“WHAT TIME IS IT, Austin?”
“Ten minutes since you last asked.” Austin looked at Judd, a fake scowl on the CEO’s face. He knew he didn’t fool Judd because inside, Austin Castle had turned into a cream puff, just like him. “Sit down, Judd. Pacing won’t make her get here any faster.”
“Where’s Jamie and Jeff?”
“Outside the door. Waiting.”
Judd scowled. “Let’s join ‘em. At least we’ll be with the grandkids.”
Checking his watch, Austin nodded. “All right.” The two in-laws made their way out of the large hangar door into the bright sunshine. The late-June sky was a clear blanket of blue, punctuated with white fluffy clouds. Just right for the delivery of the brand new B0105 aircraft, the lovechild of a dynamite union—funded by Castle Enterprises and purchased by Guardian Flight Base to increase their productivity by thirty percent.
Jeff lazed on the grass with his stepsister. It did Judd’s heart good to see his grandson enjoy his role as big brother. Poor Jamie was going to have more male supervision in her life than she’d ever need. Him included.
“...honest to God, Jame,” Jeff was telling her as the two men neared them. “I almost freaked. Jenna’s gonna have a baby. Ray couldn’t be happier.”
Judd smiled to himself. Everybody was into that damn soap. Even he’d caught it once or twice at Spence’s. Austin was the last holdout, though they were all trying to lure him in.
“Darn, I missed it yesterday.” Jamie grinned evilly. “Now that you got that new girlfriend, you’ll be next to get hitched and have a kid.”
“Hardly.” Jeff bounded to his feet and studied the sky. “They’re coming,” he announced. “I think I hear the rotors.” He noticed Austin and Judd behind them. “Hiya, Gramps.”
Both men nodded to Jeff and said hello to Jamie.
She came to her feet with a hefty yank from Jeff’s outstretched hand. “Hi, guys.” She looked up at the small dot on the horizon. “Finally. I gotta meet Max in an hour.”
“Where she’d go this time?” Jeff asked.
Jamie rolled her eyes. “She just got back from the Cape with her parents. Geez, ever since I gave her those pointers, her mom and dad have been acting like June and Ward Cleaver.” She watched the sky. “Come on, guys. Get a move on.”
With undisguised affection, Jeff rumpled Jamie’s long chestnut hair. Judd grinned at the leopard pants and metallic-red top she wore. Though he teased her mercilessly, he liked that she still chose those crazy clothes.
“Patience, squirt,” Jeff told her. “Our family’s got a lot invested in this baby.”
Nodding, Jamie leaned into her stepbrother’s shoulder. “I know.”
The only thing that choked up Judd more than the way these two got along was the ever-growing closeness between Spence and Jeff, and that he himself was on the receiving end of his son’s affection. All in all, life had worked out just fine.
Within minutes, the ship drew closer and hovered over them. Then, like a feather floating to the ground, it alighted. The new helicopter was almost twice as big as its sister ship. Painted a pristine white, it had gold lettering and a gold angel spreading her gossamer wings on the side.
Judd smiled as Jamie turned to him and grabbed his hand. “Come on, James Bond, let’s go see the new toy.”
“Okay, kiddo.” He let himself be tugged to the ship.
Austin hung back, watching as his son-in-law shut off the motor and slid open the side door. More youthful than his forty-five years would indicate—Alexis had a way of doing that to you these days—Spence leaped out of the helicopter and circled the ship. He yanked open the opposite door of the craft and swung out his wife. In front of them all, he kissed her soundly. Her giggle was girlish, and Jamie’s teasing was loud, snapping, “Okay, you two lovebirds, cut the mushy stuff.”
Off to the side, Judd stared at the aircraft and at Jamie, Jeff and Spence like a proud grandpa. The sight of Austin’s new, extended family made his heart full.
Watching them with a silly grin of his own, Austin saw Alexis search for him, walk over and hold out her arm. “Coming, Dad?”
He clasped her hand in his. “Wouldn’t miss it.” But before she stepped away, he held her back. “Lex, I’m...I just want you to know how happy I am at how everything turned out for us, the Keagans and the base.”
Alexis rolled her eyes. “No kidding, Dad. You and Jeff and Judd are the three Musketeers in both the business world and on the golf course, from what I hear.”
“That’s because you and Spence can barely tolerate spending time apart, even after a year of marriage. And Jamie’s too busy with soccer and her art shows. I’ve got to have some family around me.”
“We are a family, aren’t we?” she observed, gazing at the four people gathered around the ship. “Finally.”
Arm in arm they walked toward the helicopter. Spence turned when Austin came up behind him. “Ready to try out your little gift, Grandpa?” Spence asked easily.
“Yes, son, I am.” Clapping Spence on the back, he winked. “Who gets to ride in front with you?”
“Me!” Jamie said loudly.
Jeff scowled. “Why not me?”
“Or me?” Judd played along. “I’m the oldest.”
“Hey, I paid for it.” Austin joined in the fun, which was new to him, but felt right, somehow.
Though she’d taken to the Foundation like the philanthropist-at-heart that she was, the CEO in Alexis still surfaced from time to time. “Jamie up front, me and Dad next, then Judd and Jeff. We’ll land and switch halfway if your giant egos can’t handle that.”
Spence reached for Alexis to boost her up into the ship, but Jamie stopped them all with a typical teenage screech. “Wait!”
