My flatmates spend all day making calls on the satellite phone in preparation for the next rally. They talk to journalists in France and America and tell me that tomorrow, at the rally in front of Sousse Government Center, the cameras will be there. Western journalists will come to ask questions and I will speak in English on behalf of the student committee.
I tell them the last time I spoke English for a job it went badly for everyone.
They laugh like I am making a joke for them. We love our brave Fadi, they seem to say. We love his jokes and how he tries to make us brave like him.
Then they ask me to write a letter for the cause. A press release to the American media, announcing the founding of our little chapter of the revolution.
I refuse at first. How will I even release such a letter, when it is time? The Internet works for us more and more seldom now. Ben Ali will shutter it firmly in a matter of days. Surely, before he sends the Army into the streets.
My flatmates, the committee members, say that I should use what Internet we have left to obtain telephone numbers. In this way, we might be able to use the satellite telephone to call a friend in America, perhaps the one with whom I am exchanging those Facebook notes.
“Get his phone number, yes? He can listen to the letter as you read it. Then he can write it down and send it to the media.”
Why would Lester do this for me? My flatmates labor under the misconception that fighting together necessarily makes men friends.
I should tell them about the passport of a Syrian from Michigan named Fadi al Baquii, left carelessly in a desk drawer. I should tell them about Taqaddum.
The Americans in the bunker paid me my wages in dollars. An astonishing sum, handled with indifference by these unknowingly rich men. Enough money to take me all the way to Jordan, or farther if I was economical. Then they told me to enjoy my visit with family. Enjoy your holiday, they said. Come back safe.
I signed the checkout sheet on the clipboard, placed the clipboard back on the desk, and took the long stairs up from the bunker. A patrol took me to Habbaniyah and set me free inside the police station. Come back in five days for a return escort, the sergeant, a stranger, told me.
When the Americans left, I told the Iraqi policemen a lie. I said the Americans wanted me to sleep there in the police station and to patrol with them as a sort of training for me, and way to gather intelligence about the neighborhood. I made myself sound important, and how would they know otherwise? The Americans only ever spoke to me in English.
For three days, I traveled with the policemen through town. Always, I looked down the dirt road where my father and brother lived in their borrowed villa. I looked for a time when few would be home. No militiamen or workers. Only my family.
And I asked them about a big guy, shot by the Americans and brought to the police station a week previous. What had become of him? Were his wounds healing? Where was he taken when he left here?
“Oh, him?” The police chief smiled. “Big Mundhir? Abu Muhammad took him to the house down the road. He will be fine there. Abu Muhammad is a good man.”
I nodded as though this news were of no great concern to me.
On the evening of the fourth day, I tied a cloth around my face to hide, snuck from the police station, and ran through a field protected by army checkpoints. The rat lines, the Americans called this path. A place where men who worked in the American base could run under the protection of machine guns in their guard towers and perhaps make it to their homes and families without the militias seeing who they were.
I ran with a big group leaving their work and reached the wall of my father’s home with the sunset. I walked around to the gate like a stranger, listening always for talking, but hearing nothing. No voices. No generators. No air conditioners or televisions. Against the will of my pounding heart, I climbed the gate.
My father’s house was dark, and the old Mercedes was gone. In the quiet, I heard soft crying, a woman sobbing. I snuck across the courtyard, with its silly lawn, and moved to the window of the kitchen where the sobbing became something I understood. A voice I knew. It was Nasim, my brother’s wife, crying alone on the floor of the kitchen.
She had a rifle across her lap, and she reached for it when she heard the crunch of my feet on the dying grass.
“Wait. Nasim.” I entered the kitchen. “Just me. Just Kateb.”
She stood and took me into her arms. Her wet cheek settled on my neck.
“Where is my father? Where are Muhammad and Ibrahim?”
“I do not know,” she sobbed. “They left last night. Ibrahim was sick.”
“He developed a fever in the night. Vomiting next, then diarrhea. Cholera, Kateb. Cholera. It was after curfew, so Muhammad and your father argued, screamed at one another. Your father wanted to wait until sunrise, saying it was too dangerous to travel at night with the checkpoints. But Muhammad insisted that they leave right away. So they put Ibrahim in the car and left to take him to the Fallujah hospital. They have not come back.”
