There are a lot of people I need to thank considering there’s a very real possibility I died during the revision process and they brought me back as a storytelling ghost(ish) to finish Cassidy’s tale. Here goes my attempt to remember you all!
The first thank-you goes to my agent, Stacey Glick, for believing in my worth as an author and for being generally awesome on all fronts. Next, I must thank my editor, Janine O’Malley, for using phrases like “fantastic” and “perfectly creepy” in editing notes. Also, to Elizabeth Clark for designing a gorgeous cover and everyone at FSG Books for Young Readers / Macmillan who worked on this book. Another huge debt of gratitude goes out to the incredibly generous Lauren Oliver for saying she’d be happy to read my manuscript, and then actually doing it! I’d also like to thank the band Metric for the inspiration of their music. If this book finds its way into their talented hands, they may recognize a few names …
For most, writing is a solitary process, but I’m lucky enough to have the AAAWG to keep me company when I venture out of the confines of the Writertorium and into the land of the living. Thank you all for welcoming in a wide-eyed newbie way back when. Your weekly input and encouragement is invaluable and usually quite fun. Special thank-you’s to: Karen Simpson for writing “I love this” on my pages when I was ready to throw in the metaphorical towel and for cheering when it was my turn to read and sighing during first-kiss scenes. You have been an invaluable mentor, and I will never be able to pay you back for all your guidance, wisdom, and pound cake. Patricia Tompkins for weaning me off adverbs and always commenting on my over-the-top manicures. Stephanie Feldstein for saying, “I wish I had more to pick on,” and demanding gossip sessions about our fictional characters. Shelley Schanfield for calling me out on inconsistent ghost “rules”—’cause those totally exist!—and your enthusiasm for finding out who done it. Kim Peters Fairley for needing Bubble Wrap that day in Staples so I could vent to you in line. Robyn Ford and Stephanie Feldstein (again) for being my badass betas—vive la YA! Also to Ellen Halter, Karen Wolff, Shannon Riffe, Skipper Hammond, Dave Wanty, Yma Johnson, Elli Andrews, Fartumo Kusow, Rachel Lash Maitra, Naomi Petainen, Leslie McGraw, Kay Posselt, Matt Bliton, Ray Juracek, Natalie Aguirre, and Connie McQuade.
Thank you to Stephanie S., Christina M., Lauren “the Duke” M., Allison A., Sam P., Lizzie K., Marianne A., Gretchen P., the Insane Soccer Posse, and all my other Ann Arbor friends for “forcing” me out of the house. A double, sparkly sprinkles-on-top thank-you to Christina M. for being an enthusiastic reader and keeping me vigilant against the dreaded pitfall of battology. Renae Reisig for driving with me to Grand Rapids in a monsoon and agreeing that Rendezvous is an acceptable name for a child given the right circumstances. Stacey Hahn for being my first ever reader and partner in absolutely fabulous crime. Caitlin Mary for just being you. And, of course, Pigbomb and F.C.
To Christopher Barkham for embracing all my shades of crazy and for constantly reassuring me I’m only “seventeen years old with a few years’ experience.” You answer all my random questions with zeal. You listen when I need to talk out where my insane pantser stories are going. You discuss the myriad ways to kill and consequently stash a body with me like it’s talk of the weather. You give me Castle references to ensure my mystery-solving skills are on par. You are my rock-solid alibi—if anyone asks. I will stand with you for all of ever … as long as you behave.
Mom, this book may not be dedicated to you, but it couldn’t have been written without your support and encouragement. Thank you, and I love you a bushel and a peck and a hug around the deck. Dad, your enthusiasm for my girly pursuits, from synchronized figure skating to writing books about kisses, is awesome. Thank you for always letting me know how proud you are of me. To all my family and friends: you have no idea how much your support means to me.
Saving the best (and, let’s face it, hottest) for last, it’s your turn, dear reader. All this superfuntastic, amazingly shiny book goodness would not be possible without you. Thank you, thank you, infinity thank-you’s!