
Chapter Ten:  Justin


It had started out so innocent.

I just wanted to give Nicole a break. She had so much on her plate and when I’d heard her burst into tears on the phone, it had torn my heart in two. I could be the one to give her a much needed rest, not just from taking care of a sick kid and handling a full-time job on her own but from the stress of an artificial relationship. I’d tried to read her reactions. If she’d seemed uncomfortable, I would’ve taken her to a hotel in a second. But she’d seemed amenable about the whole thing, at least until she’d fallen asleep.

The sensation of carrying Nicole in my arms from the car to the elevator and up to my place... I couldn’t describe it even to myself. I wanted to hold her like that forever. It made the fire in my dragon blaze and burn. I wanted to do things like this for her all the time, maybe especially because I knew how strong she was. I respected that. It made me want to be strong for her in turn.

Anyway, it had all started out so innocent. But having her in my home and so close to my hoard... It was driving me mad. My head was buzzing, my heart pounding with a chant that said she was mine, that I needed her, that I wanted her. It wouldn’t be quiet. It was almost painful. But I didn’t want to take advantage of her either. She was here to rest and I didn’t want to assume anything. I figured a hot tub might be a kind of hint at things progressing. I would see how she responded and follow her lead...for at least as long as I could before the dragon started getting perhaps more aggressive.

When she agreed, my dragon leapt within me.

“Okay...” I grinned, running my tongue along my teeth. “Let’s go then.”

I stood up from the sofa and took her hand and our bottle of wine. The anticipation made my blood ripple in my veins as I led her to the elevator that would take us up to the roof. We’d had such a nice time so far. But beyond the things we had in common to talk about, I had a feeling like there was a meeting of souls between us. She had left her father, the details of which I still wasn’t sure. I’d been lonely as a kid, forced for better or worse to only hang out with other dragon shifters. I felt a kind of communion with her.

Even in the elevator, her hand clasped in mind, I felt as if something momentous was happening, whether we actually had sex or not.

But Nicole stood close to me and leaned her head on my shoulder. I let my eyes slip shut and pretended we were a real couple.

“I liked it when you called me Nic,” she said softly. “No one else calls me Nic.”

I smiled to myself, rubbing my thumb along her hand. “When did I call you Nic?”

“When I woke up,” she said. “In the guest room.”

“I didn’t even realize I was doing it,” I said wonderingly.

“Oh. Well, I liked it.”

On the roof, I heard Nicole gasp and I felt a kind of breathless anticipation even as the elevator doors opened.

“Oh my God,” Nicole murmured in wonder. “This place is amazing.”

I did feel a kind of pride in that. If you had enough money, you could make any place look amazing. But I’d put some work into making the roof, my own personal heaven. There was the iron dragon perches, one facing west and one facing east. There was a flower garden and a couple of benches and a fountain. But there was also a pool looking out on a glass wall so you could swim with a view. There was a spacious patio area and a bar. And there was also, of course, the hot tub. I’d had many lovely events on my roof. The dragon perches I called “buttresses” and only ever ran into confusion with architects who looked at me funny. But most people just accepted that explanation.

I took off my shirt and when I looked at Nicole, I knew there was hunger in my eyes. But she only took off her shirt too. I swallowed and my hungry eyes skimmed over her plump breasts peeking out of her white lace bra, the curve of her hips, the little roundness of her stomach. I clenched my jaw, trying to contain myself, and jogged over to the power switches to turn on the jets. The water was already heated. I’d had it turned on...just in case.

We stripped down to our underwear and climbed in and I didn’t have to wonder what sort of mood had been set when Nicole drifted over to sit beside me, her thigh pressed against mine.

“So...” Nicole squinted at me and smiled. “Tell me about your hoard.”

“Ah...” I laughed. I couldn’t think of what else to do with her pressed against me. I lay back in the hot, bubbly water, the air cool on my skin. Every sensation seemed heightened now. I was all too aware of Nicole's almost naked body. “It’s...big.” I grinned and glanced over at her, biting my lip.

“Oh is it?” Her hair was down, falling in long, luxurious shiny waves around her bare warm brown shoulders. “Well, you know what they say, Justin, Size doesn’t matter.” She looked very happy about that and I threw back my head and laughed.

“Are you sure?” I said. I turned my head and we bumped noses. My heart thudded in my chest. She turned into me a little and her breasts bobbed in the water, the thin layer of lace that covered them pressing up against my chest. I leaned in closer and our lips brushed.

“Maybe it does a little,” she whispered, before our lips properly met.