“But where are all the men who guard the house?” I gasped.
“Sheikh Hamza took them a week ago. He needed them all to guard himself, he said. With all the foreigners making threats on his life.” She paused. “I thought you knew? Isn’t that why you sent your friend? Mundhir?”
“Yes,” I lied. “Of course. Where is he now?”
“The roof.” She started to calm. “Watching for headlights. Perhaps the sheikh’s men coming back to protect us. Perhaps not.”
I held her cheeks and told her it would be fine, that my father and brother were both smart and that they would bring Ibrahim home, soon. Then I left her in the kitchen and felt my way through the dark house, up the steps to the flat roof. Near the edge, I saw Mundhir’s back in the moonlight. He did not move, but he knew I was there. He must have heard the whole conversation with Nasim, the way voices carried at night.
“Hani is dead?” he asked without turning his head.
“Yes. The Americans told me after they took you away.” I approached him in the darkness, moving slowly. He had something sitting across his lap, and I thought it could be another rifle. “How did my father find you and Hani?”
“Find us?”
“Yes, how did he know you and Hani had been shot? How did he know the Americans had taken you to the Habbaniyah police station?”
I went to my hands and knees and crawled up to the edge with him. I saw that the object on his lap was not a rifle, but rather my father’s old cricket bat.
“Kateb,” he sighed, “he came for us the day you disappeared with the Americans. Why do you think Hani and I were on the road in that old taxi? We worked for him. Muhammad was behind us with the devices, and Hani and I were ahead of the triggermen in the scout vehicle.” Then, with a stoic tone, he added, “We did our job.”
I sat still and quiet, wanting to ask.
Mundhir was kind and did not make me. “I have not told him about you.”
“Thank you.”
“He thinks you are in Abu Ghraib because of the way we saw you taken away with your hands bound. He goes to the Americans in Fallujah once every week to look for you. But they insist that you are not on their lists. He thinks you are rotting in that place.”
“Is it good work, with my father and brother?” I asked, wishing to change the subject. “More fun than working at our rock-and-roll shows?” I thought this might make him look at me finally. A good memory.
But he continued staring out across the town and the highway with its few headlights. “Hani enjoyed it more than I do. He liked your father.”
“Does my father know what happened to Hani?”
“Then might I ask you another question?”
“Of course.”
“What are you doing with that cricket bat?”
“I’m considering killing you with it.” And after a moment, he added, “You preferred for Haji Fasil and Abu Abdul to die? And now Hani? You enjoy watching Americans live on?”
“No, Mundhir . . .”
“Your brother told me the plan for that day on the lake. It would have worked, and only Americans would have died. We would have been safe.”
“My brother is lying to you.”
Mundhir wrapped his right hand tighter around the cricket bat. “I was up here when Ibrahim . . . when he became sick. Did Nasim tell you? I realized it, the first of anyone. We sleep on the roof when the generators run out of fuel and it becomes too hot in the house. Sheikh Hamza has abandoned us and taken the petrol with him. But we still have the curbstones, and people still pay for them. In fact, the Mercedes had five hollow curbstones in the trunk. Prepped and ready for delivery in the daylight. After I carried Ibrahim down to the car, in the panic to leave we forgot about them. All of us. Your father and brother drove off, taking Ibrahim to Fallujah with five hollow curbstones in the trunk.”
I swallowed. “How many checkpoints between here and the hospital?”
“At least ten.” Mundhir shrugged. “And the trunk would be searched at each.”
“How sick was Ibrahim? If the Americans have him? If they took him to the hospital?”
“You will never know, Kateb.” Mundhir finally turned to look at me.
I stood and put my hands in my pockets.
“If I see your father again, I will tell him you were here. Just so he knows you are free. And then nothing else.”
“I understand.”
“Leave and never come back. Now. Or I’ll kill you on this rooftop, so soft that Nasim won’t hear it.” I opened my mouth to apologize, but felt Mundhir pressing the edge of the cricket bat up into my ribs. “Never another word. Go.”
I admired the view for a moment before turning to leave, the river twisting north into desert with the moon lighting its path.