Sitting on the sofa, she waited for the knock at the door. How could she have been so bloody stupid? At least if things didn’t work the way she wanted them to, she’d have Roxanne to help her figure out what to do.
Roxanne stood at the balcony door, looking out as the sun began to set over the horizon. Even in paradise, Charlene felt like she was in hell.
A rapid knock at the door jolted Charlene, and Roxanne turned to face her. ‘You ready?’
Nodding, Charlene got to her feet and went to the door. This was it, the moment she would tell the father of her baby that his life was about to change forever.
Gripping the handle, Charlene pulled the door open and there he was, standing outside, dressed as handsomely as always, his scent wafting through the apartment and almost knocking her off her feet. She smiled and opened the door wide to welcome him in. But he wasn’t looking at her. His eyes settled on Roxanne and his face paled.
‘Oh my god, what are you doing here?’ Roxanne said and Charlene turned to see her friend smiling at Jez.
‘I… erm… shit,’ he said, pulling his gaze away from Roxanne and back to Charlene.
Frowning, Charlene slowly grasped the situation. Was this real?
‘Look, babe,’ Roxanne said, stepping forward and kissing him on the cheek.
Charlene froze as she watched them both. Her man and her best friend embracing in a way that should only take place in her worst nightmares.
‘This isn’t really a good time. This is my best friend, Charlene. She’s pregnant and the dad is about to turn up any minute so she can tell him.’
Charlene let go of the door handle and moved back, the shock almost knocking her to the floor.
‘What the actual fuck?’ Charlene said. But she wasn’t looking at Jez. She was staring at Roxanne.
Turning, Roxanne frowned. ‘What is it?’
‘Well,’ Charlene said, casting her eyes on Jez. ‘Go on then. I’m pregnant, what you going to do about it?’
Jez, stunned and unable to speak, turned and headed along the corridor towards the exit.
‘Wait,’ Roxanne said, her tone telling Charlene that the penny had dropped. ‘You’re the guy Charlene’s been seeing?’
He stopped and Charlene shoved Roxanne. ‘You’ve been shagging my boyfriend? Are you fucking kidding me, Rox? You’ve only been here five minutes and you’re dropping your pants for my man already? Like mother like fucking daughter, right enough.’
Roxanne retaliated and shoved her back. ‘Oi, I didn’t know he was your man. You’ve been so bloody secretive about him, how was I meant to know? And don’t fucking dare speak to me like that. Just because you were stupid enough to get up the duff. It’s not my fault.’
An angry fog descended and Charlene grabbed for Roxanne, pulling at her hair and rattling her head off the frame of the door. A flurry of fists and hair, Charlene laid into Roxanne as a frenzy took over. The same thing had happened when they were sixteen. Roxanne had slept with her on-off boyfriend, Colin, and pretended that she hadn’t known they were together, got her slag of a mother to lie about it. Roxanne had professed innocence, apologised and begged Charlene to forget about it. But not this time; Charlene wasn’t buttoned up the back.
‘You’re a fucking bitch, I bring you out here to get away from that shit hole and this is how you repay me?’
Roxanne struggled to loosen Charlene’s grip, but she didn’t have to. Jez reappeared in the apartment and pulled Charlene away, his arms wrapped around her as he dragged her along the hallway.
‘Calm down, Charlene.’
With one last pull, Charlene tugged as hard as she could and a large clump of auburn hair came away in her hand. She let out a laugh and spat at Roxanne.
‘Enough!’ Jez shouted, pulling Charlene harder.
‘I’ll fucking kill her,’ Charlene screamed. ‘You hear me? I’ll fucking kill you, bitch. Don’t think I’ll forget this because I won’t. You better pack your bags and head back to that mother of yours, Saint Mandy, love, because you’re not fucking welcome here anymore.’
Charlene felt tears burn her eyes as she shrugged Jez off, but he gripped her hand. After pulling her into the lift, they reached the ground floor. They were outside now and he was pulling her towards his car.
‘Get in,’ he said, moving towards the passenger door and opening it.
‘Fuck off, I’m not going anywhere with you.’
‘Don’t argue with me, Charlene. Just get in the fucking car. We’ve got things to talk about.’
Charlene hesitated, glancing up at the apartment. He was right, they did have a lot to discuss. But what would he have to say for himself? He was the one shagging someone behind her back while she was busy growing his bloody child.
She climbed into the car and put on her seat belt as he sped off down the narrow street and along the back streets towards his apartment. They said nothing as Jez drove and Charlene had to bite her lip to stop from crying.
Charlene felt sick. This was all such a mess and so raw. Just an hour earlier she’d poured her heart out to her best friend and now she’d found out that the guy who’d made her pregnant was cheating on her with said friend.
Turning, she faced Jez and raised a brow. ‘Explain yourself, then.’
As he cleared his throat, Charlene noted the beads of sweat on his brow. Good, she thought. He should be bricking it.
‘Right, first of all I didn’t know she was your best friend. I had no idea and I can promise you that she didn’t know I was seeing you either.’
‘Bullshit. Next lie please,’ Charlene said with a venom to her tone she didn’t know she could muster. She watched as he rolled his eyes.
‘I’m not bullshitting you. I swear I didn’t know you two were friends.’
‘So that just cancels out the fact that you were cheating on me, does it?’
Jez shook his head. ‘No, of course it doesn’t. Look, I’m not into this whole monogamy thing. We’re living in fucking Magaluf for fuck’s sake and—’
‘Oh,’ Charlene interrupted. ‘So basically, you’re telling me that you give zero fucks that I’m carrying your child. You just want to live out here with no attachments? And where does that leave me, eh Jez? You were talking about moving in together, and all of a sudden you’re “not into this whole monogamy thing”. That’s all I have to hear, Jez. I’m not interested in anything you’ve got to say for yourself.’
‘I said I’m not interested.’
The car began to slow and Charlene opened the door. ‘Let me out. I can’t stand to be anywhere near you right now.’
Waiting for him to protest, Charlene felt the lump in her throat grow when he didn’t. What was she supposed to do now? She’d lost her best friend, her man and her future all in one night. Now that she was pregnant with his baby, she’d never be able to forget him.
Jez stopped the car and Charlene got out. She’d half expected him to tell her to stay, so they could try to work things through. She wouldn’t have, anyway. She needed to be alone with her thoughts. Stress and pregnancy were not a good mix and being in Jez’s company wasn’t good for her at that moment.
‘Are you really doing this?’ Jez said, but before she allowed the poison to trail from her tongue, she slammed the car door and walked away. She had no idea where she was going. Not back to her own apartment. She couldn’t be in the same room as Roxanne. She’d walk. Think. Try to push the images of Roxanne and Jez out of her head.
There was one thing she’d never forget though. Roxanne’s betrayal.
Charlene would take her revenge on her one day. She’d take them both down.