The moment we kissed, I felt as if the fires within us merged into one. I could feel our mutual desire, a blazing flame that could swallow us whole. Nicole threw her arms around my neck and I pulled her into my lap, her body now pressing up against mine as she straddled me. I wrapped my arms around her, delighting in the feel of her smooth skin in the hot water, her round ass plush under my palms as I clutched at her through her underwear.

Fuck,” I whispered into her mouth. “Nicole...”

My mate.

My mind insisted on the words; they pulsed and chanted within me. I shook even as I held her, I wanted to say them so badly as her fingers tangled in my hair and our tongues curled together. She pulled back and looked at me, her mouth parted, her eyes wide and guileless as a doe’s. Her hands slid from around my neck and she slid them down my bare chest, pressing at every inch of me.

“I can’t stop thinking about...about this,” she said, her voice quivering.

That was good. It should have been enough. I wanted it to be more.

I wanted her to say: I can’t stop thinking about you.

I wanted everything, not just this body as beautiful as it was, but her soul, her mind, her heart. I wanted to be her mate, her everything, and I wanted Tyler to be my son. I had a lump in my throat, I felt it so keenly as I held her.

But I couldn’t say all that. I couldn’t stand to watch her pull away and look at me pityingly.

Don’t you know, I still disdain you? She’d hated me in the beginning. Maybe she didn’t know. But civility and raw attraction hardly signified love.

I couldn’t say it. So instead I said, “Do you want to see my hoard, baby?”

She smiled against my mouth, her eyes flicking up and down. I was hard. She must have felt it. She pressed herself down against me and I gasped a little, bucking up into her. We humped a little, splashing, kissing idly. She was teasing me, I realized. I loved her for it.

I loved her.

It hurt to admit it to myself.

I loved her.

“Are you sure?” I whispered in her ear. I had been with many women. I had truly enjoyed most of them and according to their own words (unless they’d all been lying), they’d enjoyed me. Yet as much as I desperately wanted Nicole, a part of me was hesitant. The wiser part of me that thought it better to guard my heart from breaking, was afraid of sleeping with Nicole. But the dragon...the dragon spoke much louder than that wiser part.

Dragons aren’t necessarily wise. Or at least, we’re definitely not known for it.

I was getting truly riled up as we seemed unwilling to quite let go of each other. I wanted her now, my cock engorged in my briefs. But I wanted her on my hoard. I wanted to see what she looked like completely naked and utterly wanton before me, surrounded by all that precious gold I’d painstakingly stored up for just such an occasion.

Finally I had to push her away or it was going to happen now and I didn’t want it to.

She looked at me darkly. Her lips were red and swallowed. “Sorry,” she breathed. She licked those lips and said, “I got caught up.”

“Don’t be sorry.” I kissed her cheek and help her climb out of the water. “You’re a vixen.”

I had a small pool house in a corner of the roof and I got us towels, but we left our clothes there. I’d have someone collect them later. We didn’t have time for that now as I took her hand and led her to the elevator, the two of us wrapped in fluffy beach towels.

We’d barely enjoyed the hot tub but none of that seemed to matter. Nicole leaned against me and then turned her head and kissed my ear. I shut my eyes and imagined she was really mine, that she was my mate and lived here with me. We’d be together always. I’d take care of her and Tyler for the rest of our lives. I’d watch Tyler grow to be a strong and brilliant dragon and Nicole would be by my side and...


The elevator slid open to the V level. That was V for vault. The floor between the penthouse and the roof. It was actually two floors merged into one massive floor. We stepped out in our bare, wet feet to the cold marble tile of a wide corridor.

The entryway looked like some generic lobby in an upscale building; smooth and bare white walls and white floors, and one smooth steel door that looked like another elevator at first glance. Except for the panel on the side with the glowing shape of a hand etched into it.

I winked at Nicole and padded across the hall, pressing my still damp hand to the panel.

The doors slid open and already my heart started to palpitate, my cock quickly growing again in my soaked briefs as Nicole came up next to me.

I heard her intake of breath. I heard her quiet, “Oh...”

It had taken me years. It was my favorite hobby as it is any male dragon’s.

For aesthetics’ sake, the hoard looked the way you might imagine any fairy tale dragon’s gold hoard to look. There massive piles of shiny, gold coins and tall, narrow stack of gold bricks. There were tangled heaps of gold chains, goblets, statues, utensils... Any little knick knack made of gold that had ever captured my fancy was there and the place was a riot of glittering wonder. I had a couple of dozen gold eggs from around Europe.

I knew my hoard was good, very good in fact. I didn’t know how it ranked among other impressive hoards however. The truth was, I didn’t really want to know. Most male dragons were intensely private about showing their hoards to other male dragons so none of my friends had seen the entire collections. They’d seen certain select pieces but that was all.

