After Action Report: Enemy Activity Trends

1. Anti-Iraqi Forces burning vehicle tires on roads to loosen asphalt for placement of improvised explosive devices under road surface.

2. Anti-Iraqi Forces burying fuel accelerants, such as kerosene or diesel, with improvised explosive devices. Fuel is typically combined with soap chips, causing flame to adhere to exposed skin.

3. Anti-Iraqi Forces initiating complex attacks following improvised explosive device detonations. Typical complex attack includes rocket-propelled grenade salvo followed by small-arms fire directed at dismounted personnel. Enemy withdraws into civilian population quickly in order to avoid counterattack.

Suggested Procedures:

1. Continued adherence to the Five Cs. Confirm the presence of a device. Clear friendly forces to minimum safe distance. Cordon area to prevent enemy entrance. Control access. Check for secondary devices.

2. Travel with a vehicle interval of 75 to 100 meters in order to prevent enemy attack on multiple vehicles with a single device. Fives and twenty-fives remain essential.

Respectfully submitted,

P. E. Donovan