Discussion Questions

1. We learn in the first few pages Annie and Leah are expecting their first children. Annie’s pregnancy is going smoothly. Leah seems to be having more trouble—physically and emotionally. Why do you think this is? Does God love Leah less, or is there another reason people face tough times?

2. Annie and Samuel help Mattie and Jesse when he is having a heart attack. Later Annie speaks to Samuel about the agony Mattie was going through while Jesse was hurting. Go back to chapter four and read Samuel’s reply. He compares two hearts to two vines growing side by side. Is this a good analogy, and if so, why?

3. In chapter six, Jacob says, “When a thing is broken inside a person, way down deep inside, it can become infected. It can affect everything else—like the infection in my leg affected my entire body. Like the dirt in the engines you fix affect the entire machine. Until the person allows the Lord to see their deepest needs, their deepest fears, they’re likely to limp along.” What sorts of things do we try to hide, from others and the Lord? How does this hinder our health both spiritually and physically?

4. In chapter nine, Annie first hears Leah is in labor. She’s worried about early delivery and what the babies will weigh. Samuel’s response calms her. He reminds her of God’s sovereignty and God’s care. When have you needed to be reminded of this?

5. In chapter twelve, Leah wakes in a different room, a different hospital, completely disoriented. Though she doesn’t understand all that has happened, she begins to pray, and she begins with a prayer of thanksgiving. How can prayer help steady us emotionally and physically?

6. In chapter fourteen, Adam and Leah share Habakkuk 3:19—not a book from the Bible that we read often, but it is what Adam found to ease her worries. What portions of the Bible have been a comfort to you in times of trial?

7. We see the benefit auction, through Adam’s eyes, in chapter eighteen. Amish are famous for such auctions and for helping one another. What types of things occur in your community to assist others in need?

8. In chapter twenty-one we meet Kiptyn, one of Annie’s previous patients. When asked, he explains that he grows his hair long for Locks of Love. Do you have any experience with this organization or other organizations that help children in need?

9. Samuel says, “I believe anything can serve Gotte’s purpose.” Do you agree? What things have you seen used by God recently?

10. The fruits of the Spirit was a major theme in this book— love (Bethany), joy (Josiah), peace (Nailah), patience (Adam), kindness (Sophia), goodness (Kiptyn), faithfulness (list of God’s faithfulness), gentleness, and self-control (Adam). Reread Paul’s list in Galatians, chapter five, then discuss how those gifts are an important part of our Christian witness.