
The young magic pony folded his gold-feathered wings as he soared down toward Rainbow Mist Island. Moments later, Comet’s hooves landed on a stretch of shining pebble beach. It felt good to be home.

His tummy felt full of butterflies as he wondered if Destiny had found her way home at last. Comet’s twin sister had been lost for so long. He was looking forward to finding her safe among their family of Lightning Horses.

Tossing his head so that his golden mane fell forward onto his cream neck, the magic pony trotted away from the sea and headed up the steep hillside.

He reached the top and stood looking down toward the familiar rolling plains and forests. In the distance were the mountains, wreathed in the shimmering multicolored mist that gave the island its name.

A warm breeze rippled through the silvery grass, bringing the scent of fresh water toward the magic pony. Comet’s deep violet eyes gleamed, and he snorted as he galloped down a slope.

Sunlight flashed on his smooth palecream coat and golden silky mane and tail. He reached the spring that trickled over some stones into a small pool and bent his head for a drink.

A movement flickered over the nearby rocks, and Comet saw the shadow of a large horse in the rippling water.

The magic pony threw up his head, his eyes wide in alarm. Was this another Lightning Horse or one of the dark horses who wanted to steal his magic? His pulse quickened as he slowly turned around.

An older horse with a wise expression and kind dark eyes stepped into view. “Blaze!” Comet bent his head before the leader of the Lightning Herd.

“I am glad to see you again, Comet,” Blaze said warmly, in a deep velvety neigh. “Is Destiny with you?”

Comet felt a pang of disappointment. “No. I thought she must have found her way back safely by now.”

“I am afraid not. I do not think Destiny will return while she believes herself to be in terrible trouble for losing the Stone of Power,” Blaze told him.

The Stone of Power protected the Lightning Herd from the dark horses. Destiny had accidentally lost it when she and Comet were playing their favorite game, cloud-racing. Comet had found the stone, but Destiny had already fled.

“I wish I knew where Destiny was hiding.” Comet’s proud, arching neck drooped sadly.

“The stone will help us to find her.” Blaze pawed at the ground with one shining hoof. A fire opal, glinting with many colors, appeared. As Comet and Blaze looked deeply into it, the stone grew larger and an image appeared in its shimmering depths.

Comet saw his twin sister galloping along the sandy shore of a place in a far-off world. “Destiny!”

“She is alone and in danger,” Blaze said. “You must go and find her before the dark horses discover where she is!”

There was a flash of bright violet light and a rainbow mist appeared around Comet. The light-cream pony with golden wings disappeared, and in his place stood a handsome pony with a white coat covered with black spots, a white mane and tail, and large deep violet eyes.

Comet snorted. “I will use this disguise to search for Destiny!”

“Go now,” urged Blaze, nodding. “There is no time to lose. Bring her back safely!”

“I will!” Comet vowed.

He neighed softly as violet sparkles ignited in his spotted coat and he felt the power building inside him. The rainbow mist swirled more thickly, twinkling as it drew Comet in.