Annoyingly, Vivian was sick all week, which meant she didn’t leave the house at all. Which meant I couldn’t leave the house to go to Trent’s either. I had to make do with furtive glances in that direction, my eyes filled with longing. But luckily, we texted the whole time using our actual numbers, leaving EasyDude and HeartLove in the dust where they belong. I’ll never doubt ChatWorld again, but I’m also glad we’re done with the dating app once and for all.
Fortunately, Vivian was better by the weekend and on Saturday morning, I hear her leave the house. Probably an intense gym and tanning session to make up for the time spent lying in bed sick. Her car pulls out of the driveway, and realizing this is my chance, my heart starts beating in my throat in excitement. I kept my pussy shaved all week, in anticipation of this moment. And my nice lingerie’s right at the top of my underwear drawer, ready to throw on at a moment’s notice.
But all that’s covered right now because Trent texted me and told me that he wanted to take me somewhere we could be alone, where no one would recognize or bother us. In nature, no less. He told me I’d need to be dressed sensibly with hiking boots and gloves. So, of course, I matched practicality with sexy. Or at least, I was hoping to achieve that look.
I appraise my reflection in the mirror: the shorts come just under my ass cheeks, showing off my jiggly white thighs, and the pink, tight material of the t-shirt clings to my shape, making my tits look even bigger than usual. It’s not exactly “practical,” come to think about it, but what can I do? I’m a big girl and short of strapping myself into some uniform, this is the best I can do. Besides, deep down I know Trent thinks my body is sexy. He’ll like the outfit even if I’m not Ms. Patagonia.
And as soon as he opens the door and sees me, all my insecurities melt away. Trent’s eyes travel to my chest, down my body, and back up to my face and I see him swallow, lust burning in those blue eyes. I smile shyly, blushing.
“I wish I could drag you into my living room and have my way with you, woman,” he growls. I giggle, but the thought of him fucking me instead of going on this hike makes my pussy tingle.
“Why can’t we?” I ask, but he’s shaking his head, stepping outside and locking the door behind him. “Get in,” he orders me, holding open the passenger door of his truck. I obey. With a squeal, we’re off.
“Where are we going?” I ask him shyly, looking at the fields rolling by.
“It’s called Bear Forest,” he growls in reply. “Ever heard of it?” I shake my head. “It’s about two hours away. It’s a beautiful nature reserve. I went there when I was a kid, and there are some fantastic hiking trails. I want to show it to you. It’ll be a chance for us to relax and get away from your mom or anyone else who might recognize us.”
I nod with understanding. Discretion is key after all.
“I wish we didn’t have to care what anyone else thinks,” I say in a soft voice. “I wish we could just be open about it.”
Trent growls, putting his hand on my knee, the touch of his skin on mine sending butterflies through my entire body.
“Me too, baby,” he answers. “But no one will understand this. Folks will have all sorts of vindictive gossip. A neighborhood man and the teen virgin next door? They’d have a field day, and unfortunately, I'm not interested in hearing it. I’m only interested in you,” he rasps before glancing at me. I smile, wishing I could be alone with him all day, every day, for the rest of my life.
The two hour drive goes by in a flash, the truck cabin warm and comfortable. And before I know it, we’re pulling up into the beginning of a forest, where a small clearing starts the trail. I pull a small little backpack up onto my back as we start hiking into the forest, drawing Trent’s curiosity.
“What you got in there?” he asks.
“Oh, just some of my home made chocolate nut bars,” I say teasingly.
“Can I have one?” he asks, and I laugh in return.
“You need to earn it, big guy,” comes my teasing reply, and he smacks my butt in retaliation, making me jump and giggle. As we continue down the trail, the alpha male takes my hand. It feels so right, holding his hand out in the open even if there’s no one to see except a bunch of trees and assorted wild life.
“You’re right,” I say after some time of comfortable silence, in which only the chirping of the birds interrupts our thoughts. “It’s beautiful here.”
Trent nods appreciatively and pulls me closer. This is actually the first time I’ve gone hiking, and I'm insanely happy to be in this man’s easy company. I feel safe and looked after, like he can show me the whole world. I look around, taking the forest in. But suddenly, there’s a flash of orange which causes me to stop in my tracks, staring intently into the heavy foliage.
