Abbeville 65
Aberdeen University xiv
Åberg, Patrik 54
Åberg, Sven 50
Aberystwyth University 81–82
Acoustic Niche Hypothesis (ANH) 89–90
Adams, Douglas xii
Aire, River xvi
Akram, Wasim 76
Alaska 72
albatross 115
al-Dīn Rūmī, Jalāl 4
Alexander the Great 129
Alfoxden 12
Allen, Arthur Augustus 47–49
Alps, Austrian 131
Amazon basin 49
America see United States
American Birding Association 47
American Ornithologists’ Union 46
Amiens 65
Andersen, Hans Christian 102–103
Animal Behaviour 98
Antarctica 74–75
antbird 90
Archangelsk 72
Arkansas 47
Arras 65
Athens, Georgia 158
Australia 40
Austria 54
Bach, Johann Sebastian 99
Bacon, Roger 4
Baildon Hill 19
Baltimore oriole see oriole
barbet, bearded 59
Barnes, William 21
Barnfield, Richard 10–11
Barrington, Daines 43
Batten, Harry Mortimer 29–31
Beecham, Sir Thomas 119
Beethoven, Ludwig van 101–102, 107–108
Bewick’s wren see wren
Bible 4; Old Testament 23; Song of Solomon 5
Bingley xvi
Bjerke, Tron and Tore 80
blackbird xiii, xiv, 19, 21, 23, 40, 44, 74, 101, 109, 110, 118, 125, 148, 163, 164, 173
blackcap xvi, xvii, xvii, 8, 23, 36, 52–54, 57, 108, 110, 116, 160, 173
black-capped chickadee see chickadee
black-headed gull see gull
blackpoll warbler see warbler
blue-breasted kingfisher see kingfisher
blue tit see tit
bobolink 166
Bonn 102
Borama Oromo people 41
Botham, Ian 54
Boucher, François 147
Bradford 118
brain-fever bird see hawk-cuckoo
Brand, Albert R. 48
Brent goose see goose
Briggs, Brian 110–112
Bristol 109
British Ornithologists’ Union 70
Brown, Charles Armitage 22
Browning, Robert 31
bronze mannikin see mannikin
Brussels 164
Budney, Greg 49
bullfinch see finch
bunting: corn 82, 160; indigo 116
Burney, Frances 151
California quail see quail
California towhee see towhee
canary 130–134, 148–149, 160, 165–166; Harz-Roller 119
cardinal 116, 132; northern 52
Cayuga Lake 46
Cetti’s warbler see warbler
chaffinch see finch
Chana 145–147
Cheltenham 74
Cheshire 77
Chessington 117
chickadee 158; black-capped 162; chestnut-backed 159
chiffchaff xiii, 23, 37, 83, 110
China 70
Chinese nightingale see nightingale
Chopin, Frédéric 125
Ciardi, John 22
Clampitt, Amy 35
Clare, John 15, 32, 157, 161, 168
Cloete, Stuart 66
coal tit see tit
cock 139–140
Cocker, Mark 75
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor 9, 11–15, 29, 34, 37, 72, 108, 114, 168
collared dove see dove
Collins, Dominic Crawford 112
Congo 72
Cooper’s hawk see hawk
cormorant 11
corn bunting see bunting
Cornell University 48–49
Cox, Nicholas 7
Coxon, John 109
Crook, Mackenzie 173
crow xi
Croydon 50
Crystal, David 78
Ctesiphon 129
cuckoo 3, 4, 5–7, 29–30, 36, 40, 101, 108, 170
Darwin, Charles 14, 44, 139, 149
Dawkins, Richard 24
Delius, Frederick 118–119
Dennis, Jerry 133
Dickens, Charles 150–151
Dickinson, Emily 21
dipper 173
dove 98, 118; collared xi, 145; turtle 4, 5, 117; zebra 145–147
Dover 66
Duchamp, Marcel 113
Dunbar, Paul Laurence 129
Dyer, Richard 106
Earl, David ix
eastern kingbird see kingbird