Everybody halted.
“Look, up there.”
All eyes rose skyward. “Wow!” Spence said reverently. “That’s beautiful.”
Mischievously, Jamie eyed her family. “Okay, this time, everybody’s gotta try. If you can’t see them, you can’t come ride in the clouds with us.” She faced her grandpas. “You two Grumpy Old Men go first.”
Austin cocked his head to the left. Judd tilted his to the right. After a moment, Judd said, “They’re as plain as the nose on your face, Austin.”
“Yep. I see them.”
Staring up, Jeff gifted his eyes and looked hard. “Hey, yeah, I see them.” He pointed. “Right there.”
“Mom, your turn.”
Alexis was shaking her head, watching the ground. “No. What’s the point? I won’t find whatever it is. Now that Jeff sees something, I’ll be the only one who can’t. You’ll all tease me.”
Spence stood behind her and circled his arms around her waist. “Come on, Lexy. You can do it. You can do anything.” He whispered something into her ear.
She giggled and said, “Shh.” Grasping onto his arms, she nodded. “All right. I’ll try.”
Slowly she raised her eyes to the sky. And stared intently. They all held their breaths.
A smile spread across her face. “Spence, I see them. Honest, I really see them.”
He kissed her cheek. “That’s my girl.”
Austin looked up again.
Sure enough, there they were. The outline in the sky was so vivid, so well defined, anybody could make it out. This was a sign if he ever saw one. Clearing his throat of emotion, Austin herded his family into the brand new ship that had brought them all together, under the canopy of two hands reaching for each other, the tips of their fingers almost touching.
For notification of Kathryn’s new work and information about her books, be sure to sign up for her newsletter at http://on.fb.me/1bLS0bN.
While researching one of my firefighter books, the paramedic who worked with me on those stories brought me to Mercy Flight Central, an upstate New York helicopter ambulance unit. After an hour there, I knew this was a setting for another book. I returned to the base on Canandaigua Lake several times. The pilots, paramedics, office personnel, mechanics and owner shared their expertise, experiences and all around attitude toward life with me. The realism in this book is due to their willingness to answer questions, our hours of long discussion and their openness about their goals and dreams, their successes and failures. I hope I’ve portrayed them as what they really are: true heroes.
The love story in the book was a tough one. I didn’t plan on dealing with characters so…difficult. What I wrestled with is how flawed could I make the hero and heroine so they could learn and grow from each other. I might have succeeded because one reviewer at All About Romance said this:
It is testament to Shay's abilities that, although both characters are flawed, they remain likable to the end. Alexis goes a little too far in her quest to be Super Businesswoman. Not telling her close friends about her ulcer doesn't seem reasonable at first, and she ends up suffering through spicy meals and bumpy flights because of it. But it is in character, as is her need for her father's approval. That in the end she overcomes her fears makes her a worthy heroine. Spence could certainly work on his listening skills, and I thought he was a little too harsh on Alexis a couple of times, but again, it is in his character to do that. He's spent years rushing to conclusions where his son and his father are concerned, and overnight change would have been unrealistic. He is a man who cares about his job and the people he must help, and finding love with Alexis is totally deserved.
I hope you agree with the reviewer and enjoyed seeing Spence and Alexis find themselves and each other in the process of falling in love.
Kathy Shay
Visit or Contact Kathryn at www.kathrynshay.com
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Don’t miss any of the books in the Sexy Men…Sassy Women Series.
In TIES THAT BIND, Reese Bishop would like to think he’s gotten over his ex-wife, Judge Kate Renado, and vice versa. But when they’re thrown together to disprove an accusation by a former client, who they represented in their high-powered law firm, everything between them gets murky. They’re both involved with wonderful new partners, their daughter has finally accepted their divorce, and the cover-up in the prison system can’t quell the explosive attraction and deep love that surfaces when they work to prove their innocence. Readers will be shocked by the turn of events in this novel.
In THE BODYGUARD, when Cord McKay saves Stacey Webb from an attack, she has no idea he’s played a devastating role in her past. After a second incident, she insists he become her bodyguard. Both Cord, who is guilt-ridden, and her father, who hates Cord with a righteous passion, balk at the idea but Stacey wins out. Though he tries to remain distant and remote, a vehicle accident and a kidnapping attempt bring Stacey and Cord together and nothing can stop the irrepressible attraction and ensuing love between these two very appealing characters.
In PLAYING FOR KEEPS, the Buckland Bulls professional football team sets up their summer training camp at Beckett College, and former linebacker, Mike “The King” Kingston, now a celebrity coach, upsets Dr. Jacelyn Ross’ academic life. First he mistakes her for a student where, in reality, she heads the business department. Then he accuses her of being a biased, stuffy teacher. But when he muscles his way into her personal life, and worse, falls for her, Jacelyn experiences a totally different kind of emotion. Faced with accusations of professional misbehavior, Jacelyn won’t admit she likes the rugged coach and, eventually, that she’s fallen in love with him. Because they can’t avoid contact, tension mounts.
In DANCING IN THE DARK, celebrity Cooking Network host and bestselling cookbook author, Clarissa Boneli, has a critical car accident and doesn’t remember who she is or what she’s done with her life. Worse, she doesn’t recognize the man she loves. But piece by piece, she begins to see there were two Clares: one who loved her friends and made time for them. And one who became aloof and sophisticated and didn’t seem to care who she hurt.