“What’s the matter?” asks Trent.
“I don’t know. I thought I saw something,” I say slowly. Trent looks in the direction I’m looking, and shrugs. “There’s nothing there, baby. Let’s go,” he says, and we continue on the path, but I’m not convinced. I thought I saw -
“Let’s take a break,” he says. “I think I’ve earned one of those chocolate nut bars of yours!” the man grunts as he throws himself onto a soft bed of moss at the foot of a large tree.
A smile crosses my face, brown eyes dancing.
“I think you have too,” comes my answer. And thinking no more of the orange flash, I take my little backpack off, before getting comfortable next to Trent.
With pride, I watch Trent devour three of my chocolate nut bars in one go, giggling at the way he keeps his eyes closed and moans with pleasure at each bite. Licking his fingers, he shakes his head at me incredulously.
“Holy shit, Janie,” he groans. “These are delicious!”
It makes me giggle, feeling proud of myself.
“Thank you,” I say modestly. “It’s my secret recipe.”
The big man shakes his head.
“Well, you definitely need to make a living a doing this. You can’t keep this talent under wraps because it’d be a shame,” he adds, still smacking his lips. Then he grows quiet, one hand on my knee, his blue eyes looking into mine. They’ve darkened into indigo, just like the last time when he was aroused. My breath stops in my throat as he starts caressing my thigh.
“Janie,” Trent rumbles, but if there was more to his sentence, I don’t know what it is. Because the alpha leans in and kisses me, his perfectly-molded lips gentle on mine. “I’ve never met anyone like you before,” he whispers against my mouth. His hand is in the back of my neck, and he presses me into him as he kisses me again, more urgently this time. My breath catches in my throat as I feel his tongue against mine, his strong arms enveloping my soft body small compared to his. “Janie,” he breathes hot against my lips, almost pleading. “May I?”
And I know what he’s asking.
“I want to give myself to you,” I breathe in affirmation. “I’m yours.”
His arms tighten around my waist, crushing me suddenly against him, making me gasp with excitement. My heart pounds. Has the time come? Will I be losing my virginity to this incredible male in a wooded glen, with dappled shadows dancing about? Oh god, I hope so.
And it seems that Trent is about to make my dream come true.
“I won’t be able to deny you again,” he growls, his teeth on my neck. It makes me wild with lust for him and I claw at his t-shirt, pulling him into me.
“Why do it then? Just take me Trent, please,” I moan. “I want it to be you.” His lips are back on mine, kissing me deeply, hungrily, as he takes me in his arms and lays me down effortlessly in the shady moss. I pull his t-shirt off over his head and gasp at his perfect torso, complete with wash board abs, huge pecs, and muscled shoulders and arms, all covered in tattoos. He’s so incredibly hot, and I still can’t believe it’s me he wants. The massive male lays down on top of me, parting my legs with his knees.
One of his arms goes behind my neck, to cushion my frame, his free hand roaming my chest, squeezing my huge tits with his enormous spade of a hand. He groans, pressing his pelvis instinctively into mine - I can feel his cock harden through his jeans. I answer by grinding my pelvis against his hips and running my hands up over his pecs, loving the muscled slabs.
“Take me, Trent,” I moan, as he presses his face into my cleavage, pulling down my t-shirt at the neckline. The huge creamy mounds spring forwards and he licks at my exposed nipple as a fire erupts in my pussy. The man runs a hand down into my panties, stroking the soft folds.
“See how wet I am for you?” I sigh, starting to unbuckle his jeans. “Please fuck me,” I plead. “Please, I need you.”
Trent goes still for a moment, that rigid cock like an axe against my stomach. But there’s still some hesitation. Why? Why would he stop when I want it so badly? We’re alone in the forest, and there’s no chance that anyone will interrupt. So why is my beautiful man hesitating? But something’s making him pause.
“Oh Janie,” he groans. “I can’t. I can’t. I shouldn’t.”
Unfortunately for him, I won’t let him stop this time. Bucking against his hand, I rub my pussy against those fingers, drenching them in my hot juices.
“I need you,” is my raspy cry. “I can’t live without you, Trent. Please!”
And as the big man burrows his head in the crook of my neck, his breath hot and raspy, I feel his cock jerk once more with excitement. Because it’s true. We need each other … and nothing will hold us back.