readers who read the Dublin Murder Mysteries will notice I’ve used the name Edel in this book too – in every book, if it’s possible, there will be one kind lovely woman called Edel in fond memory of my friend Edel Cunningham who left us in 2019.
And last, but never least, a huge thank you to my amazing family and friends.
If you’d like to contact me – and I love to hear from readers – you can contact me here:
Facebook: www.facebook.com/valeriekeoghnovels
Twitter: @valeriekeogh1
Instagram: valeriekeogh2