This book would never have seen the light of day if it weren’t for all the people I love who believed that June Bug had important things to say and that young readers needed to hear her voice. Thanks to my beloved husband, Steve, who read every draft with the kindest eyes, and who sighed and smiled in all the right places; to Joshua Andreas and Benjamin Kasiel, who took my hands and led me down the mountain in the dark; to Sally Brady, Esther Ehrlich, Lester Laminack, and Ken Harvey, who read early drafts and offered wisdom and support; and to my beloved agent, Victoria Wells Arms from HSG Agency, for believing in me and in this book. You always knew that at its center, Trowbridge Road was really about love. Finally, I wish to send my most enormous gratitude to my editor Liz Bicknell at Candlewick Press for her vision, her humor, her certainty, and her remarkable artistic trust. You gave me the courage I needed to fly from earth to the ninth dimension and back again.