Edgeworth, Maria 151
Edmonton 162
Egypt xv
Eichendorff, Joseph von 68
El Hierro 130
Elba 131
Eliot, George 85–86
Eliot, T. S. 34
emperor penguin see penguin
England 9, 32, 59, 65–67, 73, 84, 91, 119, 133, 134, 142, 159
Esher 117
Essex 76
Étaples 65
Extremadura 67
falcon, peregrine 86
finch 97, 130, 136, 138, 140, 150, 173; bullfinch 56, 123, 132, 148, 149, 150–151; chaffinch xiii, 73, 75–78, 81, 116, 117, 130, 132, 134–136, 138, 140, 143–145, 147, 148, 163, 164; goldfinch xvi, 18, 132, 137, 138, 140, 151; greenfinch xv, 125, 130, 140, 160; parrot crossbill 70; purple 162; Scottish crossbill 69–72
flicker 159
Ford, Henry 122
Fowler, William Warde 75
Frankfurt 49
Frisard, Jacob 104
Fristrup, Kurt 168
Frost, Robert 21
Fuerteventura 130
Fussell, Paul 66
Gambia 59
garden warbler see warbler
Garstang, Walter xiii, 96–97, 101, 125; Garstang Building, Leeds University 36
Georgia 158
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von 68
golden plover see plover
golden-crowned sparrow see sparrow
goldfinch see finch
goshawk see hawk
Gower 110
Gran Canaria 130
grasshopper warbler see warbler
great grey shrike see shrike
great tit see tit
greenbul 90
greenfinch see finch
greenshank 110
Greenwich sandpiper see sandpiper
Greenwood, James 135, 137, 139–140, 147
Greggor, Alison 114–115
Gregory, St 97
grey partridge see partridge
grey plover see plover
Grez 118
grosbeak 132; rose-breasted 47, 48
grouse 69–70, 74, 75; red 69–70, 72, 110; willow 70
guinea fowl xii
gull 106, 109; black-headed 58; herring xi, 98, 110; Mediterranean 58
Hampshire xiii
Hardy, Thomas 17, 19–21, 63, 84–86, 141, 171
harrier, Montagu’s 43
Harrison, Beatrice 118–124
Hartley, L. P. 65
Hartshorne, Charles 38–39, 41, 95
Harz Mountains 131–132
Harz-Roller canary see canary
Hawaii 132
hawk 158; Cooper’s 158, 159; goshawk 158; hawk-cuckoo (brain-fever bird) 169; sparrowhawk 30, 64, 158, 159
Hazlitt, William 11
Heaney, Seamus 36
Hellakoski, Aaro 171
Hewitson, W. C. 80
Hillcoat, John 171
Himalayas 49
honeyguide 42
Hubbard, Sarah 158
Hughes, Ted 21
Hugo, Victor 85
Humber, River xvi
Hupy, Joseph 66
Huxley, Aldous 160–161
Illmitz 54
India 129
indigo bunting see bunting
Indonesia 145–146
Innsbruck 132
Ithaca, New York 46
ivory-billed woodpecker see woodpecker
Jameson, Conor Mark 157
jay xiii, 157; scrub 159; Steller’s 159
Jefferies, Richard 117–118
Jema, Adun 146
Jolson, Al 48
Judah 23
junco 159
Kearton brothers 20
Kearton, Cherry 50
Keats, John 15, 22–24, 72, 161, 170, 171–172
Keeling, Major F. H. 66–68
Kenley 50
Kent 76
Kentucky warbler see warbler Kenya 41
kingbird, eastern 166
kingfisher, blue-breasted 59
kinglet, ruby-crowned 159
Koch, Ludwig 49–50
Krause, Bernie 88–89, 91, 164–165
Krokskogen 80
La Gomera 130
La Palma 130–131
Lack, David 8
Lanzarote 130
lapwing 167
lark 151; shorelark 113; skylark xii, xiv, 15–19, 21, 31, 38, 66–68, 72, 81, 91, 104, 110, 118, 131, 140, 160, 173; woodlark 148
Leach, Professor Elizabeth Eva 100–101
Leeds 55, 95; University 36, 97
