
Feeling into Words

1. Pagan Celtic Britain: Studies in Iconography and Tradition, Routledge, 1967.

In the Country of Convention: English Pastoral Verse

1. John Barrell and John Bull (eds.), The Penguin Book of English Pastoral Verse, Allen Lane, 1975.

Canticles to the Earth: Theodore Roethke

1. Theodore Roethke, Collected Poems, Faber, 1968.

Tradition and an Individual Talent: Hugh MacDiarmid

1. Michael Grieve and Alexander Scott, The Hugh MacDiarmid Anthology, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1972.

A Memorable Voice: Stevie Smith

1. Stevie Smith, Collected Poems, Allen Lane, 1975.

The Labourer and the Lord: Francis Ledwidge and Lord Dunsany

1. Alice Curtayne, Francis Ledwidge, Martin Brian and O’Keefe, 1972; Mark Amory, Lord Dunsany, Lord Dunsany, My Talks with Dean Spanley and The Curse of the Wise Woman, Collins, 1972.

The Poetry of John Hewitt

1. John Hewitt, Collected Poems 1932–67, MacGibbon and Kee, 1968.

The Mixed Marriage: Paul Muldoon

1. Paul Muldoon, Mules, Faber, 1977.

Faith, Hope and Poetry: Osip Mandelstam

1. Osip Mandelstam, Selected Poems, translated by Clarence Brown and W. S. Merwin, O.U.P., 1973; Clarence Brown, Mandelstam, C.U.P., 1973.

Full Face: Robert Lowell

1. Robert Lowell, Day by Day, Faber, 1978.