
WHILE I’M USUALLY INDEPENDENT TO A FAULT, I CAN honestly say that not a single word of Among the Red Stars would exist without the support of the many wonderful people in my life.

Emilia, in your hands this book has transformed from a manuscript caterpillar into a beautiful book butterfly. You’re a miracle worker. Owen, you made my cover look better than I could have asked for. It blew me away when I first saw it, and still does.

Thao, you took a chance on an unknown writer and you’ve been a constant source of support and wisdom. I can’t wait to see where the publishing journey takes us next.

Fiona, you saw a diamond in the rough when there was a lot of rough and very little diamond, and you patiently explained the necessity of things like “plot” and “feelings.” Your lessons will always stay with me.

Jordan, you endured countless conversations that went like this: “Pick a color for this scarf.” “Blue.” “No, a color other than blue.” You have accompanied me through all the most frustrating and tedious parts of this project and yet you manage to remain enthusiastic about it, which must be a superpower.

All my friends and family, you helped me far more than I realized at the time. JR, you told everyone about this book before I had started writing it, thereby obligating me to finish. I should use that strategy more often. Katie, Katt, and Gerard, you all read my writing back when it didn’t even pretend to be good and you all refrained from throwing me out a window. Your failure to defenestrate made me the author I am today.

Finally, I owe a great debt to the incredible women of Aviation Group 122. This is their story, and while most of them are no longer around to see it, I’d like to think they would consider it a fitting tribute to their service.