Leeds–Skipton canal xvi
leithorix, red-billed see Chinese nightingale
Levant 23
Levertov, Denise 171
linnet 18, 137, 138, 139, 148, 149, 151, 160
‘Listening to Birds’ website 34
Liverpool 82
Llanelli 111
Lloyd George, David 9
Lloyd Webber, Julian 118
Llwelyn, David ap 4
London 22, 117, 135, 136, 139, 164; Berkeley Square 22; Bethnal Green 137, 140, 142–143; Bow 136, 143; Brick Lane 142; Bridge 3; East End 122, 136, 138, 142, 143, 147; Highgate 144; Islington xiv–xv; Limehouse 136; Shacklewell 32; Shoreditch 137, 139; Stepney 122; Westminster Abbey 4
long-tailed tit see tit
Loos 65
Lorenz, Konrad 44
Los Angeles 164
Lucretius 97
lyrebird 39
Mabey, Richard 75
Madeira 132
The Magazine of Natural History 42
Malaysia 145–146
mallard 36
Manchester 82
Manhattan 133
mannikin, bronze 59
Marler, Peter 76–78
marsh tit see tit
Marshall, Rupert 81–82
Martinville, Édoard-Léon Scott de 49
Maschwitz, Eric 22
meadow pipit see pipit
Mediterranean gull see gull
Meredith, George 15, 68, 72, 114
Merritt, Matt 109
Mesopotamia 129
Midlands 73
mistle thrush see thrush
mockingbird 22, 132; northern 53
Moldemarka 80
Montagu, George 43
Montagu’s harrier see harrier
Montreal, McGill University 99
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus 111, 49–150
Mussolini, Benito 107
Nagano, Hideki 114
Neodakheat 46
Neuve-Chapelle 65
nightingale xii, xiv–xv, xvi, 7, 9–14, 19, 21–24, 32–35, 38, 50, 66, 67, 72, 91, 98, 101–103, 106–108, 116, 117, 120, 122–124, 133–134, 142, 148, 160, 161, 164, 168, 170; Chinese 119
nightingale wren see wren
Norfolk 162
Nørgård, Per 113
Northamptonshire 32
Northumberland 73
Norway 79–80
oriole: Baltimore 21; orchard 21, 114, 116
Orkney 77
Orwell, George 39
Osborne, George 168
Oslo 80
osprey 72
Otmoor reserve 5
ovenbird 21
Ovid 33
owl 86, 87; northern screech-owl 52
Oxted 119
oystercatcher 110
Pacific 164
palm warbler see warbler
parakeet 117
Parker, Evan 109
parrot crossbill see finch
Peaks 5
penguin, emperor 50
peregrine falcon see falcon
Persia 129
Petrarch 10
Pheasant Wood 65
Philippines 145
pied wagtail see wagtail
pigeon 139; see also woodpigeon
Portugal 77
ptarmigan, willow 70
purple finch see finch
quail 101, 108; California 159
Quantock Hills 14
Rautavaara, Einojuhani 113
Reading Abbey 3
red grouse see grouse
red kite 86
redpoll 140
redshank 110
reed sparrow see sparrow
reed warbler see warbler
Reiche, Charles and Henry 133, 139
Reith, Sir John 120
Respighi, Ottorino 106–108, 113, 122–123, 170
Rhineland 67
Richards, Brett 56
Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolai 119, 121, 123, 124
robin xv, 7–9, 11, 19, 31, 51, 52, 58, 98, 118, 150, 157, 159, 164, 173
Rocky Mountains 163
Root, C. F. 76
rose-breasted grosbeak see grosbeak
Rossetti, Christina 68, 72, 114
Rothenberg, David 38
ruby-crowned kinglet see kinglet
Russia 70
Ryedale 53
Sahara 161
Sahel 43
sandpiper, Greenwich 43
Santens, Filip 136
Saunders, Aretas A. 45–46, 51, 53, 57
Scarborough xi
Schubart, Christian Friedrich Daniel 101
