Eddie sank back into his seat at the opposite side of the table, in some little back street boozer away from the city and wondered what he’d managed to get himself into. Just before Arabella got out of prison, the worst thing he’d done was cheat on his girlfriend. Now he was in deep shit.
DS Billy Drysdale leaned back in his seat too and looked ever so comfortable as he made Eddie squirm. All Eddie had been looking for was some excitement in his life. How the hell was he supposed to know that it would lead to this?
‘We’ve had Mr Woods under surveillance since he came back into the UK just some weeks ago. Police forces in London and here in Glasgow have been working together to bring him to justice. He’s a dangerous man, Mr Corrigan. And I have been watching your involvement with him. I’ve seen you offer up your vans to allow him to move his drugs freely around the city. I’ve watched you handle drugs packages from Mr Woods flat. I’ve even seen you out on a boozing session with Mr Woods and Mr Cairney. So, I will put it to you again, Mr Corrigan…’
Eddie shook his head and looked down at his clammy hands.
‘I can either arrest you right now for your involvement with Woods and Cairney, or you can co-operate with our investigation into Woods and help us to bring him down. We have enough to bring him in, but we’re waiting for him to give us the bigger fish in this pond. He’s not producing himself, he’s buying in and we don’t know who from yet. If you help, in return, you will be offered anonymity and immunity from prosecution of any offences in relation to Woods.’
Jesus fucking Christ, Eddie thought. How was he going to get around this? He was screwed either way.
When he’d first met Jake and Cole and they’d gone that night to the casino, Eddie had been taken in by the money and the glamour. That was just the face of it all though; it ran a lot deeper than that. As deep as the shit running through the sewers. If Jake and Cole ever found out that he was in cahoots with the police, they wouldn’t hesitate to kill him; there would be nothing the police could do to protect him. And what about Arabella? They’d get to her too, surely.
Grass, or go to jail. Just as Arabella was getting on her feet.
Shit, shit, fucking shit!
DS Drysdale kept his eye on Eddie the entire time, his arms folded as he sat back comfortably. ‘Come on, Mr Corrigan. I’ve not got all day.’
Eddie shook his head but sat up straight. He’d made his decision.