3. The Democracy Problem

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28 K. Nicolaïdis, ‘We, the peoples of Europe’, Foreign Affairs (November/December 2004); K. Nicolaïdis, ‘European democracy and its crisis’, Journal of Common Market Studies 51/2 (2013); D. Innerarity, ‘What must be democratized? The European Union as a complex democracy’, in S. Champeau, C. Closa, D. Innerarity and M. Poaires Maduro (eds), The Future of Europe: Democracy, Legitimacy and Justice after the Euro Crisis (London: Rowman & Littlefield International, 2015).

29 J. Hoeksma, EU and EMU: Beyond the 2005–2014 Crises Decade, DSF Policy Paper no. 51 (Amsterdam: Duisenberg School of Finance, April 2015), p. 4.

30 R. Bellamy, ‘An ever closer union among the peoples of Europe: republican intergovernmentalism and demoicratic representation in the EU’, Journal of European Integration 35/5 (April 2013).

31 F. Scharpf, ‘Political legitimacy in a non-optimal currency area’, in O. Cramme and S. Hobolt, Democratic Politics in a European Union under Stress (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015).

32 Economist Intelligence Unit, Democracy Index 2016: Revenge of the ‘Deplorables’ (London: The Economist, 2017), p. 7.

33 J. Dawson and S. Hanley, ‘The fading mirage of the “liberal consensus”’, Journal of Democracy 27/1 (2016).

34 A New EU Framework to Strengthen the Rule of Law, COM(2014)158 (Brussels: European Commission, 19 March 2014); Annexes to the Communication: A New EU Framework to Strengthen the Rule of Law (Brussels: European Commission, 11 March 2014); A. Magen, ‘Cracks in the foundations: understanding the great rule of law debate in the EU’, Journal of Common Market Studies 54/5 (2016).

35 P. Bárd, S. Carrera, E. Guild and D. Kochenov, An EU Mechanism on Democracy, the Rule of Law and Fundamental Rights, CEPS Papers in Liberty and Security in Europe no. 91 (Brussels: Centre for European Policy Studies, April 2016).

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42 Economist Intelligence Unit, Democracy Index 2016, p. 17.

43 N. Munin, ‘The Five Presidents’ Report: the dogs bark but the caravan moves on?’, European Politics and Society 17/3 (2016).

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46 J. Fossum, Democracy and Legitimacy in the EU: Challenges and Options, IAI Working Papers 16/01 (Rome: Istituto Affari Internazionali, February 2016).

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48 T. Raunio, ‘The role of national legislatures in EU politics’, in O. Cramme and S. Hobolt, Democratic Politics in a European Union under Stress (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015).

49 R. Bellamy and A. Weale, ‘Political legitimacy and European monetary union: contracts, constitutionalism and the normative logic of two-level games’, Journal of European Public Policy 22/2 (2015).

50 A. Gostyńska-Jakubowska, The Role of National Parliaments in the EU: Building or Stumbling Blocks? (London: Centre for European Reform, June 2016).

51 J. Fossum, ‘Democracy and differentiation in Europe’, Journal of European Public Policy 22/6 (2015).

52 H. Grabbe and S. Lehne, ‘Emotional intelligence for EU democracy’, Carnegie Europe [website] (26 January 2015).