Scott, Captain Robert Falcon 74
Scottish crossbill see finch
scrub jay see jay
sedge warbler see warbler
Selborne 43
Senegal 59
shama 50
Shelley, Percy Bysshe 15–17, 67–68, 131
Sherwin, Manning 22
shorelark see lark
short-toed treecreeper see treecreeper
shrike, great grey 117
Sidney, Sir Philip 10
Simpson, Dave 111
Sims, George 142
skylark see lark
snipe 110
Söderfeldt, Ylva 142
song sparrow see sparrow
song thrush see thrush
South Pole 74
Spain 65
sparrow xiii, 63–65, 72, 73, 82, 117, 162, 163; golden-crowned 114, 159; reed 84; song 39, 47, 48, 90, 159; white-crowned 47, 78, 159
sparrowhawk see hawk
spotted nightingale thrush see thrush
spotted towhee see towhee
starling xiii, 74, 87, 96, 105, 110, 148, 149–150, 152, 166
Steller’s jay see jay
Sterne, Laurence 152–153
Stowey 12
Stutchbury, Bridget 165–166
Suffolk 71
sunbird 59
Surbiton 117
Swainson’s warbler see warbler
Sweden 79
Tanner, James 47
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Ilyich 125
teal 36
Tenerife 130–131
Tennyson, Alfred Lord 14
Thailand 145–146
Thames Ditton 117
Thames, River 76
Thiaucourt-Regniéville 65
Thiepval 65
Thomas, Edward 3
thrasher, brown 52
thrush xiv, 19–21, 32, 50, 79, 81, 97, 118, 125, 148; mistle 160; song xvi, 39, 50, 109, 116, 157; spotted nightingale 113; waterthrush 47
Tiber, River 105
Tinbergen, Nico 44
Tipperary 3
tit 21, 118; blue 40, 74, 164; coal 125; great xiii, 90, 110, 125, 164; long-tailed 159, 168; marsh 160; willow 160
towhee: California 159; spotted 159
treecreeper 56, 74; short-toed 110
Turner, David 102
turtle dove see dove
Twain, Mark 169
United Kingdom xi, 55, 69, 78, 79, 91, 145, 160
United States 45, 47, 49, 51, 78, 90, 158, 163, 169; North America 70
Vatican 105
Vaughan Williams, Ralph 15, 72
Vermelles 65
Verstraete, Pieter 142
Vienna 102
Villers-Bretonneux 65
Vimy 65
vireo, warbling 47
Wahlström, Sten 50
Wales 4
Wales, Ashley 109
Wallonia 135
Walsh, John 148
warbler xi, 97, 160; blackpoll 47; Cetti’s 102; garden 57, 160; grasshopper xiii; Kentucky 166; palm 47; reed 6, 57; sedge 57, 117; Swainson’s 45; willow 59, 83; yellow-rumped 47
waterthrush see thrush
Waterton, Charles x
waxwing 125
Western Front 65–67
Wharton, Ted and Leo 46
White, Gilbert xiii, xvii, 43, 57, 169
white-crowned sparrow see sparrow
whitethroat 161
whooper swan see swan
widgeon 36
Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust 111
Wildlife and Countryside Act, 1981 145
willow grouse see grouse
willow ptarmigan see ptarmigan
willow tit see tit
willow warbler see warbler
Wilson, Edward 73–75
Wiltshire 3
Windermere 75
Wood, Beatrice 113
woodlark see lark
woodpecker: ivory-billed 47; great spotted 116
Wordsworth, Dorothy 11–15
Wordsworth, William 11–12, 14–15, 29, 30, 108, 170
wren xiii, xvi, 21, 51, 58, 110, 118, 157; Bewick’s 159; fairy 40; house 47, 48; nightingale 99
wryneck 117
Wytham Woods 112
yellow-rumped warbler see warbler
York 35
Young Ornithologists Club x
Young, Jon 159
Zatorre, Robert 99
zebra dove see dove