“It’s magnificent,” Nicole said softly. She stood in the doorway, her eyes dilated and round as she took it all in. I stepped up behind her and gentle took the towel from around her shoulders, leaning into lay a soft kiss to her neck.

“Go ahead,” I whispered. “Touch it. Touch all of it. Lie down in it. I want to see you.”

Nicole blushed scarlet but I could see the fire in her eyes. The towel dropped to the floor and she padded into the massive vault and begin to softly touch stacks of gold coins.

“Will you take off the rest...?” I felt so lascivious, but Nicole spun around and her lips parted as she nodded. She reached behind herself and unsnapped her bra and it slipped down her body, falling to the floor. Her breasts were so plump and just a little pendulous. I wanted to fill my hands with them. I was painfully hard now as she slowly slid her panties down her thighs before finally stepping out of them.

Now she was naked.

Nicole was naked and she was touching my hoard. She peeked over her shoulder, through a curtain of hair, and smiled slyly before taking one shining gold coin and turning around to show me that she was rubbing it along her bottom lip. I fell back, slumping against the wall, palming myself through my briefs, and watched her little antics. She smiled and so carelessly knocked over several high stacks of coins and bars that I gasped. But she only laughed and then she bit her lip and knelt down before lying back atop the pile of gold.

“Oh God!” I bit my lip hard and shoved my briefs down, stepping out of them. Nicole watched me, her cheeks red. She was surrounded by it all, naked and beckoning to me. She dragged a coin down her throat and I watched it make a path between her breasts. She parted her legs and reached back to take handfuls of coins and chains, throwing them over breasts and her belly. I watched her throw her head back and I saw her eyes flash with a brilliant orange glow, her dragon appearing momentarily.

“Come here,” she ordered, her voice demanding. My cock jutted out in front of me and I stumbled forward, breathless and trembling from desire to see her, my love, my mate surrounded by my hoard, enjoying it and bathing in it and urging me to take her on top of it all.

The only downside to being human and being incredibly turned on by the idea of making love on top of a pile of gold is that making love on top of a pile of gold is not incredibly comfortable.

And yet, I was so utterly aroused, that my knees didn’t complain as I knelt there atop the coins and pulled apart Nicole's knees, settling between them. My cock pressed against her belly and she gasped, arching up against me. I kissed her and she wrapped her legs around me and for a while we simple writhed together atop my hoard, driving each other wild. I kissed my way down her body and took each nipple in my mouth as gold spilled over her. My cock was leaking as I tasted the tangy metallic of gold and then the warm smooth skin of her body and then gold again. I worked my way down, having no particular plan except to make her feel good.

My mate. My mate and my hoard...

When I slipped my tongue inside her, I felt her tremble all around me and more than that I felt the power of her dragon radiating through the gold. It was a phenomenon I’d only heard about and never experienced; the totality of gold as our aphrodisiac. It was catalysing our pleasure, and more than that it was bringing us together, making us one. I tasted her and her pleasure was my pleasure. She was not only the sweetest thing I’d ever tasted, but her moans as she bucked against me were the sweetest sounds. But then I was moaning into her and her hands were clasped in mine. We were one body and one flesh.

“Justin...” She was weeping, crying for me, her thighs shaking as I licked and laved her and sucked at her clit. “Justin, God... Can you... God, can you feel that? Please, Justin, I need you! Please...”

I obeyed her commands and pulled away, and sat up to take a breath and get one last look at her, her legs wide open, her sex bright and swollen and throbbing for me. I leaned forward and smiled, kissing her kneecap, and then I climbed on top of her. My mind was a riot of our joined fires as I slid inside her, my throbbing cock plunging into her as she threw her head back, her legs wrapping around me to pull me in yet closer.

We found our rhythm and rocked together. I felt the buzz of an orgasm already creeping up at me and I kept it at bay, desperate to keep this going as long as possible. We shook, the two of us, united as one.

“Nicole...” I whispered her name and looked into her eyes and she nodded.

“Yes,” she said. “Justin, yes...”

Mine, I thought. Mine,  mine, hoard and my mate...

“Oh God, oh Justin,” Nicole said. I could sense her getting close and I sped up, feeling her muscles tense. We were slicked with sweat and I felt myself grow yet larger inside her, her heartbeat pulsing with mine.

I muttered, “Fuck,” and came as tears leaked into my eyes.

“Yes, yes, yes...” Nicole cried out, sharp and abrupt, and it echoed in the vault.

I love you. I thought it and couldn’t bear to say it.